Why do people refuse to believe that weight gain and loss is simply a matter of calories in calories out...

Why do people refuse to believe that weight gain and loss is simply a matter of calories in calories out? Is it a matter of lack of personal responsibility? Misinformation?

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It's not that simple homo

It is.

It's not.

It is.
Now yes recomp is a thing and there are ways to gain/lose muscle/fat and different rates, but in terms of overall weight, I guarantee you that if you took any normal human being and made them eat 500 calories less than their basal metabolic rate every single day for 3 months, they would lose weight.

its not. my dad was a lanklet in his entire life and he was eating decently

It is.

It's not

> Is it a matter of lack of personal responsibility?
Nailed it.
People would much rather blame "muh metabolism" than come to terms with the fact that they simply don't have the will power to watch what they eat and make adjustments accordingly.
Really grinds my gears trying to talk to people to refuse to believe this. It's like talking to a flat earther

t. believes he beeds 1g protein/lb

Same reason they deny race and believe in non-Austrian economics. Cuz they're weaklings who can't face reality and have to blame others to cope

Were you with him every single day of his life, weighing his food and counting his calories? No? Then you don't know


>weaklings who can't face reality and have to blame others to cope

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>assuming someone who doesn't give a shit about calories, eat bread every day, drinks soda and eat snacks somehow stays below a normal tdee for decades without realizing it
yeah dude im not buying it. my dad wasnt just skinny-fat, he was legit thin
some people have it better when it comes to metabolism

>I deny the laws of thermodynamics

Yeah dude I'm not buying it

>laughs in 70% crime rate

So you were with him every day, and saw him eat bread, drink soda, and eat snacks every day for all those years?
No? Then you don't know.
If he's telling you this, it's just a matter of him oversimplifying the details of his past.
For instance, if I went to the mall a few times every week when I was a kid, I might say in conversation "man, i was in the mall every day as a kid!". That does not mean literally every day.

People try eating less, but continue snacking/drinking soda/binging without thinking about it, so in their minds they've eaten less calories without losing weight.

You'd want to make them eat 500 calories less than their TDEE, not BMR, because BMR is usually like 700kcal or something tiny. Having someone eat even less than that could be dangerous.

That's what I meant, TDEE

>Cico is all that matters
>except the "co" part is completely and widely variable
Hormones, exercise, eating timing, etc all change your Co. Basically makes claims of cico disingenuous.

It is

t. fatfuck

It doesn't make it wrong, it just adds a variable that one person's CO might not be the same as another's. They just need to figure out what it is and then eat less than that.

It's not


>the human body behaves exactly like a thermodynamically ideal object and has no intricate systems within itself
>what is glycemic index?
>what are micronutrients?
Ask me how i know you're from the US

kek okay buddy. Eat 1000 calories below your maintenance and have all the micronutrients you want come back to me in a month

>be skele mode all my life
>can't seem to gain weight
>tried everything, eating 5000+ calories a day
>doesn't work
>hear on Jow Forums that micro nutrients will stimulate my intricate systems
>start taking multivitamin and eating brocolli
>gain 50lb of pure muscle mass in 3 weeks

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I didn't say calories are useless. I said it's not the only thing that matters.

Overall CICO is correct but its not everything you need to know. For example, they have done very controlled studies showing better fat loss results with IF over normally timed diets when keeping calories the same.

Similarly, after taking in appropriate protein, higher carbsto fat ratio (more carbs than fat) is better for gaining weight and lower (more fat than carbs) is better for losing weight.

You can also take caffeine or EC stacks to increase metabolism
Lifting & other anaerobic exercise significantly increases metabolism

Overall when you just count calories, you will cut fat or bulk muscle with about 75% efficiency. All the things I mentioned are ways to get marginally better results.

That's why the best cutting routine is something like 16:8/20:4 IF + coffee/caffeine + lifting/sprints + 1g/lb protein + 500cal deficit + eliminating refined carbs

Try eating your TDEE in sugar and see how it goes dumbass

Did this for 6 months. Lost 30kg/60lbs

>a matter of lack of personal responsibility
you answered your own question

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People want to lay the blame on someone/something else. I was always in the camp of, it’s okay to be fat... but you can’t expect someone else to accept you. If you don’t like that, then count your fucking calories. Not to mention the diet industry wants people to buy their snake oil.

Laws of thermodynamics disagrees with you fren. Total energy in must be more than total energy out. Otherwise you would be an overunity machine and Newton and Einstein are wrong.

it is

this. track your caloric intake for a week. then increase/decrease caloric intake (using same method of measurement) without changing your caloric expenditure

>Laws of thermodynamics
>Newton and Einstein
spotted the popsci scum

really shitty nutritional education along with tons of people and industries promoting commercialized diets

It's literally been done and the guy lost weight

Gaining muscle is simple a matter of picking up heavy things and putting them down again. Why all the talk of splits, progression,creatine, roids, bar vs dumbell...

Is it a a matter of lack of personal responsibility?

If I drink a liter of water with 0 calories, I'll be a kilogram heavier.

is that not true though or more? maybe alwast a hundred?

Literally nobody disagrees with thermodynamics you disingenuous cunt. CICO an oversimplification thats gonna end up with idiots trying to cut on refined sugar or some shit. Fats, carbohydrates and protein all can convert to calories but each of them have different rates of conversion and will affect your body differently depending on how you cut or bulk.

You need vitamins and minerals to actually use the calories you consume, but that's only a modifier to the rule of calories in/calories out.

Protein is what's most scientifically correlated with height. Getting 100+ g/day of protein from regular foods is actually really challenging, especially in standard portions.

Also, gains are from either supernaturally high sedentary testosterone, or stimulation.

t.fatty with no clue of thermodynamics 101

It is you fuckin delusional faggot.
When u put more energy than needed in the system human you gain weight, no exception. When the system human uses more energy than you put in, you lose weight, no exceptions. The amount of energy needed varies from individual to individual.
Kcal is just a measurement unit for this energy. Like Joule or Watt.
Fuckin faggot.

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Weight gain and loss sure, but does anyone truly care about that? Most people mean fat gain or loss, which is affected by more than just CICO

>hurr when i have nigger dick in my mouth and step on the scale im magically 0,5kg heavier than without a nigger dick in my mouth
Fuckin faggot

eating at a deficit and lose weight is a meme because im eating at a deficit for a montha and i have gained weight, how do you explain that? i hate this hell, did you prove in yourself that eating at a deficit works ? and also eating fat doenst make you fat?

>m eating at a deficit for a montha and i have gained weight,
Than it isn't a deficit and you have to go lower. Fuckin retarded brainlet

Almost all of it is that simple. Nothing significant comes from any other factors.

I ate at a deficit and lost weight. I was also weight training and got more muscular. What was your point again?

im eating 1700 kcal, 600 deficit and i was 72 and im now 75 and i lift and im more fat and i hate this, should i reduce the meals to 3 instead of 5? did you prove in yourself taht eating 5 works ? and eating fat doenst matter?

how many fat do you eat and how many meals spread? im eating 30 proteins, 8 fats and 25 carbs 5 times a day and im gaining weight

im 170 cm 5'7 i was 72 and im now 76 i lift and cardio many days and i got fatter and i weight all my food are you memeing me ?

I didn't have to count shit. Just eat less

did you prove it in yourself ? you lose weight ?how many meals and how many fats ?

>im eating at a deficit for a montha and i have gained weight, how do you explain that?
you are, by definition, eating a surplus. your tdee calculation and/or calorie counting is off

It's a fun meme for normies

"Uhhh it's complicated to know how to lose weight look these scientists and experts can't agree on anything. That's why I'm 100 lbs overweight"

are you sure? did you prove on yourself that eating 5 meals a day at tdee-500 you can lose weight and also eating fats?

Could be some water retention from eating stuff during diet your body isn't used to. Your scale could be damaged, or you have errors in your calculations/tracking.
There is no fuckin way to gain weight (cellular mass) with a energy deficit. If you can do that you're the solution to the worlds energy problem, cause your body found a way to create mass out of thin air.

Willful ignorance.

100% sure.
I did some serious bulking/cutting in my 10 years of lifting.

People forget weight loss,fat loss,and muscle gain are different things

how many meals did you usually do? ok ill do now 5 meals eating 30 proteins 5 fats and 20 carbs and see if i can lose weight...ty

damm ok thanks i guess ill go lower and see if i can lose weight

I eat usually 3 meals a day and sometimes snacks in between. 4500 kcal, 300 g protein a day. Im 115 kg and want to gain more weight.
When i want to lose weight i eat 4000 kcal, 300 g protein. When i stop losing weight, reduce to 3500 kcal, 300g protein. When i stop losing weight, i go to 3000 kcal, 300 g protein, etc.
It doesn't matter if u eat 3, 5 or 8 meals. Just make sure you get the right amount kcal and protein.

The current food pyramid is goddamn autistic, for the most part. Not that that many people use it for their health standards anyway.
>eat shitloads of breads
>all of it empty carb that converts to sugar, and then fat


lack of willpower. beta males and women simply cannot live without chocolate and shit, they are weak people

Because trying to visualise calories and eating habits is quite hard (or at least takes time to learn).

Also our education system sucks. One pizza hut pizza is 1000 kcal, which is more than half my caloric intake on a cut. Your average person has no idea about how calorie dense certain foods are.

>omg user, you eat so much but are still skinny!
>user I eat healthy with lots of salads, but I can't lose weight!

And if I take off my clothes I'll lose some weight.

my bmr is 2081

i want you to know that i think you are stupid

i don't buy chocolate often but if it's in the house I'll eat a piece