1/2/2.5/3 > 1/2/3/4
squat is entirely unnecessary lift and is only for females and homosexual men.
5'10 is manlet cutoff. 5'9 only if you are solid everywhere else in your life; these are bare minimums.
Most guys here are in fact lifting for females, and a significant portion of the population is homosexual men; this is by far the gayest board that is not explicitly homosexual in it's deemed subject of conversation
Females aren't attracted to bodybuilders or powerlifters, not that 99.99% of the boards population genuinely fit either of those roles, but want 22-25 BMI at ~15% body fat; very healthy and strong, but not bloated narcissistic freak.
Knowing how to fight will attract women significantly more as you are actually capable of protecting them, the entire reason so many women say they like tall men; illusion of feeling safe. As a 2nd year brown belt in BJJ, I would easily incapacitate 99% of this boards population in front of their waifus and would only have trouble with very senior black and coral belts who exist in very small numbers(not you)
I'm right.