Why am I no longer progressing?

My lifts are as follows

2 plate deadlift
1.5 plate squat
1 plate bench press
0.5 plate OHP

Why am I no longer making any progress? I do 3x7 for all of them but as soon as I go 2.5lbs more I'm lucky to hit out 5 reps on my final 2 sets

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Time to roid boi

Do you sleep enough?
Are you gaining wait or maintaining?
Are you eating shitty foods?
Are you still running a start program?
Are you eating enough protein?

More weight, lower reps. Try going for 4 reps instead of 7.

are you eating enough (slowly gaining weight)
are you eating enough protein and enough carbs to fuel your workouts
are you sleeping well
are you training with enough volume
are you a hopeless genetic dead end

>ive been lifting for 2 months idk why my lifts arent going up anymore

Increase calories
Switch rep ranges
Dont go to faliure

maintaining but gaining slowly

I was told that's not a proper "set" like how people say doing 3 reps of deadlifts is dumb

yes but I never eat before a workout (I get up and go straight to the gym)
I'm doing SS so I think so
I hope not :(

working out before eating? people don't actually do this, do they? i mean, i could understand it if you were going for a run or light session for whatever reason.

everybody knows the cardinal rule, OP
>"6-7 does nothing at all"
never go over 5 reps if you don't intend to do 8. the muscles just don't grow.

not eating before lifting is a huge problem, you're not doing yoga with soccer moms you are lifting weights

eat something with carbs before you lift

also SS is a little low volume but almost everyone gets further with it than your lifts are right now so that's probably not the issue

You're not doing SS if you're going for sets of 7.

You should be doing 3 sets of 5,with enough weight that the 5th rep is a fuckin banger.

When I couldn't make 5 reps, I would try to keep that weight on the bar and do doubles of triples until I got 15 total reps. Next time, I would try to increase at least the first set to a set of 4, then more sets of 4, etc. Abbreviated, heavy sets like this are a great tool for getting through stalls. I prefer it to a de-load.

You can also try some assistance exercises after the compound you're struggling with. Lateral raises for OHP, weighted dips for bench, front squats/barbell lunge/split squat/GHR for squat, etc.

Can also try drop sets, where after completing what you can with the heavy compounds, take some weight off the bar and do a couple sets to *almost* failure (stop when your form starts to suffer). These should be sets of 10+ reps.

If that all fails, eat more. Also consider eating at least something before lifting; a fast energy source like a couple pieces of toast with butter & jelly can actually have a noticeable effect.

tbf lad you're not doing SS if you keep the weight on the bar and do doubles and triples until you get 15 reps total, either

SS is such a short term program anyway if it's done properly by the book that you really shouldn't modify it at all

>literally tanning to the point of having the abs of a fairer skinned black guy

white ppl BTFO


Switch to GSLP and follow the progression. That means deload you cunt

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Stop failing at doing a dumbshit modified ss and switch to another dumbshit modified ss which you’ll also inevitably modify yourself

try lifting for longer than a month

Eat more. You might think you're eating enough but you're not. Have an extra meal every day for a week or so and see if that helps. I was stalling for months and couldn't figure out what it was until I just decided to fuck it and eat a lot more and my lifts are going up again every week.

>2 plate deadlift
>1.5 plate squat
>1 plate bench press
>0.5 plate OHP

How many times do you do these exercises per week? And am I wrong to assume that you do 3 sets of 7 reps with the same weight for these exercises per session?

What if you need to eat all this food but you can't do it at work?

Eat more at the meals you do have time for.

>I do 3x7 for all of them

sounds like you are not following a proven program. Do that.

morons like you piss me off,,,

why dont u understand progression?

If you can do 135lbs for 3x7 bench,
thats 21 reps,
why not try 4x7? thus making 28 reps?
what about 3x8? 24 reps?
why not 4x6 even? then 5x6? then 6x6?

nigger, you could work your way up to being able to do 10 sets of fucking 10 with 135lbs if you really wanted too... and THEN, Add that motherfucking 2.5lbs to the lift and tell me that you cant get 3x7 with it....??? /

You don't just need to add weight, you need to fuck with the volume.

why even expect to do 3x7 with the new weight? (+2.5lbs)

Why not settle for 3x3? then next time, try 5x3? then 5x4? then 5x5? then 3x6? then 3x7? YOU COMPLETE THE WEIGHT PROGRESSION IN MULTIPLE STEPS USING VOLUME PROGRESSION. NOW FUCK OFF

I am running SS too, op. My squat is the same but everything is lower. How long have you been doing it? just curious.

Eat moar /thread


>Going from 3x5 to 4x4
>Increasing the amount of resting time with only +1 rep


Kys OP you say you're doing SS but of course you modified it to make it shittier than ever, probably don't eat, certainly didn't read one page of the book, and then you come here to complain that your routine doesn't work.