>be me >6'4 210 >on college bus from apartment to campus(route that goes to all of the big apartment complexes nearby) >bus is full so standing in the middle >girl in front of me, no more than 5'5 can't reach the bar, is basically hanging from it >lul >starts to get visibly tired and puts her arm down >bus lurches and she grabs my freehanging arm >by Jow Forums standards my arms are absolutely dyel but she seems to like it and doesn't let go for the next 20 mins until I have to get off Didn't ask for her name or number bc I'm an autistic sperg but felt pretty alpha for a good couple of minutes lads, does that count as a mire?
>hey bby gurl, thought about you holding my arm all night >how bout you let me treat you to the finer things in life >red lobster at 730 sounds good? I'll make the rezzy I know a guy
Benjamin Torres
Nathaniel Wright
>random girl grabs your arm for 20 minutes >you're STILL too pussy to get her number
you will unironically die a virgin. It doesn't get easier than that
Andrew Watson
oh fuck this is a next level mogging
Xavier Johnson
The virgin arm rest vs the Chad fag eye sex
Owen Jackson
Samuel Long
i can't imagine how awkward it must have been for some random stranger to cling to your arm like a crackhead for 20 minutes with both of you in complete silence - this is a brutal reverse mire, you just straight up cucked yourself my man - how could you have any pride in this scenario? absolutely pathetic start to a thread, i'm sorry
How much of a fucking little pushover bitch do you have to be that somebody you don't know can hang off you like a fucking monkey and you don't even say "hi"?
>hand passport from last year to the drivers license evaluator before taking my drivers license test >woah you trained a lot since this photo?
..still failed the test but still felt good.
Leo Harris
>be me >standing on college bus >some dyel is next to me >womanlet surges forward when the bus lurches >grabs dyels arm >doesn’t let go >hey, good for him >waiting for him to say something >fuck me, say something >autismoextreme.jpg >feel physical pain at the deafening silence >my stop is next >every second is eternity >dyel just looks down every so often >shake my head as I get off the bus with womanlet >offer my hand, introduce myself >fuck her like a rag doll that night
Samuel Torres
>bulking since 2010 >see a couple of cuties walking my way on the street >they’re both pretty central so I’d have to go around them to get past >decide to Chad it and maintain current course >girls see my girth approaching and expect me to move >hit warp speed and propel into them straight down the middle >one slams into the building on that side and the other gets shot into a parked car obliterating the doors >hear them choke out few breaths >180 and aim finger guns at them both ”caught ya mirin” >slip finger guns back into air holsters after blowing off smoke >180 back to my original walking path and spot another herd approaching
Chase Bell
You’re a faggot. I’m 6’4” and my gf in high school was 5 flat
Bentley Parker
Holy shit you’re actually a flaming homo. Nothing wrong with that, but come on man, as a 6’4 guy myself I wouldn’t want to ruin my genes either, but you don’t need to have kids with short girls, but carrying them and fucking them like a ragdoll is fun
Luke Long
Women have shown interest in me a few times. I was always too awkward to reciprocate or ask for a number.
>girl grinds on me >I repeatedly move my hips to avoid putting my crotch on her ass >this happened a few times
>girl dances in front of me, keeps putting her hand on my shoulder >I keep dancing solo until she leaves
>overhear bar girl asking my coworkers a few questions about me >she later takes my hand (and only mine) as we're leaving and saying goodbye >leave
>get set up with girl >break up with her before sex because she really likes me and I think she wants a relationship >over a year later it occurs to me that I could have just talked to her to find out what she wanted
Not unreasonable. I'm 6'3 and being with a woman over a foot shorter than myself seems a little bit pedophilia to me
Owen Brooks
Forgot one.
>girl calls me cute a few times >smile, nod, say "I appreciate it"
Connor Bell
same. I honestly think it has to do with r/k selection theory. the world is so fucked that I think anyone who leans towards low number/high investment children, aka a non degenerate, has a biological mechanism that prevents them from wanting to fuck when their environment is unfit for raising children.
Kevin Robinson
I think you aren't horny enough. Try nofap.
David Howard
believe me i'm horny as fuck and have always been horny as fuck. actually acting on my urges always seemed wrong though
Nathan Davis
I'm the first guy. I'm always dtf, but I always freeze when there's a chance it will happen.