/fitlit/ thread

I-Is it too autistic too read a book between sets? I really wanna read The Brothers Karamazov quickly so I can meet qt3.14 pixie-haired librarian girl again and talk about Kafka. Also, what books are you reading, bois? Talk about them!

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kafka a shit

you a shit

I read books on my phone all the time between sets.

The Brothers Karamazov was not witten by kafka.

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.
You will die wie ein hund and your shame will be the only thing that survives.

That is one way to do it, but books just feel better to read, you know? I want to stay away from a phone or computer screen for most of the day.
We were talking about Kafka's works you dense motherfucker. What I'm currently reading isn't related to that.

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So why do you need to finish the book before you meet her?

So I can return it and borrow a new one.

Plato is a communist faggot.

i was reading the devine comedy, just got after hell but uni is taking my time away
after that i plan on reading for whom the bell tolls

t. didn’t start with the greeks

>caring about the opinion of others
>in 2k18
Seriously man, just do it. Reading in between sets is nice, been doing it for like 2 years now and nobody has ever mentioned it.
Then again, I'm homegym masterrace.

Fuuuck I want a home gym now. Imagine autistically reading books completely naked in between squat sets, ass to mirror of course.

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I usually have audiobooks on high volume during homegym liftan. Nothing like busting out a widowmaker squat set while some deep voiced lad vigorously shouts out Demosthenes' third philippic

gr8 b8 m8

I can't comprehend audio books. You are completely lost if you zone out for 15 seconds.

yeah I mostly do it with stuff I already know, or new ones only during boring high rep stuff where I don't need to focus on the mind-muscle or w/e as much. but 's fun

Truly a terrible idea OP.
>won't be able to properly focus while in between sets because exhausted
>barely read more than a page page per rest
>sweat over all the pages
>look like a fucking idiot
i just guarantee you won't absorb any info from doing that and therefore missing the entire point of reading.

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This tbqh, whiny existentialist jews grind my gears.

I used to read between my sets but I changed gyms and the music is so loud that it distracts me too much. Bought a pair of good headphones and now I listen audio books while lifting.


Get an ebook and put it on your phone OP. I was a hopeless phone addicted faggot but then I had the bright idea to actually use my addiction to my advantage. Since you probably spend hours every day doing dumb phone shit, might as well use that time to do something productive. Your brain will still get those endorphins from using your phone plus you’ll just look like any other normie checking social media inbetween sets.

You won’t be able to understand the material you’re reading after a set.
> been reading a lot of short stories, found one called “Good Old Neon” by DFW and it’s way to relatable

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Is models from Mark Manson any good?

buy a Kindle, and read whatever you want at your own pace, and then go rent and return books whenever. Extra points because she'll think you're a fast reader

>Brothers Karamazov
>not the superior Demons

Re reading The Great Gatsby at the moment. Last time I read it was in high school and the ridiculous over analysis really ruined the story.

Reading it without that is fucking great. Excellent story.
>Narrator is a total bro, bones multiple qt's including athletes and tried to set up his buddy with his hot cousin
>Gatsby is kinda a bitch, basically constantly getting cucked by his oneitis
>Tom is literally an alpha Chad, married to the hottest girl, super rich, has a mistress and is still built af
>Jordan is basically that pretty girl who we all kinda knew and kinda liked before she became a bitch
>Daisy is annoying af; we all knew some pretentious butch like her who thought she was deep. The sort of person who'd be an insta hoe if she was born a few decades later

The characters so far are relatable in that I know or have known people with the same personality types, but the wealth means they're different enough to the people I know that it's pretty unpredictable.

Book is fucking great. The general way the characters live reminds me of the stories people used to share on Jow Forums.

So how did you like Inferno?

Found the first third of demons quite the chore, then it picks up.

The way the book can still feel relatable and in touch with current society just shows what a timeless classic it is.

You guys are probably right. Might as well read at home or at the park where it's comfy and quiet.
I don't like reading on the phone at all desu, nor do I use it very much. The phone is just an mp3 player and a camera for me.

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Marcus Aurelius on the ipad is something I seldom do between sets. Usually I just wanna space out and get my air back, but sometimes the thirst for wisdom is there.

based and accuratepilled

audiobooks are honestly for brainlets who just want to say they read a book without actually absorbing any of the themes or committing it to memory or critically analysing it, i.e. 99% of the population

>I-Is it too autistic too read a book between sets
You are autistic if you have to ask.
Do what you wanna do, you are a beta faggot for seeking validation.

I started working out because of this quote. I dont know I just found it so inspiring that I wanted to build an aesthetic, healthy greek body

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yeah. read in calmer and less distracting environments so you can actually focus and absorb the material. hope this doesnt deter you from reading.
not the same dude, but it was a great read. make sure you get an annotated version or one that explains the references because you'll miss a whole lot if you don't

smae, the quote which inspired me to get serious about lifting.

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qt librarian gf won't be at the gym, she'll be at home getting limp dicked by autistic math nerd or if she's not a meek dork, gigachad, like all women.

This. I’ve tried doing stuff like duolingo between sets, it just isn’t enough time and it breaks your focus too much. Anything that doesn’t let you frequently check your watch between sets is going to hurt your workout. Focus on your workout and then move on to other activites, don’t try to be lazy and take a shortcut to save time.

I feel the same way. I hated it in high school because we had to make annotations about dumb shit as we read. Now that I can actually just enjoy it it’s great.

If you plan on leaving humanity behind it doesn't matter that it looks autistic.

Btw. I'm reading Conan, highly recommend

If you're able to read a book between sets then you aren't lifting hard enough and will not leave humanity behind.

Books are great though.

Numerous studies show multitasking reduces effictiveness.

Only a brainlet trying to impress others would mix lifting with reading.

I need to read it, and then often go back and reread a paragraph just to soak it in effectively.

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Yeah, it rope-a-dopes you with the older Verkhovensky’s pithy story before it starts to get interesting.

I started Children of Dune last week, I like it INFINITELY more than Messiah

still not as good as the first book though.

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I'm reading The Republic by Plato right now. I'm sensing some protocommie-like undertones, but I might be just mistaken.

Decent I guess, but it won't get you anywhere. One of the first books I've read on my long way of self-improvement. What I took out of it is the following:
>don't give a shit about rejection, there's lots of girls in the world
>try to be as honest as possible with every girl you meet, show her your personality and see if she likes it instead of using tricks to get her
>don't spend too much time texting, use texts to set up dates
>women get attached to men not depending on the time spent together, but the amount of things done together (one night full of events gets her closer to you than seeing her everyday for a week doing one thing)
I recommend The Way of the Superior Man when it comes to understanding what makes women attracted to men. Also a good book for incels who hate women.

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

There is no central idea, but a combo of great personal wisdom.

I read it in the sun when I get my 30 minutes of scheduled vitamin D.

To begin my mind just doesn't absorb it, it's so poetic, but after about 10 minutes I'm engrossed and it all makes sense.

Reminds me of bible study when I was religious.

Thanks my man

Get a kindle and fill it with epubs

>going to the gym to escape depression
>reads karamazov during sets so he can stay depressed during improving

Also Ivan best boi

This give me more motivation to get a homegym really. I can do all sorts of stupid shit in between sets. I can study, shit-post, all that good shit in the comfort of my home.

How are you gonna handle big boy books if you don't know the diff between to and too?

Get an audiobook version you fucking autist

>Reading the devine comedy
>Devine comedy

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Reading that for a bit, but took a bit of a break. I was reading a shit-ton of philosophy for a while and I just straight-up got burnt out. Currently reading some stuff by Jason Fung. Anyone have any recommendations on lifting/nutrition stuff? It's my recent kick. Also,
>try to convice myself I still like vidya
>get incredibly guilty if I even play for 15 minutes
I-is this what it feels like to turn into an adult?

fitlit was not allowed to continue to exist

it was like this board + lit fused into vegito or some shit

it would have ushered in a new age of aesthetics

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Get emotional thinking about past traumas.
Take your shirt off between sets or when not using the bench
Choose your own loud music
Go and take a shit and come back
Setup the weights for the next days routine when you're finished so when you start the next day you don't have to go through the hassle of loading the weights
Open the garage for maximum natural wind gains
Watch the lightning crack and hear the thunder roar during lift storms

garage gym is so comfy. extraverts can't compete.

Yukio Mishiba is nice
Fit and feels, step up

You're autistic if you're bothered by how you look. Just do it. Some of the other regulars used to give me shit when I first started reading in between sets, but I just laughed it off and they left me alone after a while. It's great. I decompress my mind between sets so I can focus better when I lift.

Gotta read your way to 1/2/3/4 user.

How much should I spend on one? For now I just want a power rack, some olympic bumper plates (for oly lifts and DLs), and a bench. Later I can fuck around with dumbbells and other shit.

>not learning aesthetics while getting aesthetic

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It's not about how much you lift it's about how good you look. Low weight high reps baby

Under $2000 will get you everything you need.

Decline/Incline bench
Powercage (really doesn't need to be some huge expensive thing, it just needs to hold your weights and your bodyweight)
Rubber floor mats

You want to talk to librarian again but you took 800 page book ?!

>never gonna make it

Then why mention it? Are you insecure and think mentioning le intellectual reading material is gonna make us go: "wow..."? No, your real self is showing through the lines. Good luck with librarian girl though.


Dirty cheap. I bought this in 2013 and I've had no problems with it. It doesn't look as bulky or heavy as other power racks, but on a budget it'll do everything you need.

Thanks a ton you guys.

I'm reading The Count of Monte Cristo and loving the fuck out of it. Is lifting for revenge Jow Forums?

...so neglect becomes our ally

lifting in hermitmode is very count of monte cristo

return to the world more disciplined and strong, then reject all the motherfuckers who treated you badly before you went hermit

Based and redpilled


>learning about aesthetics from a communist kike

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Reading while lifting will completely fuck your reading speed, comprehension and retention.

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Audiobooks, you nogs.

Between lifting, cardio, stretching, and gym commute, I can get through four audiobooks a month like this. Lectues also work.

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audiobooks are trash, you don't have the same rention as when you read it on paper

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yeah i bet youre retaining a lot

I was gonna study all my textbooks for my law exam but then I remembered I could just listen to lecture mp3s and now im gonna def pass with flying colours!

Reminder lectures and all auditory learning is old fashioned fast-food-esque teaching designed to spread lots of general ideas to lots of people at once.

Conversely, instead of lots of general ideas to lots of people, reading can teach lots of specific ideas to one person - the reader.

The chad reader
The virgin listener

Yeah, I've noticed this. It's fine if it's something read just for the fuck of it, but if you actually want to retain information, it's way better to read, take notes, all that other stuff. I like listening to podcasts whenever I run, but fuck if I actually remember anything said.

Yeah as entertainment podcast/audiobooks/whatever are great for exercise. Especially cardio which is hella boring.

But if you want to learn something you are gonna have a bad time


Classic gym podcast. But I find I lose that aggression and fortitude that comes with the right kind of music. So I pretty much just listen to podcasts when I'm in a really bad mood and just want something to make me feel abit more positive.

what about super bad adhd anons who have trouble paying attention to books. I listen to audiobooks while I'm doing other things and it lets me actually absorb the information.

Stop believing the ADHD (((diagnosis))) and accept that learning to read is difficult and it's like any other skill which can be improved with practice.

You arent absorbing as much as you think if anything. To test yourself find a questionaire for a book online, lots of them exist, then test yourself after listening to a book.

Also remember that auditory learning is largely used as a meme to virtue signal someone being intellectually engaged.

You see all these intellectually insecure people say "oh I listened to a podcast/lecture whatever on XYZ" etc.

Their actual processing and retention of the information was probably piss poor. As all they had to do was hit play it didn't matter whether or not they were actually paying attention.

If it's something deep they could have zoned out. If it was a podcast it could be some horse shit that's so dumbed down you could literally read a 1 hour transcript in under 5 minutes and have a better understanding.

If you like listening to shit, great. But don't take it as an efficient uptick of information or believe others are informed because they listen to bullshit.

>still not as good as the first book though

None of them are, unfortunately. Part of the cost of getting as deep as the later books are is that the story stuffers as a result.

What are the main /fitlit/ books to begin with, can somebody please give me a quick rundown?

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i hear this one is pretty good

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Thanks user.

The Last of the Doughboys
Discipline Equals Freedom
Stoic Warriors
Man-Eaters of Kumaon
The Art of Contrary Thinking
Rhetoric and Kairos

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>Tfw it's true.

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Just listen to podcasts instead, too hard to read between sets

Almost done with Ruckmans Romans commentary, and I read the Bible every day.

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With Winning in Mind is another book id recommend. Good solid practical stuff (although some is abit impractical unless you feel like doing some shit that I didnt)


enjoy fucking up your eyes

the three musketeers

>not blessed alyosha
kys godless faggot

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