>be white
>be 6'2+
>have good facial structure
>reach a strength level of 135/185/185/315
>have bodyfat % no greater than 12%
Enjoy free and easy puss
Jow Forums guide to slaying pussy
Other urls found in this thread:
>be handsome
Thanks user, never thought of that.
Lol are you lanklets really pulling girls with those lifts
You could still fuck that up if you were one quarter as autistic as your shitpost here. In fact I challenge you to open combat right now meet me along i-90 at a rest stop of your choosing and the loser will offer his hole for domination.
Decline and you will be punished in the afterlife.
It's even more simple than that. You just need 2 of the 3
Big social circle
Good drugs
6'4 and pull with numbers worse than that and about 16% bodyfat
you missed
>dress well
>groom yourself
>be white
helps a lot
>be 6'2+
overatted but still helps
>reach a strength level of 135/185/185/315
doesn't matter much
>have bodyfat % no greater than 12%
only helps if you have the face to go with it
You forgot to mention the only thing that truly matters; facial symmetry, oh and not being bald.
>t. beta cucks
>have a good facial structure
oh shit didn't see that
*another* thread full of guys who all know that ONE secret to get girls
The ultimate redpill is that you just need SOMETHING
Doesn't matter if it's money, looks, lift numbers, social circle, etc etc all the shit you guys name, it just has to be something, no girl is going to date a guy with nothing, simple as that, end of story, imagine how many threads and posts would have never been if you guys were capable of understanding VERY basic concepts
Next time you say I need this or I need that punch yourself so fucking hard in the face and say no wait I just need ANYTHING going for me
you forgot
>just be yourself
>be white
>be 6'2+
>have good facial structure
>have bodyfat % no greater than 12%
I have all of this and I am still a virgin.
IF you have all of this and have the autism then there is no hope.
blue pilled af
also at some point you have to ask what do most modern women offer to warrant any standards?
>t. incel
Trips of lies.
Post face and a calendar from 1982 to exonerate yourself
Explain how it's blue pilled.. if you are a decent well adjusted person you should already by default have things going for you
And to your question yes most are empty vessels who can only offer sex but there are still a few here and there that have some perspective on life and put effort into it
You forgot the most important factor : money
Because your value is relative. If everyone were to become a chad, women would still flock to what they perceive as the top 20% of those chads.
And it doesn't just stop there.
It's also about the relative value of the female. If the female perceives herself as being in the top 80% then she's gonna feel entitled to a guy in the top 20%. And if a female perceives herself as being in the bottom 20%, you'd still be competing against 80% of men for that abomination.
Obviously there's some wiggle room if you have money (aka you rent a glorified whore), but with divorce laws being as they are and women constantly receiving government gibs (aka your taxes), that wiggle room is disappearing and the 20/80 rule will become more and more obvious.
I'm 6'7 and I think those numbers are a joke, not that mine are good (but they are better than that)
My sugar mama has all the money I need
>>reach a strength level of 135/185/185/315
pls be kg
>tfw i meet all criteria but am 5’10, and not 12%
luckily my gf is 5’2
You really believe that?
bois its easy to get mad puss. Ill give you a few tips from a master who just finished hs and is drowning in poon:
- have atleast visible abs (useful later)
- be kind of popular and have a few really popular friends. I get like 80-130 likes on each insta post.
- add bitches snapchat from their insta (its usually there or from quick add or just ask them) then just chat them up for a while. Dont chat them up on messenger cause they have a record of messages and its easier to sneak smooth ab pics or make your face really good in snaps.
- Only chat up girls younger than you or socially lower than you dont go for ugly girls or girls in the same friend group.
- Make sure you read the signs and ask before sending a dick pic.
- Once you get tit pics or send a dick pic and they like it ask to fuck.
Too easy bois this legit works
>be black
Enjoy free and easy puss
Wasn't expecting a logical answer.. do you study this or something? And do you have a top 20% girlfriend?
>be black
>enjoy the tripled/quadrupled risk of STD's
girls dont care about strength or mass, guys do. Girls care about lean. but Girls also care more about social status and face. being fit is only an advantage tho. im white and get mad puss but they have never explicitly said it was because im white. but i think in general its a fact that white people are the most attractive race
Trips of truth. When I was single I rode this train, didn’t even have tinder and had multiple girls going at a time.
you probably hang with the wrong girls like ones you find at a party who think they are hot and popular and there it is kind of true but most or alot anyway are just normal and respond to advances from presentable respectable men stop getting so caught up in your MGTOW bs. Dont most men also desire the top 20% of females stop being a hypocrite incel
aye bro nice, i kind of feel bad for doing this to the girls tho sometimes. how is it from doing this to having one girl cause im looking for a girlfriend atm also
You forgot the most important thing of all, a 6 + penor
Nope. Men tend to have varied interests. You'll see men with all kinds of fetishes. Women all go for the same type of conventionally attractive guy if they can. You'll never hear women talk about their lust for short guys for example.
Lol and Asians are like a fraction of white women
I’ll see you in sovengaard
God when will Jow Forums realize that girls don’t like roidheads, as long as you’re strong and look relatively lean they love it... the only people who care about how much you lift is other dudes and but that’s not who you’re trying to impress here lmao.
This is especially terrible when you account for their demographic size.
Post body
you also dont hear men lusting over women with big noses but it doesnt mean you wont settle for her not everyone gets a disney story life. you just have to work with what you got and most people will find someone eventually
>Post body
you're retarded if you think men and women are equally superficial
Hmm that's weird. You didn't post 1/2/3/4 almost as if you think there is some strength or pride in getting to lmao3pl8 deadlift.
>being 6'2 and struggling to reach those numbers
Besides bench and squat being that tall is typically advantageous making it even more pathetic
t. bitter virgin
men are more superficial lets be honest you gimp. obviuosly given the chance a women would fuck a 10/10 but so would you. women care a lot about personality and social status whereas men care mostly about looks
but that's wrong retard
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
also what's even a 10/10
i like small tits and butt, and thin lips, three major qualities not considered conventionally attractive
you're just mega coping, come back to me when you find a woman who is into balding fat manlets
im talking about average men you virgin. You were taliking about "muh top 20%" there probably is a bottom 20% though but they can still get girlfriends but only talking from analogies here
too soon man too soon for all these newfags
>Reasonably good looking
>No money
I cope by continuing to squat and force feed myself 6 times a day but lets be honest, I'm never gonna make it
People that are complaining that the strength standards are low missed the point.
but you dont exclusively like that and it would definitely depend on the girl these were attached to and her other features. of course no girl is attracted to a balding fat manlet but would be you attracted to a very tall balding fat women. you are the one coping subconsciously because you cant get any better than small tits ass and thin lips so you say you attracted to this to validate your ugly gf
no girl cares how much you lift lmao
Can confirm, I’m white 6’2” and when I was lean pussy was everywhere. Like appetizers at a wedding. When I hit 1/2/3/4.5 I didn’t even need to try it just sorta happened, but then I went over 15% bodyfat lmao
no that's literally what i like
that's how i know i'm talking to a cunt
a man would understand
women aren't sentient so they only like what's socially acceptable
No one cares how strong you are in particular lifts except other men. Once you can do the named being stronger than that isn't going to meaningfully improve aesthetics and it'll basically never show in real world situations.
If you can lift your girl up, lift and carry 50lb boxes short distances and push furniture you're strong enough.
Like a girl would even care about what you lift. Even if you have average looks a good personality and be able to crack some good jokes will get you much further then being a nonbrain monkey who can push weights. Christ, you fags are shallow.
>be white
If I'm Caucasian but not white/light skinned should I lighten my skin until I am white ?
Cringe pilled
Im dating a bloatlord so still trying to get my lifts up
Why are your lifts so low and how the fuck are your squat and bench the same?
>be white
I'm Argentinian. Not that it matters since I don't live in the USA.
>be 6'2+
Yes. I'm 6'4
>have good facial structure
Mine is pretty good. Not model tier but good enough that qTs call me "good lookin"
>reach a strength level of 135/185/185/315
I'm at 160/250/200/335
>have bodyfat % no greater than 12%
I'm around 10%
I think you’re describing Jow Forums‘s ideal husbando.
truth here brah
i do the same shit, almost word to word lmao
>>be white
Depends on locality, but you can't go wrong with white
>>be 6'2+
Be 6'0-6'3
>>have good facial structure
Not compulsory, but helps
>>reach a strength level of 135/185/185/315
Wouldn't agree more. Nobody gives a fuck about squats, only fat gays hiding behind bearmode look
>>have bodyfat % no greater than 12%
This truly helps. If you are behind 16-17 tho, you should already look good
we already made fun of you in your other thread, weakling.
All women have to do is not being fat. That's over 90 percent of what they have to do. Men on the other hand are expected to be sculpted by the gods, a great job, great personality, inteligent, great communicators and other stuff as well. All women have to do is not being fat. That's it.
Some girls do like roidheads, and those lifts are shit and i guarantee he looks dyel
Jesus user, you went too far with this.
No, tanned whites also get laid.
Lmao word for word what I do
>be in the club with the bros
>get with a chick
>see sloot from my village mirin
>immediately get her sc from insta and add her
>roll in pussy later
>6'0 - 6'3
Seems solid besides the dick pic. I never send dick pics. after figuring she likes you over text there should be no reason to send a dick pic. Girls want some mystery but if you just send her a pic of your dick you're removing all of the mystery. Just ask for a hangout once you know she likes you and keep her guessing whether you like her or not. Then when hanging out with her just physically escalate(which she'll make it really easy if she does like you) and then it should be an open goal from there
Why is the difference between black men and women not bigger?
gay black men are notoriously high in STD rates
OK, but why so high for black women? Pussy sex rarely gives HIV
other way around. it's easier for both male/female 'catchers' to get STD's, mostly due to mucous membrane surface area.
but black dudes tend to fuck other black dudes without condoms because 'hurp durp no pregnancy', whereas black females occasionally make niggers wear condoms because they know they (the males) won't be able to afford any more babies
Rarely does vaginal sex transmit HIV but not never.
Consider the degeneracy of black women:
* Unprotected sex
* Being hookers (and having unprotected sex)
* Drug use
* Sleeping with bi-black men
Age (16-25):
75% looks
25% social status
Age (26-49):
50% looks
25% money
25% social status
Age (50-70)
25% looks
37.5% money
37.5% social status
50% money
50% social status
Money becomes more important as you age. As soon as 26 hits and Stacey needs someone to support her and needs health insurance that nerdy guy who studied engineering looks a lot more attractive
18 year old girls don’t give a shit about money. It’s 75% looks and 25% social status to them
My druggie phase in high school/college had me talking to more girls, partying, meeting people and experimenting all sorts of shit, now I’m just a nobody who lifts weights and eats out a lot.
These numbers don't make any sense.
6'4 here, I find OHP is the most disadvantageous because it takes so much distance for me to max out my arm distance
The reality:
70% looks
25% height
5% money
6' here, OHP is hard, squat is not.
Yeah, squat is easy but I have my slavic genes/thin hip-sockets to thank for that.
Same, I'm almost at 2pl8 low bar ATG and this is only like my third month.
>benching as much as you squat
Why would I care about girls past 25? They're past their prime by then
The true red pill is those top 20% should redistribute Stacies to the lower 80%. That way those of us too lazy to be the best person we can be can get some pussy instead of complaining
>but with divorce laws being as they are and women constantly receiving government gibs
>divorce rates plummeting among millennials
Divorce rates dropped 18% in the last 20 years and are still dropping. People who get married tend to stay married. The 80/20 shit doesn’t make any sense and is only used by betas to make themselves feel better about not getting laid.
Divorce rates go up and down with the economy young fella.
>girls care about how much you lift
Good one lol
This is accurate as unfortunate it is
Having SOMETHING that makes you stick out from a crowd in a positive way is the only thing that ultimately is attractive.
Being born attractive is the easy option, but for everyone else, you must achieve something that makes you unique and worth wanting
aye bro where are you from
>t. dyel
This, though even then I'd say women over 25 still care mostly about looks as far as sex goes, they just want to find a beta provider while fucking handsome men on the side.