Today's reminder

Today's reminder.

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>not drinking goats milk
Making it is no longer an option for you

people who drink milk live longer

Citation needed

What is this mysterious hormone?

>like breathing? stay out of the water
>studies show that upwards of 95% of all dorwning happen around bodies of water
>it's not even natural for humans to be in water of any kind- even drinking water can kill you
this is fun

if someone knew it won't be misterious DUHHH

IGF-1 - its not a cancer promoting hormone its a growth hormone that will help cancer grow once you already have cancer.

It increases growth hormone which is why kids who drink a bunch of milk during their growth spurts grow a few inches taller than otherwise. It also helps to generate new bone and muscle tissue which is why powerlifters and bodybuilders have recommended using whole milk to bulk forever.

The jews used to push drinking milk that's all you need to know
Fuck that poison i don't get sick anymore since i gave it up

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daily reminder that milk contains mamallian estrogens

daily reminder it literally has no negative effect on your gains

if mammalian estrogen has no effect on gains THEN GOD DAMNED PLANT ESTROGEN IN $o¥ HAVE NO EFFECT ON GAINZ

Reminder that milk is all the pus and cancer cells from a cow.

Who gives a shit
I got like dozens of x rays as a kid and i open the microwave before its done everytime
Im already fucked lets see how far i can take it

an xray is like 3 days worth of radiation it literally does nothing to you

>cancer promoting
promoting != causing
bye bye fagg

> having this weak of an understanding of cancer

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If dubs your Mom is diagnosed with terminal cancer within six months, OP.

And she'll suffer in agony because you went on the internet and told lies.

Vegan propaganda bullshit. If you don't drink at least a gallon jug a day you're a sissy bitch

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(((Citation Needed)))

Drink more onions goyim.

I've been drinking GOMAD for 1 year now. You can;t stop me. White peopel don't get cancer from milk.

>I've been drinking GOMAD for 1 year now. You can;t stop me. White peopel don't get cancer from milk.
you must be one thicc boy i used to think i was stuck at 86kgs GOMAD got me to 106 kek everyone thought i was on gear

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Huh so I can attribute my height to my 2 bowls of cereal a day as a teenager. Thanks milk.


absolutely mogged

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Rolling to ensure OPs punishment

This is the only I'm 6ft even though my parents are 5'5" and 5'6"

That's why the human race died out from milking cows. Those sorry bastards.

Best way to trigger this board is talking about milk and dick size

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>Don't get cancer
>Don't have to worry

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Cow milk is literally just as bad as soi milk for newborns, unironically.
Breastmilk doesn't impact the sex organs of the babies, but both cow milk and soi milk do, this has been shown to be the case using the scientific method.

WTF am I looking at?

>will help cancer grow once you already have cancer.

You know you already have cancer right, you fucking retard? Everyone has miniscule cancers in their body that either get taken care of by the immune system or remain dormant for years. IGF-1 makes those grow.

GOMAD and stay mad OP

Milk is good.

And then IFNg makes those die fgt
t. Jow Forumssci/

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>dumb roastie puts her mouth on the team bottles
And here I thought the nigs were the low IQ ones.

I drink milk because shitskins cant

I drink milk just to flex on niggers

Im shitskin and everyone i know can drink milk just fine it’s not a superpower cracker

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drink 4 liters and get back to me

>caring abiut getting cancer after 60+
NevEeer gonna MAke It

>drank a shitton of milk as a kid and early teen
>stopped drinking it in my late teens because it gave me atrocious acne
I'm tall but I wonder how much taller I'd be if I'd kept my milk height gains going.

thats true