Anybody supplement sodium preworkout? I'll have 1 tsp of salt before. Noticed a lot better performance at the gym...

anybody supplement sodium preworkout? I'll have 1 tsp of salt before. Noticed a lot better performance at the gym. Placebo or what?

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you just know that nigga hit that shit

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holy fuck
you're so white I got a tan from just looking at your post

>inb4 seawater


based and redpilled.
soiboi cuck jew apologist status = REKT

You know he did, niggers are violent.

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funny how blacks are exempt from being fit and having a good face, all they need to do is project the hyper confident hood persona and they're gold.

you know girls can talk to guys and not fuck them right?

What? No.
Blacks have it hard as hell bro.
99% of white girls are disgusted by them and the ones that are not have mental health issues.

dude no way, white girls are all about getting blacked now a days. It's foreign to them and they all believe that black guys are packin more heat. Even though these myths have been busted time and time again with empircal data, white women don't look at data and just run off hear say and feelings. The red pill truth my man, is that blondes are indeed looking to get blacked to gain status.

wtf, are you black? Some other black guy I knew had a seriously hard time getting laid, he was 6'4, jacked and had a shy, gentle personality and he was a hardcore animefag. Said he had 0 problems getting initial interest but the second girls found out he wasn't a hood type loudmouth faggot they dropped him. He moved to Germany because the girls there weren't as bad.

lay off Jow Forums for a bit bud

Not even that, look at the media. Look at the advertisements. It's black dudes with white women everywhere, no other non-white race has been pushed this hard in mainstream media. Half the game is already won if you're black in the burgerlands

porn is not real life, niggers are poor, ugly and unpolite, but mainly poor. Broads want nothing to do with those subhumans


>was a hardcore animefag
I wonder why he wasn't getting laid

exactly, because of this white women want to get blacked cause it's what's hot in the media right now and women are the biggest consumers of media.

you're missing the status aspect of a white woman sleeping with a poor black negroid. Her status will raise if she were to sleep with a person who's a different race and has a lower economic status than her.

the mental gymnastics in this thread

Imagine if you be went to the beach with her she just swallowed some seawater and it acted as a laxative and she had anal leakage. Haha. And she asked you to put sunscreen on her. And you put it on her butt and it mixed with the leakage. Haha. Imagine the smell. That would be crazy dude haha. So weird sorry I'm just really random sometimes.

The reaction time of a sloth.

incredible how shit Jow Forums is, literally no one answered your question o pee.
no, it isnt a placebo, it draws more water into the muscle, the same thing (amongst others) creatine do

dude enough with this bullshit, this is the 20th time i've seen this comment on this site.

Imagine if you saw it a 21st time haha
Imagine that haha


Haha yeah I cant even imagine haha

Theories on why shaniqua attacked wednesday addams?

Haha you guys crack me up yeah imagine the smell haha

why do white guys from first world get so upset about " niggers"or stuff ?

im from south america, born poor but managed to study, live confy and get /fit never in my life cared about races but visited africa once and black people there is so poor and nice its heartbroking

i visited first world countries as well and barely saw interracial couples or maybe just didnt notice but they arent as nice as in poor countries

when will you guys grow balls and stop giving shits about what women do or do not?

this is why you cant get a 315 lbs bench you are so low test you worry about things you cant controll, thanks god i wasnt born in usa or europe or i would be literally a fag

in short, become the best version of yourself focus your talents assuming you have one and stop bitching about life

In my experience black people range from gangsta wannabes, unemployed welfare reaping wasters to full blown rapey knife carrying niggers.

I have never met a black person on par with your average white person when it comes to intelligence and civility, though Im sure they do exist.

Perhaps these girls have had similar experiences.

Oh of course he did. Look at their posture, how she is almost certainly aware of his presence and is facing the ground just inches away from her face to avoid looking at him. Not to forget how he’s playing it cool by bending further than 90 degrees over to get his smelly nigger breath in her hair. Also just look at how attractive his belly rolls are. Just screams dominate race and all that.

Not based and bluepilled

In my 300 classmates at medical school there are 3 black men 2 of which are ex military. The other is literally African. Couple of AA women as well. Besides that I've met about 10 others who are not trash during my life

in my homeland country there are people like that, but not only the "brown" people who emigrated or the poor ones, there are white and middle class people uncivilized as hell, even rich people

i dont know where are you from, i dont know much about blacks on first world countries at all but i assume trash people are everywhere, yet getting mad at a pic of a black man with a blond girl is nosence

i admire the black race because of how tough their lives are in africa, but you guys think admiring a black athlete or a race or something that is not blonde with blue eyes is being a "cuck"

>look at her presenting her bare ass to the negro

Because she's black. It's in their nature to be violent animals.

>i admire the black race because of how tough their lives are in africa

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I know shit white people too, but I know more decent ones.

People get mad because they dont like the idea of hot white girls ruining themselves with the scummy people i described.

As for them having "tough lives", thats what happens when corrupt governments run your country into the dirt despite foreign countries sending millions in aid.
Killing white farmers to "reclaim" land doesnt help their image either

yeah i know corruption is what makes them having shitty lives, but i point on they still seem happy whereas middle class people from well set countries bitch on such little things

these guys dont even have water man, but would a random /fitizen anime poster know about poverty

Their culture and attitude makes it hard for them, it's not like there's a shortage of outside help for them.

>anime is more powerful than bbc
really makes u think

yeah thats what i admire

So many insecure fags in this thread. Holy fucking shit.

Are you all the type of guys to get angry at a white girl when you see her with a black guy and yet only date Asian girls yourselves?

So anons who is your favorite blacked pornstar?

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