If the government were to issue mandatory gfs of average looks like pic related, do you think it would improve society's overall Jow Forumsness?
If the government were to issue mandatory gfs of average looks like pic related...
probably make people lazier
Damn son this bitch is a solid 9,4
It’s just a candid shot
That girl is pretty
her face isn't even symetrical
Where this kind of girl is average, Eastern Europe ?
>average looks like pic related
I'm from Latvia
She's pretty much gorgeous in my eyes.
black males homes
society would collapse because girls of that caliber would be suiciding rather than concede their lives in your fetid beta domain. pretty soon, depending on the level of coercive gov't enforcement, either the chads or the corrupted gov't agents themselves would have massive harems of like 200 of these bitches, while you and your r9k comrades stay lonely. so things wouldn't actually be that different
>implying us gamers wouldnt seize the means of the gfs
tic toc veronica
She's pretty, but she's nothing special.
> for comparision, webm related
smelly vagina
this girl is hotter but op is cuter
Do you ever go out?
body is 8/10, beautiful hair, but that face...
there is nothing better than the flat stomach small waist combination
Put more makeup on the OP, dress her like this and teach her the walk and mannerism, and you will have the same result.
Too many people fall for the way it's presented, not noticing the beauty when it's not obnoxiously exposed and flaunted.
Holy shit, you incels are something else. And according to you guys you’d be fine with any girl as long she isn’t fat.
>girls of that caliber would be suiciding
It’s basically this or being the sex slave of a greasy robot
lowkey cute girls are the best especially if they are goofy
is it so hard to meet a cute girl thats not a thot
of course it is. all women crave attention and being a thot is the easiest way to get it.
In Scotland this is a 9
This is a bait thread inspired by yesterday's thread about finding a "plain girl" who looked like a model
Plebeian taste my dude, girl in op is way cuter and prettier
Based and blackpilled
noones is retard