
>I'm gonna pick him apart, and bully him in there, and absolutely mog him.
>mog him

Is Conor /ourguy/?


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He very clearly says maul mate

degenerate nigger

hes probably your guy because you dont have a good father as a role model

He said maul. He seems a little unhinged these days. Ever since his loss to Diaz, I am not too sure about his mental state. He built his whole image around being the best ever and then got beaten. Then he got beaten again. Maybe he will get beaten again. Not sure if Khabib can do it, but that AKA style of close-distance pressure fighting will definitely be the way to do it if he can pull it off.

>ruining the fun this much

hahaha yeah they let you funpost over on rededit

If I were him neither of those losses would bother me. He still fucked nate diaz up that whole fight and just got cocky and got himself choked out. Then he came back and fixed it. He was still clearly the better fighter but nate could take a beating. As far as mayweather, let him come into the MMA ring and see if he lasts 10 rounds against connor. Not a fucking chance. Mcgregor might literally be the best ever.

Connor became a total cringe, sad

>Mcgregor might literally be the best ever.

No thats easily GSP

Its not even close

But youre retarded so crayon

Kek are you intoxicated. Clearly the best ever is our lord and savior artem "t-rex" lobov

Fuck off you taig gobbling homo.

Diaz bitch slapped McNugget around that ring, he only ‘lost’ the second bout to keep Dana’s pet pikey happy along with all the autistic Connor fans.

Lmao Mcgregors not a pikey, he's a scanger, learn your Irish scumbag terminology or don't use it

Were you watching the same fight? Nate diaz ate strikes to the face throughout both of those.

spotted the Norn Iron, get fucked you cunt.

Maybe Connor will come and save you after the Brexit no deal.

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lmao no mcgregor is shit and mma is a joke

Born in Russia, Forged in Ireland

Still butthurt that we tek his flegg, angloids really are the worst

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Hey look man i'm all for bareknuckle no-holds barred as much as the next guy but this is what we've got to work with and it's better than boxing.

>No thats easily GSP

*blocks your path*

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no he doesnt

>unwilling to fight gsp at 125
Fucking coward should stop ducking

No mogging at 5'7".

Connor earned more money from fighting a black man than all of Dagistan has earned in history

He literally says the word maul. You know, because that's what it sounds like and what it would actually make sense for him to say.

Man Crushing

Can't wait to see Nurmagomedov fold him 7 times.

Actually I'm as big a conor hater as you can get, whilst still being realistic about his undoubted ability. Guys a fucking joke as a person and is legit bad for the future of the sport in many. many ways.

Fucking this.
Big name mma fights are rigged to pull in as much money as possible. And the Mcgregor vs mayweather fight was the most fixed fight ive ever seen. Some wwf matches from the 80s were more believable.
It was so obviously rigged i havent watched a fight since. They played everyone for chumps and they both made over $100m from it.

Fuck off
Mcgregor is absolutely a fucking dirty pikey, he just happens to be a famous one.
I unfortunately deal with these fucking tramps on a day to day basis and they all act the same dosnt matter if man, woman or child, they all run their mouth to get what they want and if they dont get it they try to intimidate you, if that dosent work they steal it.
If mcpikey wasnt famous he'd be the same, collecting scrap and theiving for a living.
Cunt needs a bullet.

true and redpilled

the absolute fucking effort they have to goto to surround these manlets with other manlets so the audience doesnt realise theyre embarrassments

McG v Diaz II was very rigged

Diaz knew he'd get a huge payday if he took a dive. Suddenly he forgets how to fight and le irishman wins. Since then Diaz hasnt fought once, waiting for the 3rd fight, so he can put a real hurt on Conor and get his payday

Yeah i watched that fight. I feel bad for diaz cause i dont think he'll take on another fight unless its mcpikey, and uncle dana wont let that happen and risk diaz fucking destroying his cash cow.
I hope they do get to fight again and diaz knocks that cunt out so hard it ends his career.
But unfortunately most of the fighters coming out of the uk and ireland at the moment are connor mcfaggot wannabes.
Bas rutten need to come out of retirement and start bitch slapping these niggers cold.

he will fight dustin poirier on ufc230, i wish there was a 3rd figth with conor a nate, but it seems that nate is finally ready to move on, for him waiting for mcgregor is stupid at this point

So you really think this is true? If he said he would have took a dive and then beat McGregor he would have got paid and people would want to see him fight instead of McGregor. If they refuse him his money he blows the lid on the whole things

McGregor and Mayweather was rigged though, just a spectacle rather than an actual fight

butthurt spic detected. Conor is forever the ufc GOAT

Noone else wouldve needed to be involved. Diaz couldve come to the (correct) conclusion that a 3rd fight would make him more money than any other number of fights. They call that a moral hazard in economics...

Conor is going to pick him apart.

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Khabib better drag this potato through the fucking mud

Who the fuck is Noone?

He plays mid for virtus pro

He may very well be the best. I acknowledge that readily. That said, I still how khabib destroys him simply because his antics are turning UFC into WWE.

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>Ever since his loss to Diaz
Oh my God you Diaz nuthuggers have to be the most delusional faggots on earth