All women are wea-

>All women are wea-

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Wow haha imagine those big strong hands wrapping around your dick lol

She will crush you

Attached: 9f359a436806671.jpg (960x960, 91K)

On average, yes. Learn how stat distributions work you dishonest brainlet and stop getting your intellectual superiors (DaMore) fired for pointing out the obvious

>on average
Read again my post, retard.

Wow haha now imagine those big strong fingers covered in Tabasco sauce being crammed up your butthole lol

hypertophy does not equal strength you dumb faggot

is this natty?

Attached: beefy.webm (388x690, 2.89M)

Of course user, this is achievable with 1.5 years of serious lifting.

Attached: 1042648.jpg (1080x608, 42K)

No. Unlike this steroid abomination she's natural

Attached: 34f965486162292 (1).jpg (1080x640, 74K)

i want her to hug me
imagine how safe youll feel in those arms

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No matter how big they look, they usually can’t diddy more than 3pl8 for a few reps and can’t bench 2pl8

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They only look big to begin with because they're 5'6 and under

No, it just strongly correlates

>She will crush you

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muh stronk women are equivalent of these pumped up manlets
might look slightly intimidating on pictures with good angle, but generally you could fucking kill them with one hand

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>training for 10 years
>can barely outlift a man who has never trained in his life

not really at all, especially if you're natty.
Most roidheads whi are stronger aren't necessarily even stronger due purely to hypertrophy alone, but also due to increases in DHT(increases contractile strength) and a more developed peripheral nervous system.

She looks soft and weak,and she gives me the look of a mouse begging for her life.

High test and redpilled

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I remember you from that Tomboy tread,where OP wanted some chicken recipe.
Have this tomboy,I think.

Attached: Woman (1034).jpg (1080x1350, 179K)

-k. Finished that one for you.



That might actually have been me, not bad

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I shall not fap today be gone cumgoblins

This her?

To be fair she’s pretty strong on the bench, but obviously most roided fitness chicks won’t get anywhere near those numbers

Attached: F4948132-9DA3-49C3-BB8D-A936F493FCF5.jpg (720x540, 46K)

That's a dude m8

Yeah. Just goes to show there are genetic freaks in each gender.

You gotta do what you gotta do bro

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Wew looks like Ayra is getting ready for winter

I wish, it would really upgrade GoT

Attached: CBDE3FB2-DDA7-4183-A1F8-1A111E375AE9.jpg (1080x966, 88K)

even with all the gear theyre on they're weaker than a trained natty man

just wait until SARMS get good and they'll be able to combine the skeletal muscular growth levels of 12 elephant bulls with the femininity of a 14 year old latina

I'm a handlet, will I be able to get mitts like these if I train hard enough?

With hands like those, I wonder if her clit is large.

Even a "woman" like that would get mogged by some 5'3 manlet dyel

bigger than your dick

Maggie looks like that??

Women can't fight lmao

Attached: how_to_not_shadow_box.webm (630x350, 915K)