Oh God, I am so fucked

I need some help. I'm in a bit of a desperate situation and I need to know just how much I can do to remedy it. This isn't a blog post so I'll try to make this short: I'm a small time theatre actor, just got a decently paid gig which involves nudity and me being in decent shape. The problem is that after a few years I've gotten lazy and it shows. I basically need to do the impossible of losing weight and putting on muscle in a span of four months. I know four months is not even closing to be considered 'making it' but I'd like some advice on what I can do to maximize results within this time frame. My diet right now isn't bad, but its not great, just one meal of lean steak, veggies, and cauliflower rice a day with a liter of water. All I can think of doing right now is to eat at a caloric deficit while still consuming around 200g of protein. But I have no idea how many carbs or fats I should be consuming, if at all. Same with exercise, what I need most is upper body training and I'm willing to get my shit fucked senpai.

I'm considering a personal trainer (there is a local kickboxing coach who does one on one) since what I'm asking for sounds like an unrealistic fantasy in my head and maybe a professional can get me on track. I want to point out that I'm not asking to get super ripped in such a short amount of time. I just need to know how much I can really do with the time frame I have.

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no one can help you without your height and weight, possibly a pic

5x5 SL and eating at maintenance did exactly that for me after 4 months, so that might work for you provided you've never done strength training before

Take steroids retard

Nah 4 months is fine. Whatever the gig is probably has remarkably low standards anyway. They did hire you already after all.

Frankly I've made it several times in my life looking back but I thought it was dyel at the time. The kickboxing coach will get you in good fitness quickly.

Ah damn, I was so hasty I forgot.

Six foot and 200 pounds, give or take a few. I'm in my early 20's still so metabolism isn't a problem. I know I could lose around 30 pounds in that time frame because I've done it before (Postal work is a good workout btw) but I showing up 30 pounds lighter with no muscle isn't great either. At this moment I am 'slightly overweight' as my doctor put it a little while back. I've been eating decently the past year, but a couple years of various gf's home cooking and getting complacent has really fucked with me and it's only now that I realized just how bad it is.

Do bodyweight training every day until your arms drop.

Consume MAINTENANCE CALORIES. no SUGARS. Keep drinking only water. Eat 200g protein a day. Cut out simple carbs. Focus on muscles that make you look good. Chest, arms, shoulders, back. Forget your legs for these 4 months and I mean that. Lift 3 times a week. Run 3 times a week.

you don't need 200g of protein fattie.

Watch calories, sugar, and carbs
Lift heavy
You gotta take a supplement. 4 months is simultaneously both a long and short time span
Check with make up to see if they can accentuate your muscles a la 300 style

thank me later

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terrible advice, stop posting pls

Then perish

Roids breh

You can make some progress in this time span, but without a pic we can't predict how possible it'll be.

Post a pic, but at 200 pounds it'll be hard as balls to look good, lose weight and build some muscle.

Again, without a pic we are just talking nonsense. Hopefully you're going to take this as a last call and not let yourself become a fat fuck again. Do not think that being in your 20s is going to last forever.

Lift hard, eat clean, do a lot (2~3 times a week) of cardio. Don't overtrain yourself, if pain comes frkm overloaded articulations or muscles, get a myofascial release massage from a therapist.

But I think that visible and notable changes are only going to possibly be reached with steroids.

I got two pics, one front and other side. Sorry for poor quality and lighting. What makes this really sting is I used to be in shape (I did fencing) when I was a teenager. Then with college I just got complacent and shrugged off gaining a pound here or a pound there. Now I'm at this point where I just got smacked in the face by reality. But that's my fault and I'm going to fix it.

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Side photo

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yeah, you're fucked. you're gonna have to starve the shit out of yourself, but make sure you eat sugar on a regular basis because the insulin will inhibit muscle loss. lots of cardio and lift obviously

Four months is enough time for him I think. He's just gotta hit that chest hard and do cardio. If OP isn't bullshitting and does know a kickboxing coach he can probably get whipped into an adequate shape in time.


She is so cute guys
I want to protect her

You're fucked.

did you forget to shove your shit brain into your head this morning fuck off with the sugar

OP do alternate day fasting. Eat on lifting days. ez

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>In conclusion, using AA-tRNA as the precursor pool, it is demonstrated that, in healthy humans in the postabsorptive state, insulin does not stimulate muscle protein synthesis and confirmed that insulin achieves muscle protein anabolism by inhibition of muscle protein breakdown.

>After 8 weeks of [alternate day fasting] treatment, body weight and waist circumference were reduced (P < 0.05) by 5.7 ± 0.9 kg, and 4.0 ± 0.9 cm, respectively. Fat mass decreased (P < 0.05) by 5.4 ± 0.8 kg, whereas fat-free mass did not change.

>We conclude: 1) decreased whole body protein breakdown contributes significantly to the decreased nitrogen excretion observed with fasting in obese subjects;

>The 5-d fast resulted in a significant increase in discrete GH pulse frequency (5.8 +/- 0.7 vs. 9.9 +/- 0.7 pulses/24 h, P = 0.028), 24 h integrated GH concentration (2.82 +/- 0.50 vs. 8.75 +/- 0.82 micrograms.min/ml; P = 0.0002), and maximal pulse amplitude (5.9 +/- 1.1 vs. 12.3 +/- 1.6 ng/ml, P less than 0.005).

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4 months with 500 mg tren-e, 400 mg test-e and 50mg of var a day and intense training should get him fuckable looking

Have you agree, a 4 month cycle would sort you right out.

Would it be a good idea to do a week long fast with snake juice? Just to burn some of that fat right off the bat

Yes, it's easier than you'd think. Day 4 and on are free as fuck. Just pay attention to your body and don't be afraid to quit it earlier. Any time fasting is what you want.

If my career was partially dependent on my physique i would eagerly turn in my natty card.

Agree, actors roid all the time, no real shame in it if you could find some.

Don’t. Fasting is for faggots.

Yeah OP you need to do fasting, easiest way for you

Yes fasting is the way to go

Kek lad you're fucked

4 months is about the same length as military basic though and sedentary looking chubby guys like you often come out of basic looking a lot thinner. If you can devote your 4 months to religiously putting in constant physical activity you'll make it. I suggest one of those SF selection physical fitness preparation programs, they look pretty brutal.