Why are people telling me to not expect much in 1 year of lifting even tho you make 90% of your gains in the first year...

Why are people telling me to not expect much in 1 year of lifting even tho you make 90% of your gains in the first year if you've been training correctly.
Obviously if you're doing meme programs like Starting Strength then you won't get even 10 percent of the gains you could have made.

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It's a superiority ego thing. A "you can look like me someday kid but it's gonna take along time and tons of work because I'm soooo bad ass and heug.", kinda thing.

Depending on your experience, ethic, diet, and routine you can see some results in just a couple months, decent results in 6 months, and solid results in a year. It will take a few years to really make it depending on your goals though

You can't add any noticable muscle mass in 6 months. You can gain up to 5lbs of muscle in first year and then up to 2.5 in second.

if your a noob
have your diet in check
have a good routin
you stick to it all the way

and you're gonna make it bruh
i believe in you

Attached: you can have dis.jpg (640x960, 132K)

>if you've been training correctly

2 reasons:

1. Your diet/routine is shit
2. Your genetics are literally shit

Is SS a good program?

> 5 pounds of muscle in a year

Fucking kek

I know that some may not achieve it, but I'm talking about people with fairly average genetics.

>starting strength for a year

It's OK, not the best.

If you have the worst genetics ever maybe. I've gained at least 20 muscle pounds over the past 3 years

So 6lbs in a year? You just proved my point.

Why are you posting about things you don't know shit about? Stop watching Youtube "fitness experts", they don't know shit and neither do you

You wont look skinnyfat in a year if you actually lift and dont eat too much but you wont look particularly good unless you hop on roids.

No he didn't you retard

are you retarded

noobs gain 2-3 lb a month for the first 6 months

He obviously didn't put on 20lbs of muscle in 3 years. Retards don't realize that most they gain is fat.

You gain 90% of the gains you’ll ever make in your life the first 3 to 5 years.

The final 10% is basically impossible because it requires 100% pin point acccuracy, dedication, effort, energy and focus. By the time you reach that point of having 90% of the gains you’ll ever make in the 3-5 years you’ll not care about getting that last 10% because the effort is not worth it.

Steroids will take you from 90% to 120%+ pretty quickly though!

T. 7 year lifter

yeah, no
i gained 17lbs of lean muscle in my first 9-10 months of working out and i was incosistent as fuck, sometimes id go 1-2 weeks without working out

You're not supposed to count the fat you've gained. You gained 3lbs of muscle which is pretty solid.

i said lean muscle because thats literally all i gained, i was even lower bodyfat% 9,5 months later then when i started
i literally had abs by the end of that period and i was nowhere close abs before i started working out

I literally gained 10lbs of muscle my first year barely eating on a shitty 40 min 5 days a week brosplit. Then another 15 on a PHUL program. It’s slowed down but I’ve gained another 5 lbs, since I started eating right, wtf are you doing wrong?

>5 pounds of muscle a year

You have absolutely no idea how much 17 lbs of muscle is.

>if you've been training correctly.

Because of that part. You might make the most progress in the first year you play a guitar, but you also could well be disappointed you still sound mediocre after a year, even if you practice frequently

>90% of your gains are made blehbleblehjgcdehvdghfrnjgh

You don't know shit. Why are you even posting.

>meme programme like SS
>A programme built to give a noob as much muscle mass as possible

LOL get off Jow Forums retard

Its GOAT for your first 3-6 months if you add direct arm work and do weighted chins instead of powerclean.
People that complain about SS usually ran the thing without even reading the damn book, did GOMAD for too long or without considering their starting weight and ran the program for waayy to long.

>But I want it NOW!

You'll never make it if you don't actually enjoy lifting. There are no short cuts. Maybe you should do something more becoming of your bitchmade tendencies like cycling or joining a climbing gym.

>training correctly

Skipping over strength training in your first few months is not training correctly.

If you take this seriously youre retarded and fell for obvious bait