Is bodybuilding for insecure people?

I’ve been lifting for a while now, (4 years) but it wasnt until recently that I met someone that was absolutely perfect. It was at that moment that I realized I was comfortable with my current body and you dont need a perfect body.

It’s one thing to be healthy and fit and it’s a good thing to not be fat. But there is an extent to how big your muscles should be i.e rich piana.

Is bodybuilding for the insecure? Are you comfortable with your current body? If so, why do you continue to lift? If you answer for girls, you’re probably insecure.

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lifting is fun

You don’t lift just because it’s fun, I guarantee you that. Pick some more reasons.

>Is bodybuilding for the insecure?

No shit
It's all fake confidence. People look at these motivational quotes with pictures of Romans or vikings when they're probably an office drone or a university student. If one played a professional sport, muscles are justified but the men you see in the weight lifting area of your gym just want to be accepted.
Buy a gun if you want to be a 21st century warrior.

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Maybe you don't, but some of us don't crave external validation

Nice projection though

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No, people knocking down bodybuilding are often insecure.

any form of self improvement stems from a small dose of insecurity. everyone is insecure to some degree unless they're a sociopath.

The most jacked guy i know is also the most insecure, annoying beta I've ever met. He's bigger than me but I've been doing MMA for 9 years consistently and hes constantly trying to call me a pussy for not lifting with him lel

he also fucks fat girls constantly and says they're the best choice for men with high testosterone.

Nobody likes this guy. I only talk to him because hes my nigga and i've seen him go through some rough shit.

Great men are built through greater insecurities

>it's another episode of MMAfag thinking he can beat every living creature on Earth

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There's a point where getting "bigger" isn't going to help you with girls. You reach this point and you are just getting bigger and bigger without any additional Benefit.

I lift because I want my body to age well, I want to look good (psychological benefits, other people treat you better when you look good).

The girls part is also important tho, but not the only reason I lift.

>being this insecure on your hobby
I never said I don’t lift for fun. I asked you to list more reasons other than. Learn to read.

>implying i said that

my point was clearly that insecure bodybuilders treat muscles as pure power and this guy is annoying about it because he thinks it makes him better than everyone else

You forgot what it's like to be pudgy and ugly friend.
People treat you like shit when you're bad looking, no matter how much "muh confidence" you have.

the majority of people don't bodybuild, they exercise lifting weights.
bodybuilding is a totally different thing.

Having said that, if people are insecure and trying to improve, what's the problem?
At least they won't have to worry also about being fat and feeling like shit for being unable to do a flight of stairs without panting like a dog.

I work out so that I can fap to myself in the mirror. If this isn't the reason you lift weights, you're never gonna make it

I agree, being fit and looking good helps you even on your career, it's not all about health or girls, lifting has so many benefits once you get fit you just don't wanna quit.

I know there’s a difference, which is why I explictly said bodybuilding.

I was never pudgy or ugly.
If you have confidence, you wouldn’t care if people treat you like shit.
I also said it’s a good thing to not be fat; im encouraging you to exercise. This thread is about bodybuilding, not fatloss.

>the majority of people don't bodybuild, they exercise lifting weights.
>bodybuilding is a totally different thing.
>Having said that, if people are insecure and trying to improve, what's the problem?
>At least they won't have to worry also about being fat and feeling like shit for being unable to do a flight of stairs without panting like a dog.

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>lifting for 4 years
>comfortable with your body

Gee I sure fuckin hope so. There's a difference between having the confidence that comes with 4 years of work into looking better and being stronger and healthier, versus being a tubby piece of shit. Sure, there are plenty of people with bigorexia who are always going to be insecure about their bodies even when they are a 700lb ripped freak of nature.

As for bodybuilding specifically, sure there are plenty of insecure people, but most if not nearly all of the people on this board do not do bodybuilding, they just lift as a hobby.

Not him but yea some of us actually do lift simply because we find it fun.

why do you have random little cock pictures saved on your pc fag?

>If you have confidence, you wouldn't care if people treat you like shit

Go ahead then, look like shit and see how people treat you. You may be confident but none in this world likes to be treated like shit, that's for sure.

>piano man
>perfect body

Well, lots of bodybuilders do it and monetize their work, like becoming personal trainers.
There are also those with body dysmorphia, varying in intensity, and maybe they are those you're referring to when talking about "being always dissatisfied with their bodies".
But that's a pandoras box and it's not that easy to simply call it insecurity.

Does one do anything at all purely because it's "fun"? There are always going to be multiple reasons into why you do something, whether it be escapism, to pass time, to spend time with another person, to make friends, I think you'd struggle to find anything that could be described only as being done purely for fun and nothing else.

Its about as reputable past time as drug taking desu.

What does people judging you have to do with your confidence?

>Is bodybuilding for the insecure?
Yes. Competitive physique is for the psychologically damaged, a way for people to hide their weird eating disorders.

I'm very comfortable with my body, which is something people on here point out if the body of a fat fuck, and I continue to lift because I absolutely love lifting, and lifting heavy weights most of all.

i dont know, i used to be insecure about a lot of stuff but im not at all now. exercising makes me feel better and i aim for slightly above ottermode.
i dont think the incels who brigade the board with lookism shit represent average people at the gym

It's not people judging you, looking like shit actually makes people treat you like shit.

If you like/tolerate being treated like shit then that's you call. No matter how confident you say you are, I am sure you wouldn't like to be treated like shit now, would you?

because confidence without confermation is a delusion of grandeur, which is a psychological condition.

i can see where you're going with this. i could give you more reasons but i don't think many of my insecurities can be cured from lifting. besides, doesn't everyone experience insecurity or inadequacy in some way? i think any kind of self-improvement is generally a good thing.

Dont need any more reasons than that u insecure faggot

>No matter how confident you say you are, I am sure you wouldn't like to be treated like shit now, would you?
That literally just means you have low confidence. Stop caring about what others think.

Also I find bodybuilders super annoying and can't stand them but even worse than bodybuilders are wannabe fighters, and even worse than THEM are the people that do any form of martial arts (Judo, BJJ) but EVEN WORSE THAN THEM are MMAfags.

You are always obnoxious, pointing out how you could beat up any other athlete. Like no shit, you would be like a child on the football (association pitch) or in dead last on a bike but you don't expect footballers or cyclists to tell you that every time they talk about training.

Because any time you train around a fighter and you correct them they'll explain how it's so they can be better at exploding your skull or getting you in an arm bar and you couldn't possibly understand because all you're good at is lifting bars. And then they'll insist on demonstrating how deadly they'd be to you, if you go limp and let them put you in that armbar. Like no shit you mouthbreather, I expect you to be able to.

as long as you stay natty and dont get overweight you are fine, you wont be able to come anywhere near that too much muscle roid look

you should interact less with shitheads, I guess.
also most of those dickish behaviour goes away after they are 25

most serious/wannabe fighters are pretty retarded because a lot of them have highly childish mentalities, similar to those seen in gang members. but the ones that do it for cardio or as a hobby are usually alright in my experience.

I disagree, it's called self respect and ambition. You not caring about your looks is telling the world to not care about you. If you are "confident" and like that situation it's you call. I won't judge you.

when did I say I could beat up anybody? I never do that. In fact, anybody who's been training for more than 6 months doesn't do that shit.

you sound even more insecure now.

>nobody gives me any responsibility at work, Johnson passed me for the promotion and women sneer when they see me but at least I have muh confidence
Stop believing the Eckhart Tolle hippie nonsense for 40-something soccer moms. As a man your place in the social order is the root of all meaning in your life.

>Everyone lifts for social approval

If beauty and strength as values weren't intrinsic to the human nature, why do you think people treat you better when you're strong? There's nothing wrong with having values that other people also happen to have.

Its all about being honest with yourself.
I know my body may be a 6 or 7 right now, but with hard work i can achieve 9-10 levels.
It doesnt mean im insecure about my body now, its ok, but ok is not what i am aiming for.

I lift because I’m sad and it distracts me enough to make the pain go away for a period time.

Unless you’re actually training to compete or you’re an actor/model yes bodybuilding by definition is pretty vain. Lifting for strength or powerlifting, for health, or just to look better in general are all much more normal reasons than trying to pile on large amount of muscle for the purpose of looking a certain way.

I do it because I want to lift heavier weights.

i lift because i get masochistic pleasure from it

i legit do touch and go deadlifts till my shins cover in blood

>buy a gun if you want to be a 21st century warrior
Trading one cope for another

Of course people can compensate for insecurities by lifting, if that's what you're asking.
But if you're asking if the only reason people lift is to compensate for insecurity? No you fucking retard, that's just what you did and congratulations for moving past it.
Meanwhile others gain personal satisfaction from becoming stronger and building their bodies to become more powerful or closer to their ideals of aesthetics.

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Then that’s strength training, not body building.

>met someone better than me
>realized I can never get on their level
>gave up

"Guys! Why are you so insecure?!"


Lifting is one of the most fun things I ever did. The reason for that is that it almost function like a RPG. I can see tangible progress in my body, in the weight I'm lifting and in the control I have over my body. Very few things in life offer you this same experience.

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>The reason for that is that it almost function like a RPG. I can see tangible progress in my body, in the weight I'm lifting and in the control I have over my body.
This played a pretty big part in me losing weight. My autism likes watching numbers change and gives me a nice sense of accomplishment. Who knew it would have real life implementations.

It's called "gamification", and it's how our psychology works. That's why games that have progress grinds are popular.

It ain't autism bruv. Games are made like that because it's what's most pleasant for people.

dubs of truth