My liver STILL hurts from drinking all weekend. How fucked am I?
My liver STILL hurts from drinking all weekend. How fucked am I?
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I used to think my liver hurt from drinking but it was just my gallbladder
and then what happened? how do i make this shit go away?
Wat. i drink nearly every day and never had any sort of liver pain. seek help
Probably cause you’re never sober to feel pain. It only hurts when I don’t drink
Drink water you idiot
i am i've been drinking plenty, my piss has been clear since yesterday
Drinking history?
Any other symptoms?
Pain Change with meals?
binge drinking every weekend for 10 years
stomach has been slightly upset
kinda, i cant tell since the pain comes and goes
I'm a newly practicing gastroenterologist specializing in inflammatory bowel disease...
At a certain point, you will not be able to reverse what you are doing to your liver and we will not be able to help you. The scarring will eventually cause your liver to not function; bile ducts will scar and we will have to give you ursodiol(and cholestyramine to treat the symptoms of the recirculating bile acid accumulation in your blood that your liver would normally have removed) ultimately to stall an eventual extremely painful and long death. This is why I do not go near the ICU anymore unless it is for IBD.
I'd ask about your symptoms etc but I really don't gives shit to help drinkers anymore.
Listen to the medfag, I used to drink a litre of vodka a day for several months, and for at least three years before it got that bad I'd drink 10+ beers most nights of the week. At the end of my last blowout, it got dark. Hospital, dt's, detox, the whole shebang. My bp was 180/110 for a time, I could've literally gotten a stroke. My bloodwork wasn't looking too shiny either.
Long story short, sober for two years now, and literally everything got better. I'm a bonafide competitive athlete now, just went to my second bjj tournament. Lost both, that's true, but two years ago I couldn't walk 30 paces without getting red in the face and out of breath, so I'm counting this at least as a win. And at 31 I have many more competitions ahead of me, because I quit early enough for my body to heal the damage. You can, too.
Just quit drinking you stupid faggot.
i don't drink THAT much, i just go overboard on the weekends. otherwise i drink water and exercise regularly
im hoping this is just some gallbladder shit that is going to go away soon
fuck man for some reason Ive always hated drinking and I would gag whenever I smelled alcohol. Missed out on alot of social situations but im glad my body rejected that poison. 28 and have never drank more than a beer or a glass of wine in one sitting before feeling sick. Feels good.
how did you stop? especially surrounded by people who always want to drink ?
how did you fight that "feeling" you get on a friday night wanting to go out with the bros and run amok in the city?
At first, fear of death. After my health improved to the point where the temptation started setting in again, martial arts. Can't drink if you're getting choked to unconsciousness three times a week. Don't want to drink if you know a hangover will make you shit on the mat. And don't get me started on what my coach would do to me if I ever showed up to practice reeking of booze.
That's what I thought, faggot. Your writing has all the hallmarks of an alkie in the making, denial is a hell of a drug. Enjoy the ride.
And "some gallbladder shit" caused by drinking won't go away unless you stop drinking, not for long anyway. And next time it might be something more. At any rate, I agree with the medfag that trying to help drinkers is a waste of time. Ironic, since I was one for a long time, but I know how we think. There is no helping a person in that frame of mind.
pretty based. thanks for your input
Does your skin flush easily when you have some alcohol? You might be intolerant, which is fine. Fuck, I wish I got sick the first time I tried booze, instead of getting a heroin-like high. Would've saved me many wasted years.
Reminder that Jews literally dance around singing songs about great it is that they're sober while you're drunk off the booze they sold you
Pessimistic assholish point of view on alcoholics but sadly true. When you're a drunk you'r the only person that can do anything about it and people trying to help you are wasting their time. It's sad that it usually takes extreme shit like almost dying or ending in prison to make you react.
probably fucked, sometimes one bad night can ruin your life, you accumulate damage then suddenly *pop* you're fucked for life. Unironically go see a doctor asap
Heavy Drinking by Herbert Fingarette
>destroys your disease theory of alcoholism
Used to be like that too. I quit alcohol for 3 months. Had 6 beers one night (enough for a buzz) and the next morning I couldn't keep down my oatmeal without dry heaving.
If the gastroenterologist ITT, someone who has studied like 10 years studying this shit doesn't care, nobody does.
if it is some gallbladder shit it's probably not going away, you might need surgery
>Chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is long-lasting inflammation of the pancreas. It most often happens after an episode of acute pancreatitis. Heavy alcohol drinking is another big cause. Damage to the pancreas from heavy alcohol use may not cause symptoms for many years, but then the person may suddenly develop severe pancreatitis symptoms.
user, your family cares, your loved ones care, your bros care, some of your friends care...They have to hopelessly watch as you're slowly destroying yourself.
The butthole doctor would be the last person to have interest in you getting better.
he's the only one in the thread that gave any real information
Shikker iz der goy
>drunk is the goy
Shikker iz er
>drunk is he
Trinken miz er
>he must drink
Vayl er iz a goy!
>cuz he's a goy
Nichter iz der Yid
>sober is the Jew
Nichter iz er
>sober is he
Lernen miz er
>he must study
Vayl er iz a Yid!I
>cuz he's a Jew
You'll be fine just take it easy.
> 31
> bonafide competitive athlete
> bjj