In what mode am I?

In what mode am I?

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looks like something is growing on your knee. Subtle.

Street-shitter mode

Normie mode

nigger mode

above average mode

Beach mode

shitskin mode

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Which one?

if you stopped trying to look so much you have everything you need. you legitimately look like a chad, everyone in this thread is jealous

Yep, enjoy those obese 5/10 white gurls that you get.

defenitely giving a chad vibe, but you are a pajeet so...

Seething jelly stormweenies. Get a life you losers

tough* not much

Pajeet street shitter mode

Disgruntled mode. That beach looks like shit so I don't blame you desu.

I don't know anything about modes but just wanted to say you look great user, I'm proud of you :)

That’s a pretty shit body to be jelly over

Generic 1 year into lifting/ 10
Thought compounds were enough for abs/ 10

worst beach ive seen in my life mode

Post body

Posted in a cbt a few days back.
Do you even squat? Those legs are pretty sad

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if this is a bait or not doesnt matter he is right those legs are pretty sad

nigger BTFO
seethe harder faggot

If i cuted as low as u i'd pretty much the same, also, look at that gyno

impressive bro seriously


Go back to mexico mode.

>strawmanning this hard

The arm angle is contracting my pec to look like that but you can believe I have gyno if it makes you feel better

OP is still a fag, thank you user

COPE. Where your legs nigga?

Better than 99% of Jow Forums mode

You look fit if you hang out with only dyels. Basically the ugly friend effect of fitness.

But in the gym, you'd look dyel yourself.

Compounds as in compound lifts, you'd know that if you went to medical school like your arranged marriage 7/11 owning curry breath Taj Mahal poster in the living room parents wanted you to

>otterpajeet mode

nice but clean your carpet that shit looks disgusting

>spend thousands on steroids
>live in squalor with $30 worth of furniture

Priorities I guess

1. Never used steroids
2. I’m a grad student and moved into this apartment a month ago
3. OP is still black

>Never used a steroid
I don't believe you m8

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Idk I think those priorities are right. I just started buying "real" furniture now that I'm a multimillionaire... crate and barrel 2 stuff. It's better but it's just not really all that worth it.

>>spend thousands on steroids
>>live in squalor with $30 worth of furniture
>Priorities I guess
>ad hominem

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Should be a drop in the hat for a big dick baller like yourself
But for a second imagine bringing a girl over and sneaking off into your room to fold up your camping chair and try to remember where your polka dot cover sheet is

>sneaking off into your room to fold up your camping chair and try to remember where your polka dot cover sheet is

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>thousands of dollars on steroids
Neck yourself nigger, it isn’t that expensive

I mean it is a drop in the hat but I always worry about losing focus or inflating my lifestyle. It's not hard to pick up couches and shit for $20k+ a piece and then every year you decide they're out of style or whatever...but yeah $3k-$5k to furniture a big room isn't crazy

> (You)
>Which one?


Jokes on you, loser. I don’t pull girls

RIP OP ahahahaha

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btw how much square feet is that room

really need this fucking info nig

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shitskin mode

Call centre mode?


damn bro you look just like me mirin

Mirin but spend one minute cleaning up your room


What's your height weight op? Looking good, ignore stormfags
