Who are some good role models to aspire to be Jow Forums?

Who are some good role models to aspire to be Jow Forums?

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My dad

My future self.

Not my dad

My dad was relatively absent in my life busy with work. I know he works hard and does what needs to be done, but he doesn't inspire greatness and lofty goals. He just does what is enough for a stable family. That's good and all, but I want someone bigger to look up to.

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the new leader, new hitler

gaius julius casear ''the dictator''


Well at least he was working.
My dad has always been a lazy piece of wasted potiential who blamed the whole world for not being able to hang on to a job.

Man, I really want to forgive him and all, but every time I think about all those years of having to write down your parent's jobs on that little piece of paper the first day of class and I just can't call him.

The more I think about it. There isn't really anybody that aligns with my core beliefs, so I don't really find anybody especially worth looking up to. I build off certain parts I like about others, but discard the parts I dislike. I guess it's not so bad not having a definitive role model to build personal character.

there isn't a single man alive right now worth looking up to. the best we can all do is try to become that man

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Jesus is the best role model no doubt, but he is more an abstract idealization of man. I was looking for mortal men worth of admiration, but find little connection to them.

i think there are hundreds of men worth admiring out there that have shown themselves to be extraordinary in some/ multiple or many regards of living. but rather than attempting to model yourself after any one of those men it's more worthwhile to let their lives shape yours and merely bounce your personal ideas off of them while attempting to shape yourself (physically and mentally).

on a different note, i think it is absolutely scary how people get when they are involved in an altercation. it really does seem like our brains get pushed back into reptilian fight/ freeze/ flight mode. people stop being coherent, repeat single phrases, fall into blind rage and threats and often do things that they would never do under regular circumstances. it's like people are completely overtaken by their animal nature sometimes.

the types of people you'll find worthy of admiration depend on your personal values. i can think of plenty amazing businessmen but if building a business is not up your alley it won't be of any use. same goes for philosophies. i'm sure,for example, to some Seneca is worthy of admiration because of the virtues he wrote about but if you're more into meditation or a hedonist his teachings will look ridiculous.

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>repeat single phrases
This is what gets me the most. It shows the extent to which they're really not thinking things through

>aesthetic as fuck
>can fuck any thot he wants
>but got a qt wife
>an aesthetic baby
>live the lifestyle we all want
>nice cars, golf, modelling etc

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stop idolizing fat fucks

stop idolizing murderous fat fucks

stop idolizing fairy tales

stop idolizing gook cartoons

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Yes, I better understand what it means to make yourself your role model by improving yourself based on a mix of your ideals and others ideals. But if the question of who is my role model turned up during a job interview or something I'd be kinda lost to pick a specific person. Saying I myself am my role model sounds rather arrogant. But explaining it is the constant self-reflection to discern what are good and bad values to derive from this world to build oneself the best he can be is what it means to be my own role model.

The one and only

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The Greeks

dumb, cringe, and bluepilled vargposter

don't (You) me again, fatfuck

God, but being that apotheosis is true, that means you strive to reach divinity. You are god and you need to find your way to divinity through virtue.

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Alan roberts

whatever you say...twink

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Best Pope

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Honestly this.

Fucker is fugly and can barely speak English, and he still

>conquered and redefined bodybuilding
>became the biggest Hollywood blockbuster star in the 80s/90s
>because Governor of the 7th largest economy of the world
>banged a Kennedy

Still managed to escape a military academy by lifting after everyone else slept from exhaustion after training.

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