Qtddtot - flared ribs edition
What abs exercises work for you??
Show me unconventional abs workouts.
Qtddtot - flared ribs edition
What abs exercises work for you??
Show me unconventional abs workouts.
>LA fitness salesman called asking for me to come down so he can "plan out a routine for me" and all this shit after I signed up for the membership
Should I bother with this shit lads? I just signed up cuz its closer to work and they have more squat racks.
I'd like to get help on my form and a second set of eyes on my routine but I've heard personal trainers are mostly bullshit.
For some reason only my quads aren't recovering properly, i cycle and do leg days but i took some time off and still my quads feel tired while exercising.. are they dead?
I am 22 and I have unironically never fapped in my entire life. I have no religious or moral objections to it I've just never really felt like doing it. Is there something wrong with me? I have never gotten my test levels checked.
I have a problem with my ribs where only one side is flared. I drew pic related as an example.
Yes if this is not bait. Extremely low test probably.
How long have you been working out?
The strength of your abs is not even.
Yeah why not. If he turns out to be an idiot just don't ask for help later on.
What nationality or ethnicity has women who look like this? Srs answers only pls
8 months.. i wasn't feeling tired like this 2 weeks ago but now doing 60% of my max or cycling for a bit feels like shit
Are traps gay?
I’m skinnyfat as hell, should I cut or bulk?
I got told to just lift months ago and have been doing that but I still look like complete shit.
I just want to not look like shit .
I have gyno too
Ya unfortunately this isn't bait, if my test is low enough can I get a prescription for test? Should I go to an anti aging specialist or am I not really old enough?
You fucking mong.
Wont I just got back to skelly, then back to skinnyfat if I try to bulk again?
Is this routine alright? BB.com shills it all the time
Workout A
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x8
Face Pulls 3x10
Calf raises 2x15/Tricep pressdowns 2x10 Superset
Workout B
Front Squat 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8 (any grip)
Ab work 2x15/Bicep curls 2x10 Superset
I’m I’m eating 3100 cals and 170-190gs of protein a day, how much fat should I be eating?
20% of cals
You still should do it. Some say not masturbating can cause some bullshit or other, mostly on women but still. Studies contradict each other all over the place but still there's no reason to not play it safe and jack off every once in a while
How much is that in grams? I’m confused.
How do I gain weight and not get fat?
I just want to gain maybe 5-10 more lbs.
I already feel pretty skinny, but my face is chubby.
Or, tips on staying the same weight but lose fat? Should I just avoid fat in general?
I just fucking hate my cheeks.
deadlifts fuck me up. what can I do in place of them?
Sumo deadlift
Bulk but at a small surplus, 300-500 calories. Your body will turn all of that surplus into muscle as well as a small amount of your bodyfat. You will gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, albeit your muscle gain is capped at .75-1lb a week.
How do they fuck you up? How long have you been doing DL, and how much weight?
No dumbass, just cut. And properly
It's alright
Dumb logistics question
I want to do 2 a days, cardio in the a.m. lift in the PM.
Need to shower before work in the a.m. at the gym, what do i do with my towel? a wet towel will ruin my car (and gym clothes will smell too)
Also what to do with my lunch? Shit will get warm and be ruined in my car while i run/shower.
I started with 125 and it hurt my back. I used to work as a stock boy at a grocery store and practiced poor lifting technique so it kind of ruined my lower back.
Get one of those lunch coolers and leave it in the car with some ice packs in it. Pic related.
My gym has towels one can use for free so idk about the other part.
Guise help me I've got a form plateau in squats literally hit 62.5 kg and didn't ended up deloading to 50kg because I was overworking my lower back, to which I addressed by doing regular and side planks. Is this an eating issue? Am I supposed to be hitting a plateau this low this early?
I'm not tracking my diet very closely but started eating one chicken breast every other day for lunch.
Been lifting for about 7 weeks, weight is 71.5 kgs / 157 lbs an I'm 5'10" / 178 cm
The other day while doing high bar squats I compressed a nerve on my spine which caused tingling all along my right arm. Honestly barely feel it sometimes through the day. Is this something I should worry about? I know I'll either use one of those barberll cushions or even better just position the bar correctly
>tfw no captain mizuki gf
Seriously I have fallen in love with this girl. How to get track&field gf??
i feel pretty dumb not realizing that coolers can hold food instead of beer thx for that one
Anytime fitness is cheap and doesn't have towels sadly, but at least it's on the way home from work and right by a grocery store.
I realize I’m retarded but doesn’t 620 seem like a lot? I go by nutritional labels a lot but wasn’t educated on exactly how much fat I should be getting, I always thought over 100g was bad.
7weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Just be patient, keep lifting regularly and eat more.
Any phenibut junkies here? Wanna know how safe it is to take this shit with alcohol. Last time I took it with it alcohol I wound up at a strip club alone and then going on a $400 coke binge (also alone). I drank a ton of alcohol that night and next day and I felt fine, but maybe all the cocaine negated some of the effects of the alcohol or phenibut. I did get pretty drunk pretty easily. I have a pretty high tolerance for alcohol, but I'm drinking right now after taking phenibut this morning and I'm feeling drunk after 3 beers. I have 9 more in the fridge and just want to know if I might die if I drink the rest.
both use GBHB receptors, I'm not a science but I've read it on here and that shits bad pls stop unless you want to an hero?
There is no "too much" amount of any macronutrient, only too little. Too much of a macro only becomes an issue when you can't hit your calorie goal and some other macro goal because you consumed too much of a different macro. For instance, if you want to hit 200 carbs, 200 proteins, and 60 fats, and maybe 2500 calories altogether. If you eat 150 grams of fat and 200 grams of carbs now you only have 2500 (150 * 9) + (200 * 4) = 350 calories to get 200 grams of protein which you obviously can't do, so you'll have to either go over your calories or not get enough protein that day
K dude thx for the help just did some research and gonna deload quite a bit until I get my form correct. A friend of mine whos been lifting for 4 years says he starts wearing his belt when going 60kgs and above, could that be for me or should I keep on core exercises and deloaded squats?
I think I’m starting to get it. So basically prioritize protein and then use carbs/fat to fill in at the end?
That's basically what I do. I prioritize protein AND calories, but I make sure I get enough fats and carbs as well, but I don't really pay much attention to them when bulking because I'm pretty much guaranteed to get enough. When I'm cutting, I pay closer attention to my fats and carbs because I keep them pretty low and I want to make sure I get enough. I guess in order of importance, for me, it's
>get enough calories without going over
>get enough protein
>get enough fats
>get enough carbs
If I go "over" on anything in that list, I only care if it prevents from achieving something above it in the list.
If I do cardio and my HR is in the right zone and I'm breaking a sweat but I'm not breathing hard am I improving V02 max or what
why the hell are you doing cardio?
I fell out of the lifting a year ago with a 1RM bench at 210, just started again and I'm at 115 for 5 reps, and 1RM of 135 how long till I recover?
So I don't die of fat
Never if you stop lifting again. Just remember that.
Is it productive to mix 3x5/5x5 HIT lifts with 3x8 lifts for some exercises?
Like I do 3x5 deads to 95% and 5x5 curls to 90% max and 3x8 shrugs and good mornings
Thank you user, appreciate the fast responses
Maybe someone else can help you out. Honestly I’ve just been winging it for years but I go 4x a week consistently which I think is the main thing.
Push yourself but in my opinion if your worried about form and fucking something, lower the weight and watch your form. You can always get stronger next week. Your rotator cuff or lower back etc take a lot longer than a week to be good again.
You're welcome. Also, I'm not the original user you replied to, but I think you may have misunderstood his post. 3100*.2 = 610 calories not grams. (3100*.2)/9 = 69 grams from fat. 610 grams of fat is actually an insane amount of fat.
8 weeks to get back to top? did my muscle die or just get lazy?
>610 grams of fat is actually an insane amount of fat.
that's 5500 kcal so you'd have to be an elite powerlifter to process that and would also be shitting liquid grease
Huh? I was just trying to offer some motivation. I have no fucking idea how long it's gonna take you. It depends on your routine, how often your benching, diet... lots of factors. I think your muscles will definitely adapt quicker. Muscle memory is a real thing
Ohhh I understand now. Thanks again man.
That's quite a bit of weight to start out with not being used to the motion, I'll bet that's the majority of your body weight. Try just the bar at first then 25 lb plates and use a fitness step under each side so you are not reaching down so far with the smaller plates
I haven't stopped drinking, and I'm actually feeling less drunk. I took the phenibut 12 hours ago and I think it's starting to wear off. By the time I finish 12 beers it won't be influencing my system enough to cause any serious side effects. I wouldn't recommend drinking 12 beers right after it though. Thanks for your concern and comment tho user
Is Reg Park's 5x5 as good as SS and SL? It just seems cool
will getting strong myself improve or harm my chances of getting a big strong gf like this? I'm 5'6 too
Anything with linear progression and compound lifts is effectively the same. You should actually do what you think "seems cool"... whatever the fuck that means
>What abs exercises work for you??
deadlifts, squats, ohp and cleans
What shoes do you guys deadlift in? I started out doing all my lifts in converse all stars and then bought some nike romeros for squats and the difference between the two was huge for me. I tried deadlifting in them when I first got them, and it wasn't good so I have been deadlifting in my all stars and squatting in my nikes. Today I had to deadlift in my nikes and I noticed the difference even more. Which got me thinking: the shoes on my feet seem to make a pretty big difference when I'm squatting and deadlifting, and there HAS to be something better than the all stars for deadlifts. So what is the best shoe for deadlifting?
Since I posted that, I started reading posts this other website similar to Jow Forums where they have different forums different topics including fitness. People post a lot of memes and funny shit. It's called reddit, and if you guys haven't heard of it, you should check it out. You might like it. Anyway, most of the redditors (redditor on reddit = user on Jow Forums) were suggesting socks. I obviously see a lot of guys in the gym going in socks, but thought there might still be a shoe that is better. Maybe I was wrong. A problem I have, or at least think I have, is that I think I'm too low, like too crunched down, if that makes sense. I've been told, by an employee, that the plates in my gym are actually smaller in diameter than standard plates (though not by much). Basically, I feel like my ass is too close in height to the bar, and I was hoping to find some a flat shoe that could maybe elevate me a bit without the heel being raised like squat shoes. Taking my shoes off would only make my ass closer to the bar.
this, started doing it years ago and never looked back
How hard are the olympic lifts to learn?
I want to add hang snatches to my routine because they look fun, but I don't want to go to snap city.
if a girl says she'll suck my dick if i do something should i take her word for it?
Need help with diet
Breakfast after gym
>3 sausages,3 eggs, 2 hashbrowns ,2 slices of toast, spaghetti,bacon, cheese
Bowl of nutri grain, fruit smoothie mixed with greek yogurt and milk
What can i do to improve?
>What can i do to improve?
more protein, a greater variety of fruit and vegetables and ideally you want to spread protein consumption out throughout the day (add more meals)
Can I do pic related (Phrak's Greyskull) 4 times a week instead of 3 for increased gains or will I waste my time and kill myself.
No. Not based on her word alone. You obviously know this skank better than we do, and there may be other things about her which we don't know that suggest she will actually suck your dick, but obviously don't trust someone, a girl especially, based solely on her word. What is it that she is trying to manipulate into doing?
>is it okay for a novice to increase total weekly volume by a third
very unlikely. it would probably be counter productive but then again you might be a freak who can handle it
Is that all you're eating?
How do I not get bruised from the bar doing back squats?
I buy bananas and frozen mixed berries, if canned peaches or pineapples are on sale i hit them up aswell and chuck in some oats. I could buy some protien bars if that would help my shitty cause?
Yeah man, i can only really spend 80 bucks a week on food. But im sitting at a steady 95kg but my lifts have stalled.
I was wondering what other ways to increase metabolism/tdee
-increased activity
-push calories in controlled way over time
is there anything else i should look into?
Decided to go to the gym during the day instead of night gym and my anxiety is through the roof there isn't even that many people there and I feel panic my mind is like a teenage girl and all I can think of is how unfit I am currently from how I used to be before my head injury how short I am compared to everyone else and how unfashionable I look
How can I combat this Anons? I'm so used to being alone in the gym having people there is honestly one of my biggest weaknesses as sad as that sounds
That and an NHS mandated addiction to painkillers isn't making me feel any better
Stop visiting Jow Forums.
I'm doing PPL, is there any downside to mixing up my accessory work if it works roughly the same area? i.e. seated cable rows on pull day A and dumbbell rows on pull day B. I get bored of doing the same shit.
user this is the hotel california of websites I can never truly leave this place
I just feel like I need to emphasise I'm 5ft9 in place where most men and women my age are 6ftX and over
Looking for a good and tested aesthetics routine for intermediate lifter. Any suggestions?
post body
So I've added 500kcal to my diet recently and all of my lifts are flying up (just hit 1/2/3/4), but my weight is staying at 210lbs.
What the fuck?
>skinny enough for my ribs to be visible
>BF too high for my abs to be visible unless I flex
Why is this?
Those are obliques not ribs you pleb
do you get erections?
dude, jacking off feels really good
Picture not related. I can see my actual ribcage.
I like hanging leg raises the most. Be sure to bring your feet all the way to the bar
Have you tried listening to music? It can help you zone out in your own world and forget about the people around you
Guys I have a big problem I think I severely injured my right elbow joint. I woke up a few days ago and it was hurting. I think it was either side lateral raises or dumbbell bench press. Anyway figured I'd wait a few days so today I did side lateral raises again and yet again my right elbow is feeling really weak right now.
Turns out you should avoid working out at all costs when you have joint pain? How long should I wait? Can I still do DL or squats for that matter?
Fuck I just really wanna keep working out
Just bought a budget power rack and the whole thing is all loose and wobbly, is this normal?
pic related, half the bolts slide back and forth
Where the fuck do you live in England where everyone is 6ft+, I rarely seen anyone taller than 5'7" here in shitistan London
no, its supposed to be firm, thick, solid, tight and great size.
Wilmslow, everyone over 50 is my height though. It's just been on my mind as a 6ft3 woman (she was in flats as well) bullied me on my height at work and it's left that insecurity in my mind
Always listen to music desu I'm just really paranoid today I think also ffs I've just noticed I've yogurt and god knows what else on me
I'm really spilling me spaghetti
>Same Thing
Not evan clous m8
ok sounds like i need to buy about 800 washers because the amount of extra space on these bolts is ridiculous, if you try to do a pull up the whole fucking thing rocks around.
"made in china"
user just remember everything will be okay. The best way to overcome your fears is to face them head on. Today might be a little scary but its all in your head, nobody is really judging you. The next time you go it will be less scary. And the next time after that, and so on and so on.
>t. someone who used to get panic attacks every day
Does sex increase testosterone? And if it does, do i need to fuck my gf everyday for maximum gains?
Had a friend who built his home gym with extreme low quality equipment and everything was wobbly as fuck, nothing was truly symetrical. That's why you don't cheap out on gear.
What's the time window on wiping your ass after a shit?
If I sit on there after dropping dookie for like 5 minutes looking at my porno and when I wipe there's not much shit residue on the tissue does this mean the shit dried up on my ass cheeks or does it mean I had a predominantly clean shit where not much shit residue was left behind on my asshole please respond keep me posted
Nice trips, use wet wipes or don't spend so much time on the fucking shitter mate.