Who else here /fitlit/?

Who else here /fitlit/?

>Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
>1984 by George Orwell
>Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
>Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper (youtube.com/watch?v=CEsesnzDBvA)

>not realizing the medical industry makes money off your disease and suffering
>not realizing new inventions are being held back for money
>not realizing you're supporting the "Big Brother" AI system by using the google captcha
>not improving yourself physically and mentally to fight the new world order

never gonna make it

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reading is for nerds lol

I'm reading Crime and punishment atm

never gonna make it

1984 is p boring compared to Animal Farm imo
You should be reading philosophy

I love Alan Watts, he's the first philosopher I started listening to. Still one of my faves.

Reading hyperion by dan simmons currently cause i like sci-fi stuff.
Also, never try to read don quijote, its always regarded as a top book here in 4chins but if any of you have tried to read it you would realize how much it sucks. Even worse in old-spanish, dont know how are the english traductions

which translation? Constance Garnett is the best imo.

>Eckhart Tolle
Stop it

7 habits of highly effective people is pretty based, the title is clickbait but the content is extremely good

Fuck all that useless garbage and read Nietzsche, after that move onto guenon and then Evola.

>Eckhart Tolle
Boy I sure hope you're a 40 years old mom who does yoga

lmao @ all brainlets here. read infinite jest, its the only book you need. you might as well quit reading after it because its truly the pinnacle of literature. retards

Anyone who has past issues dealing with women: read this book.

If a fat alcoholic 50 year old can bed tons of young women and not give a fuck, you can too. I'm not advocating following his footsteps exactly, but you can apply some of his dgaf attitude

Plus its fun to read. You dont always gotta read smartypants shit

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based boomer

t-thanks bro

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Read of mice and men this weekend and I'm reading brave new world now. Just started reading in a long time too.

What does the book say on how to pick up women though

deadlift them

this, jfc

hehe le trole

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Charles bukowski was full of shit. Any "beautiful" woman he banged was after he got that cult of beatnik pussy around him. You should imagine any woman he describes fucking before that point as being of the type a broken down ugly alchoholic would attract.

who is that whore

More like /fithis/, just got

Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews by Albert Lindemann

The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing by E. Michael Jones

I only read mango

How's highschool

you tell us user

It's a college sophomore book desu senpai

This especially all you retards reading philosophy. Completely worthless. Play team sports instead.

Why not both?

Spotted the virgin incel

I like reading Industrial Society and It's Future by Ted Kaczynski between sets.

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I guess if you feel that philosophy enriches your life in some way, go for it. I see zero value in emulating what some long dead person thinks.

False. Philosophy underlies everything else and until you digest Nietzsche you're a soullet

This wholeheartedly
Nietzsche is self improvement for grown-ups

someone please sauce me on the op pic girl

So overrated.

Based Unabomber poster. He totally gets leftists: oversocialization

Based schizo poster

Post your thoughts on it What did you not like about it?

Ah yes, the experiences and insights a person has made are worthless after their death. At last I truly see

Nietzshe would be a modern day Jow Forums poster lol. Most philosophers would actually. Buncha fuckin' dorks.


Nietzsche is literally all about how not to be Jow Forums like the rest of philosophy.

Schopenhauer is Jow Forums brainlet

>I see zero value in emulating what some long dead person thinks.
That's definitely the most arrogant and pretentious thing I've read in months.

People are only dead when they are referred to for the last time

I don't know, man. Every time I read up on the philosophers that are popular on Jow Forums, they seem like cringey edgelords which I suppose is why they're popular with Jow Forums.

>everytime i read brief descriptions of these philosophers they seem dum!!!1
Keep being an ignorant fuck, that's a great way to live life.
At least read their shit and try to understand what they're saying before posting your baseless opinions on here.

Just saying I get a very Jow Forums supreme gentleman vibe from reading about most of these guys. Turns me off from wanting to explore their work further.

>Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Read this a long time ago and it was surprisingly decent.

>Bruh I read the Deleuze wiki page that makes me qualified to summarize his thoughts

so be it

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong but I have a hunch that the philosophers that are most popular on Jow Forums tend to have a general redpilled, MGTOW air about them.

Never Going To Make It

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heh brainlets

come back to me when you've read all of jung, evola, heidegger and spengler

Alright, you are entitled to your biases. Nothing I say will convince you otherwise. However, know that you are wrong.

>i want a philosopher who makes me FEEEEL GOOD

I want a philosopher that wouldn't be a cringelord Jow Forums poster if he were alive today. Where are the 6' plus Chad philosophers at?

still Nietzsche and no one's even close

Literally Plato
He was a wrestling champ an' shit
Also Aquinas was a tall Chad

He diagnosed today's society, perfectly accurately, 20-odd years ago.

He was objectively right in his manifesto.

>Tommy Aquinas
lifetime virgin. father didn't want him to be a monk. literally hired a whore to tempt him and Tommy said "begone, thot." Which makes him the Chad Virgin I suppose.

You actually make me want to read it.

300 some pages into "For whom the bell tolls" and I realized I needed a break so in the meantime i've read a nostalgic fiction book, "Storm of Steel" (again) and I'm currently reading "Catch-22." I have a few others I want to read but for sure will finish Hemingway after this.

>For whom the bell tolls
Good but The Sun Also Rises is perfect

heidegger evola and carl jung were some of the biggest chads who ever lived.

Evola was such a chad he climbed mountains and served in world war 1 and then in WW2 he was just walking around contemplating life and shit while artillery strikes were going on which ended up striking him and he became crippled.

He makes some good points but Kacynski was mostly just advocating stereotypical hippie stuff desu.


Unironically life-changing read.


I feel "overrated" perfectly fits it, it's not even that I disliked the book so much, it's just that it wasn't worth the hype. As well as many other books in the Russian literature curriculum, really, but Dostoyevsky seems to be the most hyped in the West. I mean, JBP constantly babbling about what a great book it is, Sasha Grey posting photos of it. Everyone has heard of it. It is considered to be something deep.

But what is it, really? I didn't find it revealing in any way. It doesn't really teach anything, because let's be honest, all that conventional stuff about how intrinsically precious human life is and how it is necessary to have some internal limits is bullshit and bluepilled in the most literal sense of the word. If anything, this is that fake image of the world you must to get rid of in order to survive in a harsh environment where you have to compete with actually redpilled people, who see it's bullshit and can act accordingly. So if you propose this as the essence of the book, let's just say it's highly opinionated. And what else is it? Clever, fun to read? More like depressing in a way monologues of a depressed person are depressing. I don't see how exactly is it worth the time spent. So, yeah, overrated.

>for whom the bell tolls
>A Farewell to Arms
>The Sun Also Rises
These are the three I want to read from him before moving onto someone else really

Wanna smash. On an unrelated note, this pic is hotter than what most girls look like naked. What a time to be alive.

Nietzsche said Dostoyevsky was the last guy to teach him anything

Julius Evola was such a chad he's the only person I know who criticized fascism FROM THE RIGHT.

anyway il stop sperging out now. if ya want watch that lecture and then decide if ya want to read their shit, its worth it.

This looks just like the chick I fucked at my friend's wedding.
She was really hot.
Thanks for triggering me OP. Now I have to think about how hot the sex was with this bitch all night with no release, because I'm on nofap.
Bait pics like this should be illegal.

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Dont forget The Old Man and the Sea.

Kek. Evola basically sounds like Jow Forums incarnate. Pretty based.

This, but strictly for fiction. Nonfiction is god-tier.

I'd disagree - hippy mentality is very much just "letting things be", whereas Kaczynski advocated a total return of existential freedom to the point of violent revolution against the system. They seem pretty incompatible, although it admittedly depends on what the agreed hippy definition is.

Nietzsche is overrated as well, but for entirely other reasons. What he tells are things that did seem like a common sense when you were 14, but the bluepilled people society cringed at you because you are too young and don't know life, but Nietzsche is 70 and writes these common-sense-sort-of-things in an unnecessary convoluted and metaphorical manner, so to be considered something clever by the bluepilled people society without even really understanding what it's about. Worthless fad.

Nietzsche stopped writing in his 40s, died in his 50s, and had insights about psychology and the intellectual life no one's even caught up to yet. I love it when brainlets shit on Nietzsche, they give themselves away 100% of the time, you don't know anything dude

Thanks for the read user.

Is charles bukowski /fitlit/? His brand of "stoic" cynicism gives me strength in a weird way.

“I've never been lonely. I've been in a room -- I've felt suicidal. I've been depressed. I've felt awful -- awful beyond all -- but I never felt that one other person could enter that room and cure what was bothering me...or that any number of people could enter that room. In other words, loneliness is something I've never been bothered with because I've always had this terrible itch for solitude. It's being at a party, or at a stadium full of people cheering for something, that I might feel loneliness. I'll quote Ibsen, "The strongest men are the most alone." I've never thought, "Well, some beautiful blonde will come in here and give me a fuck-job, rub my balls, and I'll feel good." No, that won't help. You know the typical crowd, "Wow, it's Friday night, what are you going to do? Just sit there?" Well, yeah. Because there's nothing out there. It's stupidity. Stupid people mingling with stupid people. Let them stupidify themselves. I've never been bothered with the need to rush out into the night. I hid in bars, because I didn't want to hide in factories. That's all. Sorry for all the millions, but I've never been lonely. I like myself. I'm the best form of entertainment I have. Let's drink more wine!”

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It's literally free on the internet

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Dude was a huge drunk but his writing is enjoyable.

I haven’t a read a book for my own personal enjoyment in years (not including school books), can someone recommend a couple books that can help me get started and enjoy reading again?

>He hasn't read about Romanian fascist roots

Thanks dude, been looking for this

Storm of Steel, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Homer's Odyssey. These are good story books, I like these despite mostly enjoying non-fiction (history and philosophy stuff)

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Albert Ellis did a lot for me, just ahead of Wayne Dyer. É challenges as well: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Prime

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Anyone got recommendations for reading about Napoleon and the wars of the coalition?

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you are literally a brainlet caricature. Greeks and Romans are essential to understand Nietzsche. Evola is fascinating but hyped way too much on this board. Guenon needs some proper islamic reading and understanding to 'get' as well.

You can't just jump into literature like that, there is nothing wrong with reading more approachable work instead.

I'm reading Burning Bright in the Shadowrun universe and just finished Fade To Black. Pretty happy with the ending and all the just deserts Rico gets for his 'muh honor' sthick.

Read a book about Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt that was pretty good

Plus source

friendly reminder that the only philosophic work you need to read is Plato, after that just go outside

The guy who does the Revolutions podcast know his shit. Listen to him or check out the bibliography he has listed to find decent options.

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>shooting the nose off of statues thousands of years old

French are worse than nogs

I never liked him at all, he's like an edgy and disaffected high-schooler in a grown man's body.
Everything he's written boils down to "dude society's weird and shit maaaaan, why am I so much smarter than everyone else". Letting that kind of thought define you instead of looking for some kind of meaning in the gloom is the mark of a brainlet.