Did he win
Did he win
So it seems, but it doesn't take much to win against a retard.
37 minutes.
bitch I have high test thots to masturbate to
I have reps to do while listening to my favourite emo shit.
I don't have time for this
It was like watching someone kick the shit out of a retarded 7-year-old.
hes the cr1tikal of the jewtube fitness community and not in a good way
pete rubish, bugez, candito, and the occasional WSM/oly lifting highlight reel are the only Jow Forums-related youboobs worth watching
Of course he did, I don't even know how Kenny could respond to him at this point
who tf is he?
I dislike Phil
>lolsorandom cr1tikal speak
>Looks DYEL after 5 years of lifting
>"I'm just about exposing fitness youtubers not aesthetics lol"
Yes. Phil is a little cringe but he’s just a teenager having fun on YouTube. Kenny is honestly retarded and I don’t understand how people can be so dumb.
Personally, I like him. Young dood that doesn't buy into the bullshit of the industry. Which imo is good for the industry. The more kids that realize they aren't gonna get yuuuuge from buying some special routine from some fake natty selling programs on Instagram the better
Kenny KO is probably autistic. Has to be.
I saw some kids on here absolutely hating on him but he is Jow Forums incarnate on yt.
He sits in the dark room complaining about everyone in the fitness industry especially about people who progressed faster than him.
I myself like his content because both Nicks and Kennys videos are clickbait borefest.
Also yes he won he destroyed that stupid hypocritical cunt.
Watch Kenny backtrack and tell everyone he was in on it and photoshopped ah on purpose again.
He's too stupid to be autistic and also too lazy.
Please leave
Actually did push split while watching this vid and autoplay showed me the Iron Loo one too which I didn't see before.
Kenny is a fucking faggot, and out of all the people who called him out, Phil absolutely ended him.
Did he win what
r/outoftheloop xD
If kids believe in buying program from ig celeb they are already lost.
Ots that time of the year were people get upset with Kenny KO retardation and thievery so Philion wiped floor with him, he responded and Phil killed him again.
I fucking hate this faggot and how youtube keeps recommending his garbage. It's like worst of the fitness industry had a baby with leafy and he keeps spouting shit for attention while looking like shit himself.
What the sheer fuck are you talking about
actually liked some of his shit at first, but he's acting like a 14 year old with his buzz words and random annoying sounds, but still better than Kenny
You guys are acting like you're somehow better than him when you're fucking Jow Forums posters.
That's a fucking laugh. Real fucking knee slapper there boiz
hello phill
phil browsers Jow Forums? what a surprise, always thought you were more a 9gagOnThisDick kind of guy
>watching fitness youtubers
>making it
pick 1
Whats up guys!
Shirts off! :D
Pants down! XD
I watched like 3 of his videos and realized he might be an actual retard
fucking kek, they all are
that nigga spread his butt cheeks and SLAYED HIM who honestly didnt think that the screenshots were fake ???
>Kenny disabled likes and comments
Do you guys play fortnite? Btw I'm on my first cycle of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Do you have any tips on how to reduce my acne?
this, also phil is pretty fuckin strong. he could look much better but thats his choice
is the new vid worth 37 minutes of my time? i like phil but im not really interested in the Kenny drama, just wanna see some skits and shit
Is it bad that I'm 20 and I know who these people are
Phil is gay and also a faggot
It's worth it.
yes, it definitely was. just finished
what fucking retard Photoshops instagram messages claiming drug use, that has to be illegal (libel or something)
It certainly is. Steroid accusations could not only damage someone's career, but land them in jail. I hope Phil presses charges.
Why so assmad
>not watching The Delray Misfits
Kenny KO literally got beat so badly that he had to go for the "I was only pretending to be retarded I trolled you" response
the misfits transcend fitnesstube
Why hello Phil, welcome to the hive mind behind Kenny K.O. Stay awhile and lurk, you shall see where our power resides.
Whats next
>I was just pretending to be Nick strength and power?
i'm 24 and i know them both, what ha my life become. i miss zyzz
Fuck off you nigger
Kys phil
>I've never blocked anyone except when I see racist and homophobic...
23 here but i just got into fitness 2 years ago, before that i liked actual sports
Based and redpilled, phil is a dyel soicuck
Yeah I thought that part was faggotry incarnated too, but he does call others c.ucks and shit. he could just be /leftypol/ or trying to get that sweet sponser shmoney
or, yknow, he’s a judenrat
No he couldn'
He has terrible insertions : genetics
No, he's a fucking loser. His material is shit.
These fitness niggers are weak.
>tfw Elgin is not posting more often
Yeah that was pretty cringe and bluepilled from him. And the he says that “get cucked” would be something he would say. Still assraped Kenny though