>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones myfitnesspal.com
If you ask for help, remember to include your >height >weight >screenshot of MyFitnessPal/Cronometer/fatsecret food log >confirmation you've read the OP and the sticky
The cravings have stopped after 3 weeks of consistency, no cheats, no lying to myself, just honestly maintaining my self-imposed healthy lifestyle. It seems weird now that I'm here and don't even have the desire to stuff my face with cakes. Now the only cravings I have are the natural hunger and thirst, and no longer wanna drink soda or eat shit, just wanna eat something and drink water. But lemme tell you the first week was absolute hell. I had to literally run out of money to wake up so that I won't buy food anymore. It was a deep hole I had to crawl up from. That was almost 40 kg ago.