>injecting roids that shut down your natty t level instead of eating 36 eggs a day
i srsly hope you guys dont do this
its been proven that 36 eggs a day = natty dianabol cycle
>injecting roids that shut down your natty t level instead of eating 36 eggs a day
i srsly hope you guys dont do this
its been proven that 36 eggs a day = natty dianabol cycle
Enjoy the heart attack
No one would able to come near me. Just even putting 3 raw eggs in a shake causes death stench that wilts flowers...
I'll try it anyway tho, this cycle. Like 4 shakes a day each with 9 eggs. Fuck I don't think I'll make it past day two..
please be female
i mean not that it matters or anything but just imagine the smell haha
based brapper fetishist
>using outdated meme science
Based thinly veiled BRAP poster
Okay, but how? I can imagine eating 10,15, 20 if I'm completely insane. But 36 nigga? Thirty fucking six eggs a day on top of milk breakfast and all the other food? HOW ? if you tell me I'll do it
>Eggs don't contain calories so I need to eat all my other food on top of them
>bro why would you get 5 grams of creatine per day from a supplement bro, just buy and eat 5 kilograms of steak everyday bro girls love that shit
GOMAD is still necessary tho.
>uses bodybuilders who were on roids as reference
Holy shit you literally cannot be this fucking dumb.
... why
Why not? Won't hurt you.
and make sure to not cook it too since creatine is easily destroyed during cooking
/fit comes up with retarded shit on a monthly basis, it's hilarious
>It's necessary
>I-I mean it's not but rippletits recommends it
have fun becoming obese in the pursuit of intermediate strength and novice level muscle mass
See this is why no one can take you seriously. Eggs are healthy but saying that you should ONLY eat 36 eggs daily is absolutely FUCKing retarded
Not even Rich Piana or the Rock could have pulled this off
Fucking retarded, yet intriguing.
Guess i am a retard myself
I bet there will be at least one brainlet who'll take this seriously.
if you're already eating a meme diet like 36 eggs a day it definitely will
Why? Eat 36 eggs gallon of raw milk add some meat and oats and it's perfect bulking diet.
Fuck it, I've already tried a whole bunch of other meme diets this year, why not try this.
Wish me luck lads.
Jow Forums never ceases to amaze me with it's sheer idiocy.
You're a dumbass.
I hope some newcomers dont ever take advice from you or any of the brain dead assholes that infest this place.
The only thing 36 eggs a day is going to get you is sick to your stomach
Saying eggs are healthy is absolutely FUCKing retarded
They are healthy for what I want them for. I don't really care about scientific studies pulling some statistics about some 60year old faggots and old farts dying of high cholesterol. Step your game up boy or you might not make it. See you when you wake up on the other side
What about egg block?
I guess you could argue that they're not, but you have to keep in mind that almost nothing is truly 100% healthy, there's always a risk or a negative side of every food we eat.
I don't tell people eggs are healthy because I am not certain of their safety specially in people with predisposition for stroke.
it's the perfect diet to get fat
You are a disgusting waste of life.
Kys before someone else kills you first
This is disinfo. Store bought eggs won't do this nope. Fertilized unpasteurized raw eggs around 36 of those equals your steroid cycle. This is literally eating fetuses. I'm all for it I just can't find a source of raw fertilized unpasteurized eggs available. I haven't tried an egg farm I might. Follistatin is manifested among these eggs. Which is only manifested in fertilized eggs. Follistatin does 1 thingy inhibits what inhibits muscle growth. More follistatin means more muscles. The cows/dogs that looked roided to shit lack certain myostatin genes. Myostatin or these myostatin genes make muscles not grow. Follistatin is essentially a myostatin inhibitor with levels being not retarded and shit. Meaning more follistatin more muscles less gene expression of myostatin genes.These eggs have to be drunk with the yolk still intact. It breaks a peptide bond regarding follistatin in the yolk if the yolk is broken. This has to be done drinking these suckers 36. And yup fucking 36 is the magical number. No it's fucking not. I'd drink 36 yokies a day if I could but no source yet. This is all taken from bro SCIENCE from a bodybuilder in the 50's saying 36 raw eggs. Raw fertilized unpasteurized eggs a day equal a dbol cycle. Then years later da gooks looks at de egg and says horrrry shiiiit. Science. Broscience was confirmed by science by scientists who weren't bros.
>pic related
This. Enjoy shitting cannonballs followed by prolapse. Youll have an arse like an airfield windsock.
Based. And redpilled.
how tf do you do gomad and omad lmfao
36 eggs a day would mean over 1000 eggs per month. If you keep it up for a year you will have eaten over 12,000 eggs.
That can't be healthy.
consume a gallon of milk within an hour
You have an odd definition of "proven" you fucking retard.
You have to eat all the eggs
Personally I would just soft boil them and space them out throughout the day. Maybe shove a couple of them up my ass to see if I can absorb them through the colorectal pathway.
It's probably all fake since natural test is broken down in the stomach but I wouldn't want to pass up the excuse to work out those sphincter muscles through powerful braps and the aforementioned shoving eggs into my ass.
>Fuck I don't think I'll make it past day two..
Not with that attitude you wont.
Imagine what his farts smell like first thing in the morning?
U chug them raw, there is no way you can eat 36 cooked eggs in a day. You have to leave humanity behind
>talks about concern for stroke susceptible individuals like a pseud
>no thought for cvd which would be the cause of the stroke
just had 16 raw eggs and a small amount of milk. barely touched the sides.
does it have to be 36?
i could prob do 50
skinnyfag here, tf is IF?
This is actually Vince Gironda's "Hormone Precursor" diet from like the 80s.
Probably best to work up to it. Start eating say 6 eggs a day, and every week or so add another one or two.
Without yolk
I've been eating 6 eggs a day since I was 10.
36 eggs and dbol have same heart risk chance
prove me wrong
its like a full breakfast
The only difference is that steroids actually work. I've never seen any progress pic from people who eat 36 eggs a day. Why wouldn't everyone use this method?
Someone send this idea to Eric. He will pull this off.
thats a lot of eggs
>not doing 3DOEAD
eggs are worse because at least dbol makes you fucking juicy.
You can eat litearlly nothing but fucking ice cream and get huge on dbol without looking like a lardass, steroids invalidade the diet component completely as long as you eat enough but not too much.
5 grams per day is kind of a meme though, 1-2 is enough. If you eat a good amount of red meat there is no reason to supplement creatine. Also you don't need creatine every day it stays in the body for a while
Stroke is caused by cardiovascular disease, yes, what's your point?
There are people that don't get heart attacks but get strokes, but some people have much more predisposition for strokes than normal, particularly lean people that eat very little usually almost never get heart attacks but do get strokes in their older years specially if they eat normal foods .
>yes the root cause is cvd
>but let me talk about stroke instead of heart attack
>instead of talking about cvd which would cover both, regardless of genetic predisposition
Sounds like you've got a stick up your ass about stroke specifically
but do i have to eat... all the eggs?
Eating raw eggs fuck with bioavailability hardcore, cook your yolks m9.
We're doing this for CHOLESTEROL. Who else here raw yolk-slurping white-discarding master race? It's still fukken cheap
You're a good guy, fella