Hey guys, I had some thoughts about underrated protein sources. Ever think about this one?
>be a great source of protein and healthy fats >one of the most common ingredients in protein supplements >amazing source of calcium >literally a staple of healthy diets for centuries >delicious and nutritious >very inexpensive >lately, people say it's bad for you >some people have allergies, but overall it's a great tool for bulking and general health >everyone complains about hormones in it that affect you >the complaints are totally overblown and based on bad science >people think that consuming it is associated with weakness, childishness or femininity >be onions, pic unrelated
Milk is fucking cancer. Drink kefir if you are desperate enough.
Calcium is a maymay
Juan Barnes
>canned tuna >onions It's like you (((want))) us to be low test
Jonathan Sullivan
>tfw have been taking 2 scoops cmon every day >feels like I've been breaking out a little more recently >small zits here and there, nothing too bad but still annoying >trying to bulk, want to replace almond milk with whole milk >afraid of full blown breakout from heavy dairy intake
Feels bad. Part of me wants to say fuck it and just take the plunge and see what happens, but I've also been getting more attention from qts lately and don't want to look like a pizza-faced faggot and fuck it all up.