ZMA saved my dick, and it can save your's too

ZMA saved my dick, and it can save your's too.

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bogpill me on ZMA

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my dick doesn't need to be saved hombre

Explain plz

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What ya mean bro

didnt save mine.....


Any advantage to taking ZMA over Zinc?

I take 50mg Zinc with dinner and L-Arginine before bed for dick & test gains

Do not take ZMA

It turns you into a rape monster and you suffer from wet dreams every night. Unless you have access to a gf immediately, DO NOT USE IT

I'm afraid to OD on zinc. One zinc pill is already over the recommend amount

ZMA has no reputable evidence for doing a damn thing

I take Vitamin D3 5000 IU and zinc 50mg daily. Slightly better load. Don't really feel anything else.
Think I should start taking L-arginine? You noticed anything?
You've sold me.

L-Arginine definitely gives you circulation gains and better erection quality

this. this is a fucking troll thread zma has had no noticeable effect on me whatsoever. i think the very first time I took it I woke up refreshed and it has done nothing since and i even take the retailers overboard dosage recommendation

rda is a not correct, it the daily limit for 5'8 120 lbs 16 year old kids

True, but the people who take it report better sleep and more vivid dreams. I can confirm this is the case for me too. I'm more well rested = better gains

>started taking zinc a week ago
>have become horny all the time
>zincs only started building up in system
>horny only likely to increase

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> aspartme
Just fuck my shit up

Ackshually you need to research the level of elemental zinc your getting out of it. 50mg zinc gluconate is only 7 mg elemental.

Yer fine unless your slamming way more fun this.

>always sleep pretty well
>7-8 hours wake up feeling good
>BUT never remember my dreams
Will ZMA help with this? I literally havnt remembered a dream in years.

What is ZMA actually supposed to do, I started taking it because on the container it said bone strength but it seems like no one takes it for that

same here
last dream i 'membered was about a whale blowing french fries out of its blowhole

>In 2000, researchers gave ZMA supplements to a group of NCAA football players working out twice a day. After 7 weeks, they found a significant increase in the players’ testosterone and growth hormone, both of which are linked to muscle growth. However, one of the scientists who conducted the study holds the registered trademark for the original formula of ZMA, and his company funded the research.
>Further experiments done by other scientists haven’t duplicated the same effects. In fact, there’s no additional research that ZMA aids athletic performance or weight loss.

L-Arginine is inferior to L-Citrulline

They do the same thing, citrulline is just slow release

I can't go a day without having to ejaculate at least 3 times

I wish this could be fixed OP....

No source eh

The only thing ZMA did for me was make my ass explode every morning from the magnesium.
I bought 50mg zinc separately and I didn't see any difference taking that for months either.

Not even that dude, but google it you mong.

Should I buy regular Zinc or ZMA brehs?

I only feel the need to cum every 3 or 4 days and even then my boners are pretty whack. Would zma help? I think I've been vaping too much and the nicotine is messing with my rod.

>taking ZMA, ibutamoren, and intermittently smoke DUDE
>my fucking face when my dreams are more vivid than real life every night

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I used to take Zinc and it did raised my libido, plus it make my cum much thicker. Dunno about ZMA tho

It will when you get past 25.

I was thinking about buying zinc because its supposed to help against dandruff