I guess The Doctors are not fans lol
Snake Diet vs The Doctors
It's almost like people with topical expertise are smarter than a fetal alcohol syndrome patient.
Why does every fitness eceleb think they know more than the medical science community, anyway?
>american journalism
>american health system
>american education
None of these are more reliable than an eceleb.
>the doctors
>part of the """medical science community"""
>credible in any way
Snake man is a retard but if you think 4 actors on a fucking TV show are in any fashion truthful or trustworthy you should be gassed.
>the doctors
Have fun dying
because anyone with internet access nowadays thinks they have the ability to read pubmed studies and come to their own conclusions while lacking fundamental knowledge in endocrinology and statistics to properly interpret the results
>topical expertise
i only watched like a minute but the black one is an ob/gyn lmao
yeah bro vitamins a,k,c,e,and d are just for play. also fuck potassium and fiber.
lol doctors were just pullin our legs boyzzzz