Grip strength

i wish i could grip hard enough to crush my own skull

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even if you were physically capable of it you wouldn't be mentally capable. Your body has built in safeguards to stop you from injuring yourself. Youre perfectly capable of tearing your arms off in an attempt to lift a vending machine, but you won't.

how to bypass safeguards and open my chakra gates, user?

Not op and thats cool and all but what workouts can you do to get stronk enough to crush human skulls with your bare hand?

2,300N of force. Or 235kg/520lbs. Probably not so easy, especially when its designed specifically so that you cant crush it.

And that's cool and all but what workouts can you do to get stronk enough to crush a human skull with your bare hand?

Duhhhhh gee. Maybe start off by crushing softer objects with your bare hands retard.

Humans are weak.

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How does one cut off these receptors?

skull crushers

Your muscles have the ability to lift,and flip a car.However if you do this you will burn them and they will never function properly again.These restrictions exist because your body is a weak little bitch.The safest way to become stronger is to get denser bones and stronger tendons.And there is a way to exercise the tendons.

>These restrictions exist because your body is a weak little bitch.
Could these restrictions be removed with a lobotomy? Asking for a friend.

No,its in your brain,your muscles send a signal to your brain,your brain reads it and gives what is necessary.Your brain is cucking you of the ability to rip peoples spins out.
But there are ways around it.

>But there are ways around it.
Tell me familia, asking for a friend.

try PCP

The only way is prolotherapy

Have you heard about the Placebo effect?Have you heard about the test where they gave patients oral cycles,and other patients gave candy?Both of them had similar muscle growth,and similar strength just because both of them believed they were on steroids.
What does that tell you?
That if your brain thinks something is true,its true.
Lets say you grab a crush gripper,write on it 150kg,when you start feeling its easy upgrade to a new one,and add 300 kg,etc.Make your brain think you are lifting more than you can.
Keep telling yourself you are strong as fuck.Oh,and train your tendons,the strongest men have the thickest and densest tendons,we have proof for this,since the early 19th century.
I could write more,but just make your brain larp as some super powerful being and go.
The second part is actual training.

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How train tendons

Tendons are trained at high reps.When you train your nervous system,you use low reps,when you want to train your muscles you use,8-12 reps.If you want to train your tendons you must do 50-100 reps at once lets say 100x3.
Grab a band and do curls until you drop.
Hold something very heavy in static motion will help you too.

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Not the guy who asked but does that mean I should start doing push-ups along with my lifting so that I stop having tendon problems?

PCP and/or downs syndrome

This would help,but its harder to go all out with this.Tendons help your arms from ripping apart.So if you grab something heavy and hold it,it will theoretically make your tendons stronger.They need 2x3 times the rest muscles get btw.
Just grab a dumbell if you have no bands,and do like 100x3 sets of something.

how do you exercise tendons?

As I said,your tendons hold your arms together.If you exercise to the maximum.As in,doing 100-200 reps without stopping,until you have problems lifting your arms,your tendons will grow.
If you hold something very heavy,the tendons try to keep your arms and shoulder from falling to the ground.
Static holds and maximum reps are the best.
Make sure you rest longer and only do it once or twice.
Tendons take 2 to 3 times the time to recover than muscle.

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Thanks I didn't mean at the same time as when I lift though.