Itt: Cringy exercises
I'll start
>Assisted pull-ups
Itt: Cringy exercises
I'll start
>Assisted pull-ups
>assisted dips
>cable calf raises
>any exercise that starts with ‘Smith Machine’
What if you are trying to work towards being able to do a pull up
Cable crunches. I actually do them but it looks like you’re trying to suck your own willy
>Assisted pull-up machine
>spending hundreds/thousands of dollars on a machine only dyels will use
>and for a very limited time
oh wait it's perfect for most gym goers
Wait until the gym is empty and then try to do one on a pull-up bar. The only excuse to use machines that assist you is if you’re elderly or disabled.
If you can't do a pull up it's because you are too fat, don't use a machine for women and lose weight and do pull downs in the meanwhile
rack pull above the knee
Squat, bench, and deadlift have become cringey as fuck in the last couple of years. Total gymcel losers that obsess over them now and look down on people that don't do them (because that's the only way they can ever feel above someone else LMAOOOO)
I do one arm pull ups with the assist
whats wrong with that im trying to get to doing 1 arm pull ups
this is my entire workout
>weighted dips
OHP. Everyone doing that is asking for death desu
I dont even know how to use the assisted pull up machine desu
>He doesn't want to have big unaesthetic ass and thighs is a bait
This, I died like five times doing OHP.
Never again.
Thats like saying bench pressing is retarded because you are using like weight, you have to start somewhere and build your strenght Up
>forearm curls
Still better than lat pulldown, that's the real cringe.
>asking for death
People who walk behind when I'm doing them - they're asking for sure.
this but unironically
g..gotta start somewhere right? I'm just listening to that one scooby video, can't even do a proper pull up or chin up
Also theres chin ups
just do negatives then
>b-b-but it doesnt work!
yes it does
t. was unable to do a single pull up, now i can do 8 in one set
Do lat pull downs
thats what I mean, negative pull up, standing on the chair (using a small ladder though) and then descending slowly
yeah thats good
op is referring to those machines that let you do ""pull ups"" with less weight
they're a lot less effective than negatives
>doing the big 3 if all you want to achieve is to get laid
I never understood why Jow Forums gymcels do shit liek SS instead of using machines for the sloots
I use them for the 7 minutes AMRAP pull-ups on cardio day in the Bridge
I do a set of unassisted, then a set at 5, then a set at 10 and so on with minimal recovery time until the 7 minutes are up
Call me a faggot but I think it's good conditioning to really spend your upper body energy
If you go below the knees, you might as well just do a deadlift.
serious answer: then do negative pull ups.
Dumbell hurls
cope harder fatass
the only one using the assisted pull-up in my gym are girls using it for leg pushdown, kinda greate when i do sit-ups and have a nice wiew of the asses
>caring what others in the gym think
I bet you don't even have juicy glutes from hip thrust do you?
>assisted pullups
Dude I had to do these until I got enough strength to do normal ones with proper form.
They should be a stepping stone
Lat pulldown is even more cringe
Negatives. Period. 2 weeks ago I could only do half a pull up. Started doing negatives until I could get 1, and now I'm doing 4.
assisted pullups was the goat exercise to getting me to finally be able to do a pull up.
lat pull downs and negatives never really fully loaded my back properly.
finally said fuck it and stuck to progressively overloading on the assisted pullup machine.
within 2-3 weeks I could do a clean pull up.
Now i can do around 10 @ 220 bw and still throw up the assisted pad after i hit failure, to hit a few more.
Feel no shame user, if you want to get better at a certain movement do the actual movement.
Do negatives
>calling anything that allows someone to progress "cringy"
Lose weight. Negative pull ups. Lat pull downs. Overhead press.
Just stop being fat and lifting light weight.
t. 1rm two plate bench press cuck
Assisted pull-ups use a band, they're not fucking machine exercises you dipshit.
They're also the name for a machine exercise
>lat pulldowns
>bodyweight rows
>barbell rows
Honestly? Squat. Seeing all the DYEL Asians at my uni gym squat makes the exercise look like something only virgins do