When do you think it is acceptable to use mixed grip and then straps for deadlifts?

when do you think it is acceptable to use mixed grip and then straps for deadlifts?

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if grip is a limiting factor for you, use straps as seldom as possible, if it isn't, use tham as often as you like

should i be hook gripping?

Both, at the same time? Never.

>open fit while eating almond
>this is page 1 top of fit

Attached: necron stare.jpg (210x189, 14K)

everyone I see in the gym using straps I think is a pussy, no offence. I lose instant respsect for anyone using straps

Never. Just use hook grip.

retards on Jow Forums will tell you it doesnt count unless it's DOH. it's a big cope since everyone pulling 600+ uses hook, mixed, or straps. if grip isn't the limiting factor with DOH, you have a really weak deadlift
it's "acceptable" to use straps whenever you will benefit from them, and mixed is always fine, just keep your supinated arm straight.

i guess world class strongmen are pussies then

are you a world class strongman or are you a pussy using straps on a 250lb deadlift?

i pull 500x3@205 at 19 but i dont see how thats relevant

>using straps for only 500lbs

500 kilos idiot

can you double overhand 500 pounds? most people cant .

>eating almonds
Low test


post body

>tfw you need straps for your shitty RDL at 240 lbs

iktf, RDLs are brutal on the grip because of the change of momentum

so my grip isnt that shitty? never did conventional dl so i dont know

it's probably not as bad as you think, i have issues gripping RDLs even with straps, using a weight i can double overhand easily on a normal dl

thanks buddy i feel a lot better

If you dont like your thumbs, sure

It really does not matter unless you plan on competing in powerlifting meets. Even then powerlifters do use them sometimes.

Your respect is very important to them, I'm sure

It's up to your goals.
If you're really concerned about grip strength then go overhand, otherwise mixed and straps if you're more focused on just being able to pull.

Bunch of pussies that won't power through DOH dead lifts using periodization and progression because there body dysmorphia has turned into a form of ego numbers dysmorphia. You guys need to get your shit together. None of you compete, and the few that do woohoo way to go your competing in the most irrelevant "sport". Enjoy your body imbalances doing mixed grip lifting. Do they do mixed grip in Olympic lifting? You should lift to become a stronger/faster/healthier athlete not to impress your boys with a sick bod and numbers.
>Muh belt/ my straps/ my grip/ my stance/ she/he are only stronger cause roids

check out dr. deadlift hook grip vid, the guy deadlifts 900+ with hook grip, pretty proves that straps are a fucking meme like lifting gloves.

mixed grip for almonds and straps for the unsalted ones

>mixed grip in oly lifting
did you even think this through
>periodization for grip strength
no one besides arm wrestlers or grip "athletes" does this
>muscle imbalances from mixed grip
lmao just switch hands
>you should lift to become stronger
agreed, and grip is always the limiting factor in a DOH dl, so you're bottlenecking every other muscle from becoming stronger

>Did you even think this through
Yeah Olympic lifters don't deadlift mixed grip, they work progression using DOH grip
>no one besides arm wrestlers or grip "athletes" does this
Grip is improved using periodization and progression involving higher reps at bigger sets through lower weights and increased intensity
>lmao just switch hands
Go do your PR with switched hands you won't be able to lift it cleanly or successfully
>agreed, and grip is always the limiting factor in a DOH dl, so you're bottlenecking every other muscle from becoming stronger
Progress through your DOH with periodization and progression correctly involving differentiation in intensity and repition will improve your grip strength
>I do this for a living

>injured my right hand about 2 years ago
>broke or dislocated my ring finger, dunno never went to a doctor
>when I deadlift after 3 reps my right hand will slowly start opening
>usually able to get two more reps in before I cannot lift it anymore
Is this a grip strength problem or a result of injury? Also what does grip strength failing usually look like?

DOH grip strength failure is the bar rolling out of your hand even with perfect grip position. Injured finger will lead to the same result earlier than you without an injured finger.
Do you understand that?
Go to a doctor and proceed to get your finger fixed.

I used mixed grip once grip strength became a limiting factor to my deadlift. I’m fine with just mixed grip for now

>tfw you discover how much soi is in almonds

You are fine taking the easy way out and creating imbalances and using incorrect technique.

>Go to a doctor and proceed to get your finger fixed.
2 years ago, not much can be done now
>bar rolling out of your hand even with perfect grip position
No I mean my fingers will be in pic related position for last rep, is this how normal grip failure goes or does it just drop out the hands unexpectedly?

Attached: hand.jpg (1300x1049, 77K)

You would be surprised what a physical therapist can do
That is a lot better than monkey knuckle gripping which is the usual try and just tighten your thumbs more experiment with hook grip with your thumb wrapped

>olympic lifts only DOH
they hook, which takes grip out of the equation even more than mixed
>higher reps at bigger sets through lower weight and increased intensity
>lower weight and increased intensity
intensity = weight relative to 1rm so that makes no sense
>go do your PR with switched hands
why would anyone have to do that? the majority of "muscle imbalances" would come from submaximal volume the weeks leading up to a PR, which is light enough work to do clean, successful reps with using switched hands
>Progress through your DOH with periodization and progression correctly involving differentiation in intensity and repition will improve your grip strength
obviously its possible to improve grip strength by training it. but by always limiting yourself to what you DOH, your glutes, hams, quads, erectors, lats, and traps are missing out on stimulus
>i do this for a living
tell me more

>mixed grip



When you can’t hook grip anymore.

im a dyel at 67 kg and im at 100 kg deadlifts now. but towards the final reps the bar always starts slipping out of my hands. i tried to look into hook grip but i dont think im doing it right, anyone have any tips?