I have all the symptoms of low test including extreme gyno.
My doctor doesn’t give a shit and won’t even admit I have gyno let alone give me a testosterone test.
Should I kill myself?
I am very honestly going to kill my self soon over this.
Girlfriend left me and I realise I’m never gonna get one again.
Here’s a picture of bobs (that makes them look way smaller than they really are).
Can’t even have kids cause ill just be passing down these shit genetics on them
Low test / gyno / wanna kill myself
>extreme gyno
oh come on
That's not gyno that's just fat, piggie
Here’s a more realistic photo, I’m 6’1”, 170lbs
It’s extreme gyno
This new pic doesn't invalidate all the fat around your waist we saw in the first pic
But I’ve got friends fatter than me that don’t have b cups
Wtf is wrong with me? I’ve been lifting for a year and made no progress. Id give me entire left arm not to have gyno / shit genetics
You’re really skinny fat
Yeah and having small frame, low muscle and high bf plus gyno must mean my test must be like 1/4th of the average males
everybody stores fat differently.
M8, there may be hormonal imbalances going on. Unless you're committed to pursuing trt I recommend you maximise your training and diet. I mean maximise 100%, if you're serious about suicide what do you have to lose putting 100% of your effort into bettering yourself.
I have a similar problem, low test, hypothyroidism and a pituitary tumor, if I can overcome and be happy you'll be fine nigga.
I’m heaps serious about killing myself, when I really think about it if I can’t be normal at the least and I’m broken I can’t do any of the things I want
I’m a freak
Seeing you'd give ur left arm not to have gyno, lets put that to the test. I can guarantee you can fix your Gyno if you are willing to get into fasting. Its a test of will power, so how bad do you want it? Fasting is your answer.
Set small goals, slowly increase the days. Try to get good at doing 7 day water fast. Your body will adapt, hormones will be balanced. Body will be healed.
I’m sure it can’t be that easy,
But I won’t eat for 7 days.
Get testosterone boosters(not steroids) work out a shit ton while eating a lot. Then go on a fast for 2 days then 4 days then 6 days then for a maximum of 15 days if you arent lean and mean after the fasting you may have bigger problems.
PS. Go to a different doctor or just test them yourself. If you want to know you need to get the info yourself.
7 days won't fix the problem, ultimately you need to lower your body fat % + balance hormones. Fasting will aid with both of these. There is usually a fasting general on Jow Forums to visit.
Find a balance how long you can fast, if you can do 7 day streaks, thats great, maybe 2-3 days, okay thats a start.
Your body will use your fat as fuel
I teach you the oveman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?
"All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do YOU want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man?
What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm.
OP, stop acting like a victim, stop thinking you have bad genetics.
Change your diet, and change your training.
Get into bodybuilding focused training, lots of reps and high volume.
And the most important part is, stop eating carbs, eat moderate fats and protein, eat only carbs before bed if you must.
Trust me on this shit, it literally cured my "gyno" which in reality was just fucking fat AND an inflammatory response in the body from the overconsumption of carbs.
Some poeple just respond really badly to a high carb intake, for example in the morning when I'm fasted my chest looks chiseled but throughout the day as I start eating more and more carbs on a regular diet I do look pudgy and puffy.
If I do water fasting for a whole day, I never get any issues, and if I eat nothing but protein and fat I also get no issues.
So it's not just water retention, it's some weird bodily response that's really individual that I don' know exactly what it is but it IS a thing in many people, and in certain people they deposit more water around the nipple region and chest for whatever reason.
Trust me OP on this shit, pic related what I used to look like.
And here is what I look like now.
How do you eat no carbs forever?
What do you replace bread, pasta, etc with?
Any other tips?
You never really had tits as bad as mine but if I could progress like you did it would probably give me more hope to live.
I already do PPL and I’m at about 3/4 the way to 1/2/3/4.
Feels like I’ve just been wasting my time
Quit complaining and keep working.
Just stop eating bread and pasta, or if you absolutely have to eat those, eat them before bed, when it doesn't matter what you look like.
That's when I usually eat some carbs in the form of fruit.
>You never really had tits as bad as mine but if I could progress like you did it would probably give me more hope to live.
Dude, don't give up, I remember cutting down and looking like a fat fucking skeleton trying to get rid of the chest fat and puffy nipples, and it didn't really help, I still had protuding bitch nipples at an extremely low bodyweight, the only thing that helped was doing a lot of training volume and eating a high fat and protein diet, high fat and moderate protein works as well.
Sure, losing fat is necessary, but losing fat is only half the battle, you already probably know that you need to lose fat to look good, the rest is changing up your diet to fit your physiology, and that probably entails following a low-very low carb diet.
Double your upper body training volume.
I have rarely been fat, but trust me when I was on the "bulking" meme I had really noticeable bitch tits, and I was around as fat as you are right now.
Pic related is me after obsessing over my gyno and losing as much weight as possible, notice how I had no definition and I still had weird looking ass nipples and chest and ZERO muscle.
You have an extreme case of being unhappy and you are blaming some minor physical flaw on it.
Also you are kinda of chubby, lose that fat, you will be fine and the gyno will go away.
Here's me flexing after getting noticeably fatter but on a low carb diet and a high training volume.
Notice how my chest looks normal, nipples no longer protuding.
Low carbs makes you look all around better even without actually losing any bodyfat.
You're being a whiny manchild instead of being a man and working hard to sort your shit. You probably are low test since you're acting like a bitch.
You can top yourself or force yourself to work at it which will likely raise your test a bit anyway.
Thanks for the advice
I'm skinnier but have been cutting to get rid of that list bit of fat and pseudo-gyno. Haven't eaten breakfast/lunch (apart from some fruit/nuts here and there) for a week now and can see a difference. Plan on doing it for at least a month (less if i feel happy with results)
do it
It's highly unlikely you'll make it to 7 days on your first go. Go for it nonetheless and set a larger goal than what you previously got to, every time
How often
Go low/no carbs and your pseudo gyno will disappear, trust me.
All pseudo gyno is basically a mixture of too much fat and an excess of intracellular water being stored in the chest due to predisposition caused by genetics.
You could always take the quick route and use steroids. Get clen to strip off the fat.
Or look into SARMs.
I had legit gyno, had to get private surgery.
a lot of people have shit progress in their first year of training. you only see good online transformations because people will only share their results if they're worth sharing
it's just a bias
You clearly have some arm muscles, probably some on the rest of your body as well. Cut down to at least sub 15% bodyfat and you will definitely see some changes. If you stay fat obviously you will look like shit, no amount of muscle will fix that