Bread is pretty awesome

bread is pretty awesome

filling, tasty. Low calorie. Why havent you ate bread today Jow Forums?

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>not eating bread
>keto fagging
post body

daily in reminder that leavened bread is European and based. if you refuse to eat bread and are white you are worse than a nigger.. far worse.

no u

Thank you friendly bread salesman. You are my greatest ally

bread is fucking awful for your gut biome and your brain


[citation needed]

>t. gluten intolerant subhuman

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Amerilards will never know what real bread tastes like. Thank God we europeans can eat bread, ours is not full of conservant and doesn't taste like plastic

I only eat whole grain Scandinavian bread. Anything else it literally faggot-tier and is just like eating air.

I have heared they make their bread with HFCS.

Don’t really care much for bread itself, but I love making sandwiches. Can’t imagine going a day without bread.

>literally shilling for and eating bread
This board is dead

just eat spinach. seirously, cured all of my stomach related problems.

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>eating bread when tortillas exist

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Ppl will actually buy into this.

>low calorie

i love real french bread

It's true. It's garbage

Make your own bread at home you won’t be disappointed

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