My job has weird hours, so it's impossible for me to get a full night's sleep but I have time for naps

My job has weird hours, so it's impossible for me to get a full night's sleep but I have time for naps.

Is there any truth to polyphasic sleep or is this just a pseudoscience meme?

Attached: Polyphasic Charts.jpg (3000x2100, 393K)

Your brain might recover but your body won't. If you miss a nap or miss your timing by a couple of minutes you're fucked

inconsistent sleep hours will fuck your shit

find a new job

My sleep is consistent, just poor. If I'm lucky I can get a solid 6-6.5 hours of sleep at night and then I can take a nap from noon the next day for however long I need. Basically I could pull off the biphasic sleep in the chart without much of a problem.

what times are you working versus free to do whatever shit you want?

I work 6-9am and then 5-11pm. My gym is only open during the day so I can't just switch day and night either.

Überman here, AMA.

are the hours not flexible?

Tried it, would not recommend. Felt like shit waking up after main sleep block because not enough hours, then felt like an even bigger shit after the nap.

No, unfortunately. It's a small business with only two of us working so when I'm not here, the other guy is and he's got a family so he's even less flexible than I am.

How long for?

Man that's shitty.
Maybe you can pull it off by have a long nap (like two or three hours) after lunch.

describe the business

It's a hostel, so I have to stay up late/wake up early to do check ins and check outs and things like running the bar and preparing breakfast. We don't have enough money to hire a third person yet.

not even a minimum wage type deal?

Biphasic is fine, especially if it’s consistent. The others lack data, but I suspect they’d be difficult for most people to manage.

I mean it's possible I guess but it would be much easier if I could just optimize my sleep schedule rather than going through that process.

When you start to think about fitness, two things should be improved first: food intake and sleep. Bad, little, or weirdly-scheduled sleep is fucking HORRIBLE for the human body.

Find a new job with regular hours. Or get the other dude to man the fuck up and work as much as you do. Just because he has a family doesn't mean you should sacrifice your health for HIS family.

Anything close to uber is physically impossible for more than a few weeks. The only people in history who were though to do it actually just had insomnia. If you look through scientific papers or online reports, everyone eventually stops after a couple weeks, but they blame it on themselves going into zombie mode and not waking up in time, not the inherent physical and psychological need for sleep. That or they get very sick in which only 24 hours of sleep seems to cure.
Circadian rhythm is an essential part of the normal day cycle. We have evolved with it for hundreds of thousands of years. Sleep is an essential part of our lives. Not to mention all the functions sleep is essential for such as brain well being, long term memory storage, muscle repair, bone strength, body growth, and immune system strength to name a few.
I'm not saying that polyphasic sleep is impossible, on the contrary, for the short term it is not too bad. However, what's the point in fighting your body every single day, away from what it naturally wants? Just don't try and eventually fail just to blame it on your constitution.

Biphasic (3+3-4.5) sleeper here for the last 6yrs. What do you wanna know OP?

I only sleep for 4-5 hours a day consistently, with the exception of some weekends where i dont have shit to do and sleep until noon.
I never tried the uberman sleep thing but what what i know:
You need 4 rem cycles of sleep to avoid going insane and one cycle is about 1.5 hours. Some people take longer to him that rem mark and other hit it sooner, ive been keeping track when I wake from sleep, basically when the cycle naturally ends, and its closer to 1hour for me.
No idea if this can be taught/acquired through some kind of sleep training but i think thats why i only need 4 hours of sleep to feel refreshed. Im a machinist and designer at the place i work so i need to stay woke and focused so i dont cut my hand off.
Maybe ill write a book about this shit one day idk just my 2cents