Fitness motivation

I went from a 3/10 to a solid 8/10 thanks to Jow Forums

Attached: 85781314.jpg (1200x1187, 104K)

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More like from 5/10 to 5/10.
The bait is real doe

we know it's not you user, why do you have to lie on a japanese image board ?

Is that’s really you then great job man

Me on the right first picture

7/10 tops
8/10 is male model territory.

Great job bro! If that is you, then I'm super proud of you! Two things though.
1. It looks as though you matched your tie with your pocket square. I hope I am mistaken, as this is a huge no-no.
2. You look pale in the second picture, although it is probably due to poor lighting.

>rating yourself
You're a 6 at most. And you still have the autism face

Well done bro. Stay fit.

Post your face you are probably a 4

>the fucking hate
You definitely look better than 80% of Jow Forums.
With that being said, you still got things to improve.

1) Get a tan. It increases your masculinity and aura of dominance
2) Your expression is a little autistic, but it might because it's a genuine smile
Otherwise good job bro, never stop improving

In the after pic you're trying too hard. Gain a natural attitudeand you're set.

Most I ever weighed was 270, started running a mile and a half every day for 5 months, down to 200 and feel amazing, now i workout everyday. Hoping to be toned out by the end of the year.

Nice cope
I'm not as much of a fag as OP to need validation from anonymous autists online, I know I'm a 8

you bang average, dont get that you made a tranformation get to your head, you will only get disappointed in real life, atleast here on fit we help you and tell the truth

You transformed from Ugly pathetic to normal average Joe.
Good work.

looking good bro.
this gives me hope.
how old are you? how long did it took from the first picture to the second?

Attached: midoge.jpg (640x640, 97K)

found this on a russian site

I went from being a fat fuck to being a skinny fuck despite Jow Forums and currently I going to become a fit fuck despite Jow Forums

seriously fuck Jow Forums, there is so much BS bro'science floating around its insane. I just drop buy for shits and giggles.

Attached: progress.png (1840x1000, 1.98M)

Is this pic you, user?

Attached: graham-2-678x381-c.png (678x381, 281K)

>made lifts bust still doesn't even lifts

so what websites do you go to get your fitness science?

>Well Jow Forums I made it, despite your directions

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