ITT: chicken shit cowards who need to pump chemicals up their ass so they can make up for the fact that they are manlets who can't meet the requirements to ride most roller coasters
Definitely stay natty. No sir don't need anymore buff people walking around
Brayden Howard
what's a good workout routine based around steron use. i'm thinking a routine would different because of increased recovery time no?
Jayden Fisher
>what's a good workout routine based around steron use It's not a widely known fact about programming on gear but it really depends on testicular weight and mass. Post a pic and we can make you a custom program.
t. shit looking manlet who can't ride roller coasters
Luke Cooper
I'm a dyel. I don't even lift right now lol I just started test and will start working out in 2 weeks for maximum gains why don't I work out now? Well, slow gains and also no gym at the moment
Jaxon Phillips
>notice rubber from stopper floating around vial >8mL left >aussie prices are absurd, but free public healthcare >fingers crossed boys
Isaiah Morgan
what gauge are you using?
you aussies get free healthcare too? tf
Noah Robinson
Is there any benefit to running arimidex on a test 500mg cycle if you don't have any gyno symptoms?
What are you using? Harpoons? be careful son. Free public healthcare, though here you will wait 24 hours to see someone though by then they will probably want to chop your limb off because they couldnt get to it quick enough,
Eli Howard
hit week 3 on 400mg tren 300mg Test today. so far it's great but my god i can't stop sweating fuck southern california. anybody have weird sweat patterns on tren. i sweat only on my back and forehead nowhere else.
Leo Powell
My friend doesn't answer my emails anymore, and its been a while. Whats the replacement for /sst/
only if you do 315 pound curls and rappel off of cliffs
Thomas Diaz
The amount of beta and white knight in the last thread HOLY FUCK. How do you faggots keep yourself motivated to no kill yourself. i can't even
bro split
Feeling shit
Jaxon Richardson
you're the real alpha around here. good to see you teach them fools how to behave around here. we should make you a Jow Forums janitor so u can remove all the betas permanently. would really improve things around here. so we alphas can discuss the important things.
Jackson Butler
so cuteee did i offend your white knight feelings faggot. You are a fucking disgrace to the male race. Fucking cutt of your little penis, tuck it in to make it look like a fucking vigina and use your smalls to make it in a fucking clitoris
you fucking piece of cancerous shit
Caleb Stewart
Shit genetics on what account
Jordan Thompson
What the fuck man I was just saying you were the best and somehow you found a way to take offense. Not really alpha behavior tbqh. I retort my previous statement, you're obviously very insecure about yourself.
Jackson Cox
Dude.... Its his attempt at humor. He is a kanker and gets off on people taking what he responds with literally all the time.
Aaron Wood
Sure man
Your mother is kanker in her ass after i fucked her with my kanker penis
Kek why do you watch this and where do you get those?
Cameron Sanchez
Youtube recommendations. But still, people are so fucking sad lmao. because they all look like fucking shit they see people like that as threat
that guy is just living the live, he can eliminate every flaw himself, rich, living healthy.
BUUTT MUH MUHH security. Fucking people who react like that are the insecure losers
Cooper Garcia
Until failure, don't forget that
Brayden Ortiz
Finally got the time to go to a dentist and teeth surgeon. My jaw is slightly back combined with my above average jaw & tongue muscles (wtf) it probably is the reason why I snore so fucking loud.
Now with this opportunity I am going to let them fix my teeth and cut open my jaw and set it to the right position. Wheeee
Luke Hughes
You should have mewed
also pictures?
Luke Rogers
Even if that would do anything I am rather opposed to do shit /fit is obsessed with
What Pics do you want? I am at work so I won't start making selfies here
Nathan Bell
how much prolactin control should i anticipate with 600 deca?
Jackson Gonzalez
That's why you will never meke it
from your jaw
Benjamin Morris
Good luck user, sounds painfull as fuck.
Nathan Sanchez
Hows the cat doing??
Still runnign DHB?
Alexander Evans
100mg test 200mg dhb "cruise"
Nicholas Morgan
Hows the cruise going?
Xavier Turner
I'll post you the x-rays when at home
Painkillers and a week hospital. Will be fun
Leo King
Started cut, pretty hungry, but I'm doing well. Thanks for asking.
Will it be worth it all?
Asher Lewis
about tree fiddy
Jace Perry
Been cutting a while on a high cruise dose of test (250) blast starts today to finish this cut up with a recomp of sorts 350mg test p, 700mg tren ace 500mg mast e, winny 50mg kickstart 4weeks, then in 10 weeks ill start halotestin for 4 weeks at 20mg ed, may up it as I go.
Angel Martin
why recomp? why not bulk hard
Luis Long
Went docs this morning Fraud, Asked to remove my hoody, Doc says "wow, i take it you workout"
Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk
Parker Allen
Want to lean up that little bit more, although I reckon with this cycle I can still put on some decent size. Cutting on winny especially has always gone well for me size wise. Nah he wasn't, just surprised you weren't fat under there.
Leo Davis
Made sense why he tempted me to take my hoody off with sweets and cakes
Wyatt Morgan
He's fine again. He also lost 1.5kg in one month, damn he's cutting like crazy on this diet
>Go to doc for blood test. >so this is the power of steroids >i don't know what you talking about >looks at me with the eyebrow fucking bitch just take my blood
Lmao just never looks like he gives a fuck So hes back to eating and not vomiting? Get him on the Masteron and into a comp
I havnt had bloods taken since june on EQ, i should be dead by now Whats the blood situ in netherlands anyway? public healthcare do it or do you go private or what?
Kevin Cooper
He's trying to get the same look as me. No they just gave him 2 injections and he's fine now.
For the doctor you need a special reason. I also don't want the doctor to know i roid or have weird values. I just go to a private clinic, they take the blood and send them to a lab. Within 6-7 hours you have the results.
Jack Moore
Get you some filter needles, the switch to a sharp one when sticking it up your but
>filter needles are things widely used when shit comes from glass ampules
Lincoln King
You still "borrowing" that wii u?
Cameron Ward
tfw I have to wait a week to get bloods
Easton Morgan
Yeah i already finished them all. Accept Mario 3d world but i am too lazy to collect all those things to unlock the last world. Also red dead redemption II is coming soon.
lmao you think i didn't borrowed it. i am not going to buy a console for 2/3 games i want to play. Wii doesn't have a lot of good game, so not worth to buy
Because you go at a cheap ass clinic. Also doesn't it cost more money if they have to store it.
Christopher Hill
Are you sure? I looked into jaw surgery because I have the exact same issues you have (receding chin/jaw), the snoring etc and everywhere I looked they told me your teeth need to be PERFECT before jaw surgery, which is almost impossible when you have a fucked up jaw. so basically you need braces for a year or two first to realign all your teeth perfectly, THEN they can do the jaw surgery
Evan Nguyen
>first week pmsf >down 25lbs Thats a lot of water
Play fe#
Daniel Stewart
What’s the difference between ending a 12 week, a 24 week and a 1 year cycle in terms of PCT?
Do you need more stuff, different stuff or is it the same?
Jayden Hill
Jerry how long are you on psmf, i always see you talk about that shit
what is fe#
Colton Murphy
Like 8 months last year lol. First week now, doing it for a month.
Fe# is the best wiiu game
Owen Barnes
I dunno maybe you're too proud to admit you own one. Nintendo has that basedboy stigma.
I like it for the upscaled wii backwards compatibility alone.
I have it in shrink wrap does that count.
John Campbell
Connor Gomez
>i dont even lift >i just started test holy fuck.. what is going on with the world.
Gavin Williams
Yes that's the plan. Sorry to not be that specific. They think it's done in 1,5-2 years since my teeth aren't that bad. Still had to check with surgeon first.
>yo doc I need hgh, igf-1 checked >what the hell did you do this time? >taking Chinese hgh >if the test comes back good I need the source, stuff is expensive in pharmacy and I don't get any younger >sure Based af
Yeah will be worth it. Wanted to fix my teeth anyway. Sleeping with my gf in the same bed would be nice too. Now she sleeps in another room cause I am too loud. But Ozzy doesn't give a fuck I can snor in his ears and he just snores too. Weirdo cat
It sold terribly so close enough. Should play it though
You don't have to show off your strength by crushing the hair off that cats face
Andrew Young
Josiah Powell
Yeah that's what's stopping me, I'm too old for braces fuck that
Adam Morgan
He is a switcher and likes it rough
Camden Barnes
lads, how much lifting experience did you have before you started roiding?
im coming back to the gym after years out, had a good physique before the break, but now im wanting to get back to training and i don't know how long i should wait before i start Test. might even consider TRT
Fucking shit I really wanted to keep the test low.
Bentley Rivera
Jason Reed
Dude, i am one of the few over here who gives least a fucking damn what you guys think about me. I already told you i have no friends, i am isolated. I am fucking straight up and tell and share everything.
I play videogames, everyone of you faggots can know it
I only liked DK3 and Mario
Brayden Lewis
Pinning since 3 weeks now and inject 250mg of test e3d. I did the first 3 weeks without arimidex because I wanted to wait for possible sides but yesterday got paranoid and took my first. 5mg dose after my injection.
Would take the next 5mg dose with my next shoot in 3 days, and continue to go like this till something changes (like low E2 sides or high E2 sides), is this a good idea?
Also when is it ideal to get bloods taken? I know in the morning on an empty stomach gut should I do it the morning after injecting and taking the arimidex to get most realistic blood results?
I would check for testosterone and E2, any other stuff I should let the lab check in my blood? My main focus is to see if the gear I take is legit and to see if I dialed my E2 in properly, I guess liver values aren't neccassary so early in my cycle? I took them before hopping on tho.
Fucking smartphone, I meant 0.5mg of arimidex of course
Zachary Bailey
W8, you have no friends??
Austin Cox
Outside my house
Jace Rivera
My bad. I'll be your friend one day if I get big enough.
Dominic Gutierrez
Yes I told you faggots multiple times. All my friends were drugged up losers I had to let loose to focus on my muscle money and looks mission.
Not having a gf or no woman affection at all without paying for it. That's something to be ashamed of
Hunter Morris
Thats sad :( My mates don't get in the way of anything. Would you be open to having like minded friends?
Do you still have a gf?
Samuel Robinson
Thinking about running a anavar and Clen only cycle, any tips?
Samuel Rivera
no wonder you are so mentally unstable. humans are social animals.
Joseph Jenkins
It's more because I was done with that loser life of doing drugs and stealing bullshit. This was the only way to get out
Yes otherwise I would never say that
I have enough social contact at the gym and work. In the weekend I deal with my gf. I am actually really social and confident irl
Samuel Wilson
>been pinning tren everyday since March
Kill me
Gavin Green
Kill yourself you should be in the right head space
Jace Taylor
Half Satan
Josiah Cooper
post body
fair enough
Chase Baker
Bentley Collins
able to have sex and keep it hard but dull orgasm and less sensitive. Low or high e2
Jack Harris
I look like a fucking yeti I’m so hairy right now.
Thought about it occasionally but really it’s just made me really want a loving and happy relationship
Colton Thompson
dosagemayvary . c o m / high-estrogen-vs-low-estrogen-symptoms-for-men/#comment-103
Silly dumb kanker scum stop crashing your e2 all the time.
Andrew Roberts
mast i have your deca insomnia i think, slept like 3 hours a night the last few nights straight, and going to bed i dont feel tired at all even if im trying to go to bed at 4-6am lol anyone know how to fix this?
Bentley Scott
>have a hard time gaining and losing weight despite hard work and patience >get me test level tested >have the test level of a 90 year old >ur test levels are fine goy should I just get a clean source and cruise on 400 mg test u?