Why even lift when you will never look half as good as Prime Pitt on your best day?

why even lift when you will never look half as good as Prime Pitt on your best day?

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to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Cause you still have a life in front of you dumb fuck. You'll never look like people you don't look like wow who would of thought. Go get smarter stronger faster healthier happier who gives a fuck just go do something and stop wallowing.

Prime Pitt was truly an ultrachad

To make my small penis appear comically small and make my bros laugh

Better to be 2/10 than 1/10

That being said, a good portion of women find me attractive (while the other find me repulsive (


he's a cuck

I don't find men attractive, so I don't think about how attractive they are. I only know Brad Pitt is desirable because many people say so, he just looks like a guy to me.

Almost a real man

>Brad Pitt is desirable
Wew! Get a pozzed load of this felching faggot

I actually have a tiny cock (grows to above average).

Best of both worlds. I satisfy women while being able to pose naked like a greek statue

If it grows above average your just being a woman about it. Stop being a big clitted woman about things

Who gives a fuck? Not me.

Why post a story about your succulent clitty if you dont care, Helen?

I like my penis. I care about my penis. Why do you care about it?

To become the best version of yourself, user. Why else would you bother do anything in life?
>why go to school when you will never be as smart as Einstein?
>why get a job when you will never be as rich as Bill Gates?
>why have sex when you will never have sex with as many women as Ron Jeremy?

Your words are moving. Its hard not to

Describe the nature of your penis

Major cope

Remindrr that frank yang obtained brad pitts body in 2012

wow user you so MAN.

Either insecure with sexuality or too autistic to discern basic facial proportion aesthetics

>why improve yourself if you won't be the best
You idiot you are just supposed to be better than you used to be