Are photos accurate?

I hate how I look in pictures compared to the mirror. Which can I trust more and why the difference?

Attached: IMG_2076 (2).png (692x917, 1019K)

Here's how distorted your face can get depending on the camera lense

Attached: camera lenses lie.jpg (1628x532, 293K)


Mirrors are more accurate. Its moving, 3d, and based on the lens of your eye

Both are innacurate
Photos are flat and still, and are heavily dependent on lighting and lense. Mirrors are MORE accurate because they show you in natural light (if near window or daylight creeping in), they show you moving and in 3D. However the mirror image is flipped

stand about an arms length away from a mirror
that is how people see you irl, just flipped
if youre only used to seeing yourself in the mirror your pictures will look like you had a stroke but its just that everyone's face is at least somewhat asymmetrical and youre not used to seeing it that way

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>mirror is innacurate

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The mirror is what your face looks like flipped.
You just think you look weird because you are not used to seeing your self not fliped, it just looks off to you.

>Judaism intensifies

so if i look good in mirrors and weird in photos, i probably look ok right

This is why selfies are retarded

yes more than likely
trust the mirror 100x before photos


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If the surface has minor distortions it will be

Wow thank you based posters. Big confidence boost. Maybe i will make it

so which one of these is supposed to be the closest to reality

what if i look really good in tv reflections, ok in mirrors, and bad in photos

tv reflections are darker so theyre probably hiding your flaws
sorry user ;_;

t. photofag

Its literally a flipped image of yourself you fucking brainlet

I look god-tier in car window reflections and shit-tier in selfies


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me too op fml slay irl but can't get pussy off apps cos not photogenic crew

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when i see myself in a front facing phone cam picture i am horrified

this ruins my day

So if you were to take photos of yourself professionally or for tinder, you would use 50-70mm?

so basically you're ugly with a large personality.

based vulpes poster

kek thank you user, it has been a while since a gif made me gigle

At LEAST 70mm

There's a way to see yourself not flipped in mirrors, you need 2 mirrors but. I think you need to look at your reflection through another reflection. Google it

yeah shits weird though, I can do it with the tv and the mirror in my living room and it gives you vertigo

>everyone's face is at least somewhat asymmetrical
>everyone's asymmetrical

Attached: pepecringe.png (399x322, 42K)

>>everyone's face is at least somewhat asymmetrical
>>everyone's asymmetrical
Even male models have asymmetrical faces.
O'pry's eyes are asymmetrical

ye bro haha perfectly symmetrical faces bro xD so handsome :3

Attached: Symmetrical3.jpg (540x619, 72K)

umm sweaty symmetrical face is UGLY

>if youre only used to seeing yourself in the mirror your pictures will look like you had a stroke
gave me a good kek. this is what I like about being tired on the internet

momma made me that way

My apologies.

mirrors are more inaccurate because your brain is also perceiving you in real time and making you more attractive to yourself

Don’t trust the mirror jew, brahs

>depending on the camera lense
/p/ here. That's a misconception, it's actually the distance between the subject and the lense that causes warping. If you took a photo with an 8mm @ 200 cm you'd look the same as with an 85mm @ 200 cm, just smaller.
But other factors such as angle and lighting play key roles in how good your pictures look. So yes, photos lie, and the you you see in the mirror is probably closer to what other people see IRL.

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Redpill: This actually doesnt matter to people around you who are already familiar with your face. Their brain processes what they see in photos vs what they see in person and these two will always overlap, even with lens distortion. In short, they wont notice any difference. They'll always recognize you using the mental image they have of your face.

It only matters to us because we are not used to seeing our own face, only our mirror reflection which is a flipped version of reality. Try taking selfies and auto-save it as non-flipped version (how others see us) or take videos of your face and watch it. You'll get used to it eventually.

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What mm are most front facing cameras on phones?

Also to others though, it's the Image Processing of the brain that you also apply to others

Phone cameras are wide-angle (low focal length) but as I pointed out in
it's the distance between your face and the camera, not the focal length that matters.
Thots still manage to look pretty in selfies because they ususlly hold their phones arms-length away from their faces. That and a fuckton of filters

Lol same. I think car windows make your reflection a bit bigger because I always look swole when j see myself through car window reflections but then I hate my dyel lookin ass when I look at a normal mirror or photo

No one has ever been rejected from the airport be cause their passport photo was too ugly to be them

lmfao by this logic it happens when others see you too. fucking spastic

>Tfw no 24mm smug gf

....what is an iPhone?

just get decent camera and take video. thats how you look.

they are accurate, if you ain't good looking than blame you genetics

In the mirror my face is the left, on my selfie cam my face is the second right.

You always look like the worst photo of yourself.

You’re not attractive unless people regularly tell you (not your mom) and good things “just happen” to you.

Were all gonna make it, faggot


you actually look better than you think in reality, brain perception is different from pictures and mirror representation.