I can't finish during sex
Wat do
I can't finish during sex
Better than finishing too soon
Stop using the death grip while masturbating.
Ask him for a reach around
Is this your way of coming out of the closet?
>Not using the death grips while fucking
same here user, girls like it at first but then they start feeling like there is something wrong with them for not making you cum, it ruins the relationship, I never cum from pentration but only on a girls mouth mastubating, cant give you the answer but I do watch porn most days so it could be part of the reason.
you're gay
Unironically nofap, I used to have difficulty cumming during sex too but nofap fixed it
this is me, pussy doesn't make me cum unless i'm really into it
stop using condoms. they suck
do you have problems getting a boner during sex?
do you feel like you could cum if you took the time to jerk off for 30~ seconds?
are you nervous before/during sex?
are you comfortable with your partner?
You'll be a changed man user, sex is so much more enjoyable
Fake dat shit
All of these
You sure your not gay dude
stop watching porn, only fap to your imagination a maximum of once a day. also don't squeeze your dick so hard when you do fap. also, if you know you're gonna fuck a girl that day, don't jerk off.
sounds like anxiety issues
If i dont feel like i can cum inside her I pull out and jerk off on her tits/face/ass. not rocket science dude. Girls just want to know you had a good time.
blame your woman
find a tighter pussy to fuck
this nigga wit duh big dick getting dem guts every pump
This. Old gf I could last forever, new kgf is so tight I can't last long at all
I know a girl who loves DG.
I'd love to fuck her while blasting Guillotine and The Fever.
A shame she is biploar as fuck.
>cum in 30 secs
user, what the fuck!? I'm not even wet.
>cum in 2 minutes
user, what the fuck!? I didn't cum.
>cum after 10 minutes and doing all kind of positions after revisiting "Nacho Vidal's library"
user, what the fuck!? My pussy ended swollen, do you think I enjoyed this shit?
My life.
Stop watching porn
>girl can't get wet
must be the guy's fault
>guy can't get hard
must be the guy's fault
>girl can't come
must be the guy's fault
>guy can't come
must be the guy's fault
It is tho
Try not being ugly
Let me finish for you.
I fucked a 8/10 hooker for 60 minutes and couldn't cum. I've had sex with men before and always came.
I'm so sorry OP, but you just have to accept that you are a faggot.
if girl dont get wet by just looking at you, you won't make it
if you stick your finger in a pussy and its not completely soaking wet, you a confirmed ugly faggot, just saying bruh no hate
>take zoloft for over a decade
>can now last for hours without cumming
I've cum during sex once or twice i think, both times without a condom.
1 month of NoFap
Worked for me, I had death grip
Came in my gfs pussy and it was prob the best orgasm ever srs
Feel you
>3 years with a girl
>Only achieved ejaculation by penetration once
I don't know why the fuck that time was different, but im yet to replicate that, most times i fuck her untill she can't go anymore and then Jack off untill i come over her, sometimes i don't even cum, just want to get on with my day
How are you fucking her before she is even wet
this is me
I don't even fap often, I don't specifically do no fap but I think I haven't fapped in like 3 weeks
my libido is low from dutasteride and SSRIs
Also I don't feel shit with the condom on, this might be contributing.
Most times i would agree with you, but that user is right, when people discuss sex they usually put a little too much responsability on the male partner
Ass is just thighter also
Op, fuck your girl in the ass and see what happens, if the problem remains, this user is right and you are gay
>couldn't finish during sex
>ex gf was insecure bitch and asked if I was gay or some shit
>watch a lot of porn and focus on cumming faster when fapping
>became a minuteman
How do I go back? On no-fap and no-porn already
Thank you doctor user
For a sec I read you were fucking your gf while holding her in a guillotine choke.
Hot af
>I've had sex with men before
Confirmed that 50% of Jow Forums users love guzzling cock
I don't cum on the first night
>I tell em, im saving the load for the next time
I usually have trouble cumming if we go like a second or third round. First round I always cum quickly like a kissless virgin, afterwards I always make her cum. Nofap does help though
user is either a virgin or a rapist
Not an option.
The bitch I'm currently seeing is the definition of unreliable, sometimes we won't see each other for two weeks. One week nofap is the point where it starts to ache and hurt walking around for me.
Probably a lot more than 50 fampai
>tfw can't cum on the first night
Damn this is the perfect excuse, thanks bro
w2c wrestling gf who listens to Death Grips ?
I've never been able to cum from penetration but I do use condoms everytime. Been with my GF for 2 years.
I try no fap but its fucking hard, no-porn is slightly easier but still hard because of the internet and urges, I do sometimes fap to degenerate crap but I feel like no porn would fix that.
I was like this user and self conscious about it until I started giving rough facials
Yes, actually excessively homophobic
Jow Forums is that way fgt
Figurative speaking, gymcels.
I have the same problem. The only thing that fixed it was to do nofap and noporn, and then after a week or two masturbate without porn. However you must masturbate in such a way that it simulated the vagina, so its more focused on friction. In fact try to masturbate using the least amount of stimulation possible and still cum. Keep masturbate this way but do it rarely.
This solved it for me but it still required quite a bit of pounding in the prone bone position. The prone bone position is pretty good for us hard-cummers when you tuck her legs together.
>This solved it for me but it still required quite a bit of pounding in the prone bone position. The prone bone position is pretty good for us hard-cummers when you tuck her legs together.
Can confirm
If you are on anti depressants they can do that. Look it up
Why even bother with sex when jerking it is SOOOOO much better. You’re making your life worse with NoFap. I sometimes abstain from jerking it for a couple days to make jerking it that much more enjoyable but that’s it. Sex isn’t even worth it tbqh, non-virgin here btw.
>10 minutes
>americans get mutilated by Jews and cant even orgasm during intercourse
Many such cases. SAD
What's the point of having a girlfriend, if you still have to use condoms with her after two years?
I'm unmutilated and still get no sensation at all from sex with a condom, even the extra thin ones. Can cum in minutes from any half decent blowjob too, so it's not from deathgrip.
more like an hr
I like cuddling but sex is overrated unless if you love the girl
The fault always lies with the more powerful.
Are you a weakling user?
It's probably anxiety/nervousness/life stress.
Happened to me as well, especially when I had little sleep.
>had gf for some time
>bad sleep, exam anxiety, worked out 4-5 days a week
>couldn't cum at all (without condom) even though I wanted to fuck her 24/7
>broke up for unrelated reason
>fast forward a few months, im on a vacation
>saw a brothel and decided to go in
>went for a skinny blonde
>came in under 5 min with a condom
Don't stress about it (literally). Be rested, start noporn (it really does help) and you'll be fine.
Or a virgin rapist
Don't start in the first place then
>10 minutes
I can't cum for like an hour because of all the masturbation
Its faggot like you that enable women to behave like entitled cunts
>black guy and blonde haired woman
every fucking time
they think being a beta lapdog will make girls fuck them
That picture is the after solution tho. Blonde can’t get sexual satisfaction so she went and seek black male to finish the job
Are you just pounding away? Go slower and develop a consistent rhythm and dont stop. If you speed up keep a rhythm. Straight pounding away is high school tier
>the absolute state of cutfags
FUCK chris paul
Get off cycle then
Same problem went away after nofap and noporn, cut porn/fapping for a few monthes see how much better sex is
never cummed in my life, cant do it while fapping or during sex, however once in a while i have wet dreams. its really frustrating
I know a guy who’s only cum once with one girl during sex. He says most of the time the girl will cum and then he’ll go jerk off
>I am a weakling
>once again blaming others for his own failures
Enjoy your life user.
>6 years with a girl I love
>never attracted to her
>only ever got off once
I thought she had lofty goals for life when we got together, but she stopped improving.
I gotta get outta here.
For you guys with anxiety issues, try taking 5 mg of Yohimbine HCL. Super cheap. Only problem is some nasty sides like shivers, but it brings sensitivity to your dick and makes it easier to get hard. Also been without porn for a month and a half though
I never cum with small tits, only with big beautiful tits
tits can't cum, that's milk dumass
>girl I really and is super attractive doesn't make me cum
>single mother bimbo porn star-tier looking girl makes me bust all over her ass and then get hard again 2 mins later
I feel bad, but my dick knows what it wants.
Honestly, I don't really worry if I don't finish anymore, because I still enjoy the experience. I'm usually pretty honest with them that I get in my head too easily sometimes and it prevents me from cumming. As someone with performance anxiety, being able to achieve a strong erection without worrying my ass off is a huge accomplishment for me, so I'm pretty happy.
I hate cuddling, I’m usually too warm and I don’t know what to do with one of my arms.
>I like cuddling
Based intimatechad
Stop fucking twinks and go back to real sex. You’re not as high test as you used to be, the feeling of dominating another man isn’t as mentally erotic.
>cum in 20 seconds
Okay this is epic
How do I solve it?
>20 second
Yes it is you dumbass. Time it out. Don’t jack for like 5 days before you see her and save your load for her. Stop whacking it to porn too you degenerate
Don't drink too much. Any bit will numb your cock, too much and you won't get up.
Get more comfortable. This might take a couple tries if you're with a new girl.
Don't fap. You'll want to bust a nut real bad after a week. More importantly, you'll get used to the feeling that God intended and not your way too tight hand.
Take lecithin and zinc. On top of making your loads bigger, it makes your dick more sensitive (anecdotal, but it worked for me and some other people).
Get the right rhythm going. I actually cum faster from consistent, slower thrusts compared to fucking wildly.
All of you are fucking degenerates. Jerking off to porn when you have girlfriends. Congratulations, you’re addicted to artificial reality instead of pounding real life pussy. It’s beyond pathetic what our generation has become.
Also, it’s a shitty thing to do when you’re in a relationship. It’s such filth how normalized porn has become in our society. Fuck all of you for contributing to that
>save up a full week's worth of cummies for the big night
>"omg sry can't make it tonight anyway lol"
>tfw blueballed for the second week in a row
don't worry, she'll be replaced the moment I find a better option
you are the biggest fucking pussy if you think that you actually need to masturbate to walk without hurting. Your body isn't retarded, it'll adjust to the amount of sperm production you need. If you jerk it like 5 times a day then it'll take a bit to figure it out but there's no medical condition called blue balled you massive faggot.
>Not an option
Do you realize how much you sound like a pathetic teenager? I NEED TO TOUCH MY DICK TO LIVE! Grow the fuck up.