Hey guys, do you think I should ease up on my bulk?
/cbt/ Current Body Thread
My gf took this at the beach today
Shame about that face and balding head
you should ease up on your hair loss
lol you can see the roids face kicking in
that little weasel lost all his mass. Thats what you get for living in auswich you dirty little aussie rat
and the gyno
Why do roid bodies look like fucking shit
Because its not natural?
>mfw i looked better before I started using gear
You don't look bad. The shoulders are a little offputting, but I bet a cut would help
roidskin and gut is so unaesthetic
The bait is that he’s on roids in both pics
holy fuck you look so bad lol get off gear asap
>that obvious roidgut starting to form on the right
retard copers
stop roiding. you look gross and your skin looks like shit
>roiding for this
This dudes proportions, skin, hair and general level of aesthetics were better in the left photo. Prime example of going to far.
Why do so many roiders try to get comically big? Why not just maintain
>That cocked confidence in his smooth shiny body as a natty.
>that weary uncomfortable look in his face post riding, wondering if he did the right thing. All while KNOWING he didn't
Like clockwork. Zyzz was right
Mental illness
Everybody I've seen on steroids has (unwarranted) confidence to burn and I think most guys get addicted to that feeling and the muscle gains become secondary
yeah you're bigger, but I honestly feel like you looked way better in the first pic
I'd definitely slow down m8
Bulking is making me feel chubby but at least my lifts have gone up a lot
looking good dude, I feel you though
Bulking is fucking way harder than cutting. This realization has made me hate fat people so much more. I'm so tired of eating but I want to grow so I feel like I'm eating more than I should
You are the male equivalent of a girl with body dysmorpia. Steroids are fucking retarded.
This guy have an insta or something?
Do you fuckers even have an idea of what gyno is?
Wait he does have gyno nevermind
That's gyno my dude. Get surgery
i hate myself.
You look good bruv
much appreciated my man
do i have a strange hip to waist ratio or is it a middling bodyfat that makes me look this way in your opinion
You look normal but you are a cock head
fair enough
you look awesome dude
I'd just keep your trail shaved
Am I being insecure or is there something legitimately wrong with my body? Besides my right pec which is just a minor case of pectus carinatum and should look more normal as I add mass
could just be your posture
Stop uploading sideways reee
your chest needs some serious training
after that just cut a while
kek to a line or completely
ease up on your roids.
Have you tried higher volumes? I always felt awfully uncomfortable over-eating to try and bulk, and found that cycling between a high volume routine for 6-8 weeks, then Canditos 6-week strength program did wonders. I'm not huge, but much better proportioned than ever and put on size way faster than plugging away with low volume routines.
After my first year I think I’ve leveled up from DYEL to DYEL (ascended dyel) Lvl. 2
Cut has commenced
bulking with SS plus one bodybuilding style full body volume day thrown in on sundays.
initial progress
going to transition to a ppl once finished with SS and add some jump rope HIIT for cardio once it's time to cut.
that acne
His face and hair are fine/good .
he is just getting fatter you dumbass. I hate retards like you who hae no idea about roids and their effects but always talk like you know shit
also no yno, he has literally zero fatty tissue there and he has been on gear for like less than a year and he obviously isnt balding, the only real difference is the bloated face and the ugly roid acne, thats it
Man this is what steroids are supposed to do. Make you like an action figure. Nobody comes close to this guy. He should act in comedy movies or even action movies.
>still posting this meme
what you bois think?
a bit of both but losing the fat will make the world of difference
>striated quads
>no calves
Mirin your insertion genetics desu
Nice cope now get the fuck out of the gym, you’re taking up equipment real men need.
Because people who are willing to go the extra mile for success are never satisfied and always need to hit another milestone. Many guys who juice hit those milestones in other parts of their lives, or other fitness goals besides mass, but some have a one track mind and pursue mass above all else.
He’s not natty in the first pic you clueless nobgobbler
You can reverse steroid-induced gyno with drugs you retards.
Oof bb.
If I were to reach level like that in a year I would be plenty fucking happy.
just needs a bit more core
>real men
>using artificial testosterone
Perks of being 5’9 :,)
Would bang
I'm assuming that left was also on gear, but right looks worse for sure.
Its just weird and barely human looking. Like a water balloon that's been filled to bursting with blood.
You think thats a bad hairline?
Crippling insecurity, want to be women like Kroc
5'11" manlet fridges RISE UP
Looks like you go to Movati Athletic sir?
t. op's boyfriend
Stop bulking. You look like shit. The fat around your waist is pig disgusting
why are you bulking? You're fat as fuck
>real men
>start with high enough test levels to actually take a risk and take steroids
Pussies don’t take steroids because they’re afraid their already tiny balls will shrivel to nothing
Alphas take steroids because being the best is worth a risk