Excess weight loss skin fears

So I’ve finally developed the will to go from fat to skinny and am losing weight rapidly over the past four weeks it’s been 13 pounds, but are my dreams of being able to look good gonna be ruined by excess skin? What should I do and or what are your experiences with excess skin? Pic related just example not me

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the only things you can do are take it semi-slowly and hope it wont sag
worst case scenario there's surgery

had some removed
had way less than that guy

well what i have to say about it is that everybody is different
you might get none you might get tons, there are other factors other than how fast you lose weight like age and skin elasticity

I was a whale and lost weight. Cut off belly and sides already. Manboobs next.

Skin sucks but if you are too fat unfortunately it might happen. Surgery helps a lot though.

Jesus fuck
Why does that guy even own a tank top

I don't what that guy did to lose weight so fast.
But it wasn't just fasting.
He wasn't that fat in the first place and he just dropped a ton of weight quickly.
Lot of the other people who fasted didn't look like that after fasting either.
Wonder what kind of stimulant he used. Must have been powerful as fuck.

Can we see?

I've heard that

>staying hydrated
I drink a gallon a day
>not smoking
I quit
>and Vitamin C
i take 150mg a day in my multivitamins
>limiting sodium
ehhh, still working, but doing alright.

Anything else? Trying to loose weight at a pace of about 2-3lbs a week.

Currently 5'11'' 326lbs. Was 360 got down to 309, and then went off diet, back to bad habits, but for the next 6mths I'm in a real good situation to focus on my health so gonna try to make healthy lifestyle changes. I know i'll probably have some loose skin, but I want to try and prevent as much as I can...

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work out

Surgery is an option for me but how much scarring does it lead to? My goal since I was a little baby fat fuck was to take my shirt off at the beach without shame and if I’m scarred badly then it’s bad

OP here, don’t give up hope man surgery is always an option and the stretch marks scars you must come to accept as the results of your trial by fire. Let it show others your resolve and maybe turn a stretch mark into a badass tattoo or something

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Le example

Lol forgot to post image, also maybe make a stretch mark into some kind of lightning bolt

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Fasting ups your autophagy. I'm not sure how you would need to pace it to avoid losing weight too quickly. If you have the money you could just fast it off then get surgery.

Lift weights. Build muscle that will help your skin attach to it once the fat it's clinging onto is burned.

Here's me @ 6'4 392lbs and @ 200lbs

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me @ 215

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mines still recent but its a pretty big cut, but i decided i rather have the cut than the floppy skin

i just thought worst case scenario i just put a tattoo over it or something
but my skin is pretty pale so i think it will mostly fade away

I’ve lost 110 lbs, 15 more to go.

My skin is a pretty saggy mess. Not as bad as the guy in OP pic but a very saggy belly, manboobs, and upper arms. Luckily I’m already married so not worried about what girls will think but it still sucks if you want to swim or something. Also my large t shirts all look too big on me but if I wear a medium you can see how oddly shaped and saggy my post-weight loss body is.

Still loads better than being a fat fuck so don’t give up OP. We lived hedonistically for a while shoving whatever we felt like into our faces so you’ve got some scars to show from having lived that lifestyle.

I'm mega fat to the point the strength/muscle mass I've built isn't going to fix it.

End goal is surgery and some dank tattoos. Not the worst thing in the world.

Going to own it up.

fasting helps alot

i'm around 340, 6'1. I've lost 60 pounds in 5 months. you just need to find the right amount to eat so your metabolism stays active but you still run a calorie deficit. it's tough but you'll get there one day.

shoulda made better decisions before you became fat as fuck lmao