Life after Jow Forums

Is this the most accurate depiction of life after Jow Forums or what?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

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life after Jow Forums
skinnyfat dyel on 1st cut
pick one faggot

post your body I bet you look a lot worse

I literally am a skinny fat on my 1st bulk. refute my point anyways dickhead

This is:

>whole skit portrays what body dysmorphia does to guys
>first response is a guy with body dysmorphia

Personally I liked it, good acting and relatable
I wasn't fat or bullied but I was a skinny loner because I moved to a small southern farm town for middle/high school and everyone had known each other since preschool
Just ran into a girl from school the other weekend and she had gotten fat and I'm in great shape

He only gets sympathy because he's hot and just doesn't know it. If he was actually too fat or too skinny then he would deserve to feel insecure. In the end he doesn't even stop working out, he just goes on being a hot muscle guy but he's woke about it now... total dreamboat!!

It's the hypocrisy that kill me, women want to impose unreasonable standards on you without having to feel bad when it fucks you up mentally.

my point is he looks better than you ever will in your entire life

>group exercise


Haha same.

Now they're still in that small town, except fatter, and 20% of them killed themselves. Haha.

wow buzzfeed actually made good content


The bully bitch was complete right and also passably fuckable.

Attached: Alexander McQueen, trash bags.jpg (450x675, 69K)

she looks like a tranny

the chad virgin

was that sheeboon hitting on him?

Yeah, and it's too true, black chicks are very open about how they feel
Can't tell you how many times I've heard "hol up.. u kinda cute fo a wyboi.."

>implying you don't want that savage primal love

As women go, blacks are actually pretty great. Still psychotic, but in a much more relatable, fun way. Rather than depressing, draining way of white women.

this is good.

only reason I never tried to get with one is std rates are crazy, my older sister had a hot black friend who was educated and grew up in a loving family but yet still slept with scr8 hood niggaz all the time
She came on to me but I was too young to realize

had been looking for this for a while now after I saw it years ago on Jow Forums. thanks user