Are fitness models hornier, more aggressive in the bed? Do they have tighter vaginas? Just curious. Thanks

Are fitness models hornier, more aggressive in the bed? Do they have tighter vaginas? Just curious. Thanks

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any girl that isn't white is better in bed. white women suck bad in bed.

AAS increase sex drive so u do the math

Actually this might be true. My ex was Asian and she was a tiger, my new gf is white and she is pretty lazy in the bedroom, but she’s much more easy to get along with.

If you are so curious how it feels the pussy of a fitness model just go and stick your dick into the ocean and you will find out

Except i would judge better in bed by pleasure. Seeing a half humanoid beast on top of me with coarse black hair would result in zero pleasure.

You’re saying they take lots of dicks? What’s going on big guy?

>Implying anyone on fit would know

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tfw for the first time im with a non white thot and she is spanish
everything is better than any white girl i have ever been with

Speak for yourself. I used to bang a fit high IQ Nigerian chick who was into having me suck milk out of her tiddies, shit was wild.

T. Coping faggot


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>t-they're not human!

ok, lad

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Spanish are white tho.

>Asian women
>good in bed
Get a load of this racemixing fag

Half Berber blood at least.

Where are you from?

Faroe Islands

Damn,you must be inbred as fuck.
Well my cards have run out of calling you a shit skin.Why didn't you say you were a mutt?
Nah fuck you,you amerimutt you are larping.
Most moors who took women from spain,made them their wives,so i don't know why you call em moors.

My parents came from Norway.

>high iq


Your pic doesn't disprove the claim

Translation: “Nobody will fuck me”

>good in bed

lol they just lay there and wait for you to finish

You haven't disproven that you're a gay fag.

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You must only get with escorts then
Asian women are wild. And they're way tighter and more pleasurable on average

Unironically engaged to an irish girl

I thought you said you only liked humans.

What a sad tale. I hope you enjoyed tongueing her uvula stump after onbonkwe tore it out as part of the coming of age ritual.

Be honest, do you guys fetishize non white women?