Addressing the elephant in the room

Alright, ill just go right ahead and say it

Jason Blaha, regardless of shit genetics and the way he looks, actually gives some of the best if not the best lifting and nutrition advice of any youtuber. You CANT argue this.

Attached: The Monster.jpg (678x381, 31K)

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What is it that people even dislike about him?

>warm ups are useless

he looks like shit

Something about him larping as a vet/assasin a few years ago or something

Agree, best fitness youtuber around

Warmups how he described in his video is useless you immobile fatty. All he says to do is 1-2 reps jumping 40kg up at a time until you get to your working weight

If you cant go from no weight straight to working sets without warmup anyway you are unathletic

Who gives a shit?

Who gives a shit about that? He doesn't even mention shit like that at all in any of his videos now.

Im saying thats the reason people seem to be salty at him or something. I agree it a bit odd but has no bearing on his lifting experience

Fuck OFF blaha you are a Retard and everyone hates you

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