How do I get rid of these?
I have had them all my life, it's the biggest insecuritiy I have on my appearance. I feel like it makes me look like a drug addict or something.
How do I get rid of these?
I have had them all my life, it's the biggest insecuritiy I have on my appearance. I feel like it makes me look like a drug addict or something.
You can’t mate sorry
I have them too and they won't fuck off thinking about surgery or something at this point
>not going for the vampire aesthetic
Bro you kidding? Girls dig the trainspotting character look. If you really wanna get rid of them, just use caffeine roll-ups
Drink more water and get more sleep. If you're doing these its potentially diet related. Just research it online.
i legit look like itachi with my eye bags. i've had them for a long time now and i get a lot of sleep so idk what causes it. dark eyebags can be aesthetic if you look like a college student
Jeremy is that you?
Its a permanent feature of my face. Theres probably nothing you can do about it. If it really bothers you use makeup
become a brooding conceptual art lover.
Fade cream and/or neutrogina 110 fps oil free lotion. I buy both at Walmart, less than $20 together for a 1 month supply. They wont go away but you can cover them up pretty well.
Not OP but this shit? How the fuck does it help?
nice eye color, no homo
get more sleep faggot
I have a birthmark around one eye that makes people think I have a black eye when I meet them.
its the panda/killer whale asthetic, it will be popular soon, timetraveler here btw
it looks aesthetic 2bh, don't worry about it dude
Your eyes are fine, I'd be more worried about that pig snout.
finn or swede?
fuck you john
Put used coffee grounds under your eyes for like 20min 2x a day. It doesn't have permanent results but it helps
Caffeine shrinks blood vessels
Fuck you I'm Robert
Those are mostly seen with people that lack sleep. Just sleep more, they will probably go away
I get at least 12 hours a day and I've had these my whole life. Sometimes it's just genetics, unfortunately.
>don't be an arab
>don't be eastern european
If you're at least one of those you're fucked
>12 hours a day
you are probably sleeping too much then. Maximum sleep should be 9 hours, 10 at a push. 12 is fucking ridiculous and is probably making you look more sleepy and making the eye circles worse
Same, brother, same here.
unfortunately my biggest problem is not my eyes, but my height. Eyes can be fixed with advanced face creams, for which there is a whole heap of research and money behind. However, for height, nothing except for hgh will do the trick.
I hate being 173 cm tall
Same for me.
Might be allergy related.
Not for me tho, it's all genetic.
Some people have thinner layers of skin below their eyes, making the blood(vessels) below more visible.
You could try getting a tan. Might make the contrast less stark. I personally don't mind them that much.
Posting in this recurring thread for like the fifth time
I have them too, they don’t bother me at all I still get chicks (I have a bit of a tan)
I thought so too, so I tried sleeping less but all it did was make me feel tired. It seems like my body really does need that much sleep or I can't function properly. It's annoying because it leaves me with less time to do things but it definitely isn't causing my dark circles.
not him but I have similar issues as a finn
F, never going to make here in tan-world
What time do you go to bed? If you are going to bed late and getting up late that won't help. Try going to bed earlier if this is the case. Maybe also you are just lethargic because you don't do enough physical activity in the day?
Stop watching porn every night
Yes we can tell thats what its from
You look handsome OP, no joke
Tan, Ice them in the morning, mg
I do lots of physical activity and even have cold showers to try and wake myself up. I should get to bed earlier though, but every time I try is the only time I can't get to sleep, even if I feel tired and want to sleep. I'll keep trying, anyway.
The key to getting to sleeping earlier is waking up earlier. This will reset your sleep cycle. Wake up at a shitty early time like 6-7AM and be productive and active. By the time it's 10 you''ll be tired as fuck and sleep like a baby
Same, been thinking about getting rid of it via laser. Only $400, not sure why i haven't done it yet.
Jebote Daniel? Är det du?
nur Deutsch oder Englisch, bitte.
if you need 12 hours of sleep a day you might just have a diet problem, either lack of some vitamin/mineral or allergy to something triggering autoimune response.Latter is most likely
Try elimination diet.
live with what you got faggot, quit bitching like a little girl. At least you're in better shape then I am
im a dude but id blow your penis no joke ur hot pm me
I tried this once and apparently I got up then stopped the alarm and instantly went back to sleep, but I don't remember it at all. I guess I'll have to keep trying harder.
I do take multivitamins and try to have a decent diet, but there probably is something wrong. Pretty sure my hormones are messed up but since it's not causing "significant" problems doctors don't care.
Thanks anyway anons, I'll try your suggestions.
Bro, are you serious? I mean, sure, we all have our insecurities that we refuse to believe people don't pay attention to. But let me help you out here, in hope of you reading this and letting it SINK IN, please. You look handsome man, no homo. It's seriously just another facial characteristic and you should NOT be obsessed about it - people see you as you are; they really don't overanalyse (what you think of as "anomalies") in the same way that you do. I really hope this post can help you realise, if even the slightest, that you really do look great - you should stop worrying about it right fucking now. I would never have guessed you had this insecurity if you didn't tell us to begin with; that should say A LOT. Have a nice evening, OP. :-)
>piggy nose
>no cheekbones
>rounded, flabby jawline
>no facial proportionality
yeah OP sure is handsome
Eat more red eat and take iron supplements
I am anaemic and have dark eyes
Is that you? Dont worry about it you're handsome already.
lookism has warped your mind
Would kill for a bf that looks like that
I apply pic related a few nights in a row before bed
Not sure if it helps or placebo
Wakey wakey, sleepy head. Try getting more sleep.
One "dramatic" solution that may be of use to you for this.
From studies ive read and guides(based off reserach, not bro science) it seems that if you fast for an entire day, and then proceed to wake up at a "correct" time, followed up by an immediate meal, you can change your circadian cycle in a single night.
To put it in a timeline(with a goal of waking at 5AM:
Day 1 6AM: start fast
Day 1 8:30PM: get into bed
Day 2 5AM: Wake up
Day 2 5:20AM: eat, BreakFast.
While i have not performed this at home, i have done this when traveling to relieve jet lag, and my subjective experience seems to make the adjustment time from jet-lag go from 3 days to 1 day in all but the most extreme situations.
Just google "how to reset sleep cycle reddit" and you will find several written guides if you want to go that route on this.
Hope it helps!
use creams n shit.
until then i use foundation and concealer
ill be in london for mcm tho
kys thot
Yea that's the exact stuff I use with the fade cream. It doesnt fix the problem, but it does cover it up. Idk how but it does. I've been using it for a couple years. It lightens your skin tone and blends dark spots somehow.
eat more blood pudding
Nice, I'll try that. It's amazing how much fasting can fix. Thanks, user.
somebody post it
I always found those dark circles kind of attractive for some reason. Kinda adds a brooding tired-of-life-but-still-chugging-along aspect to your appearance.
Hi its caused by your bone structure but you can reverse it with moisturizing and retin a
I want to have sex with you every day.
Its sleep light and computer exposure.
sleep more, spend less time on the computer and with less light directly in your face and you'll be set
I pus spoons in the fridge a few minutes and hold them under My eyes for a minute.
It works a bit and only for a few hours.
Try cremes for longer effect.
out whore
I think it looks attractive.