Ok which of you assholes posted the boogie comment

Ok which of you assholes posted the boogie comment

Attached: B711A7AB-DCCD-483E-AE85-B863FEE5878E.jpg (1125x1682, 410K)

>You are just gorgeous!

Attached: NPC.png (416x435, 78K)

what the fuck is wrong with her, she's cute, where's Chad

you're joking..

Dude you think she’s cute? You must be ugly as fuck or absolutely terrible with women. She looks like a fuckin horse.

Isn't this bitch extremely fat? This soicuck looks like a twink. What's the deal with skinny guys dating fat girls.

Also didn't she take like 90% of Boogie's money kek.

Attached: 1538598526912.webm (640x900, 1.99M)

Kek, thought the same thing

thats how my gf looks after i fucked her haha

based haha poster

she would be your oneitis IRL