The King of Fit Returns

Sup Jow Forums, remember me?

Probably so, because I made so many people mad with my posts that I have a entire following of meme's and insults made towards me. Also known for being Isley's 'nemesis', LUL, whatever that means. Oh and I used to lift. And I'm coming to lift. Again.

And this time I'm starting at the bottom rung of the ladder, just because I can, just because I want to see how fast I can go from the ultimate DYEL to completely made it. Not really a question, just whether I can beat my last timeframe and improve on my peak form. Which, since i've already done and know what it requires of me, is just a rehearsal for me. Its already done in my mind, so it is done.
>Where did I go for ~3 years? Why did you stop lifting? DYEL?

I've been busy travelling (went to the States etc, along with some other exotic places, think asia/ the pacific) to play poker as well as holiday, back in NZ now, and have been very busy in other ventures (poker, programming apps) and basically finding myself in the world. I keep my life quite private but I have learned alot about myself and realize I have a very addictive personality, which makes me prone to unbalanced activities (excessive training/eating, excessive drugs/psychodelics, excessive whatever, adverse to extreme risk taking actions), but also is the basis to where my intense drive to pursue whatever I decide to be the most important facets in my life.

See, the problem in my life was having to sell X hours of my week, every week, doing shit I am not interested in doing, to afford to live. I spent 2 years 'fixing' that problem (read:gambling) , and I'm now at a stage where I no longer have to make that my primary focus anymore, because I'm a huge favorite in every format of game I play.
So now I effectively "own" all of my time again. Time is and always will be the only true currency. I basically went full nerd-mode (read:dyel) to achieve my ambitious personal goals.

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Other urls found in this thread:

See, the problem in my life was having to sell X hours of my week, every week, doing shit I am not interested in doing, to afford to live. I spent 2 years 'fixing' that problem (read:gambling) , and I'm now at a stage where I no longer have to make that my primary focus anymore, because I'm a huge favourite in every format of game I play.

So now I effectively "own" all of my time again. Time is and always will be the only true currency. I basically had to go full nerd-mode (read:dyel) to achieve my ambitious goals here. Using your brain to this extent 12+ hours a day everyday studying/working is just as if not more taxing than lifting 2 hours everyday.

When you gamble, if you're losing, its a problem; if you're winning, its a profession. I'd say winning at medium-high stakes consistently was a harder struggle than deadlifting 6 plate, a mental struggle moreso than a physical one. Winning or losing your entire net worth 3 times over or going broke is a humbling and destructive learning experience.

Whereas the activity of lifting is thought to be physical, it is mainly only mental, as the body can only become as strong as the mind. And the mind is the most important muscle in the body.

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Supermong please come back, I miss the memes

>What are you doing here?

Documenting my progress on fit. Opening it up to scrutiny, because my own criticism is not sufficient. Progress that will, undoubtedly, become an example of one of the fastest / rediculous aesthetics / strength progression seen for a while. No excuses. And to hold accountability and proof of starting physique and dates. And because I came to talk shit while I do it. (and take it) And then after I'l get accused of steroids or having superior genetics or whatever and I'l have a good laugh. The cycle continues (no pun intended).


>Outtotal IZLEE?
Maybe. Maybe not. I think my words had a lasting effect on him, maybe they didn't. Hell, I got his friends to play my smack talk on the loud speakers at his gym. I don't think there isn't a way it had an effect on him. I call it the Supermang effect, insane motivation. Maybe I'l outwilks him instead. I hear hes deadlifting 320kg now. That's good. I'm not sure I'm interested in going 'bearmode' to reach those lifts. My goals and his are very different. I have a more balanced approach wherein I see aesthetics being just as important as strength, and being able to run faster/jump higher being just as being able to lift alot.

The all-round ideal physique is the goal now, for sure. To lift more, run faster and jump higher than any other human being. The ultimate physique.

>Aren't you embarassed of how you look?
Lol, I destroyed my ego a long time ago when I did psychadelics and realigned my vision of the world. I don't expect you to understand. The opinion of others on myself is a non factor, unless it directly stops me reaching my goals, and my reputation doesn't have any effect on my chosen profession (gambling). Arguably it isn't even a profession. Also I just don't give a fuck.

I do this purely for my own entertainment.

Watch this space. I'l show you what extreme progression looks like. You all have no excuses now, I'm literally the weakest on Jow Forums as of this moment, in the frailty of my current physical form. The skinniest and most DYEL, in fact probably some girls on Jow Forums bench /squat more than me. So if I can do it anyone can. If you came to talk shit, heres your chance. Take it while you have it, because it won't last very long, lol.

I actually just did this to make you watch a video of me trolling you in my underwear and touching my dick. What are you, gay?


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Hello Patrick. I've missed you. But I suppose you'll never again be what you were and that's okay.

neck yourself mong

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I miss back when supermang was a thing

I miss Isley, Jesus and Brandon being in Melbourne, Tailem not being retarded and Martin being a person who existed

Kek this over zealous nigger making. A thread and all the replies are his.
No one is gonna read your incoherent ramblings faggot.
You also aint the king of shit, hope niggers fuck all the females in your family and social circle

Welcom back mong. Will you also pursue your goal of outturtling Izlee?

Chris? I miss you my man even if you're on the dark side.

Nah, but this is my first post here in like five years which should tell you who it is

It’s not the real mong

Will you eat two cakes a day + gallon of chocolate milk a day again?

Be what again? Muscular and broke?

You know there is more to life than lifting weights, right?

I'm just announcing my return and revealing my current form, before i once again surpass my peak.

Congratulations on reaching a 320kg deadlift, I give myself partial credit for contributing motivation to that feat, which you will never admit. Just like I would never admit I was happy when I saw you get a bronze medal in the deadlift.

Some things never change.

But I am back. Get ready for the memes.

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Is this real.
Also what part of nz do you live in?

Yes it is


Please use the proper routine and click reply to the OP post before making a reply, otherwise your post is directed towards nobody (and doesen't contribute to my reply count at the top of the page)

Like this:

Thank you newfag.

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Crazy how supermong comes back the day after Isley replied to his mongologue in the deadlift thread

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how did you lose so much mass?

BASED supermong
isley should coach you

Based. I meant crazy shit poster but I'm glad you're the same where it counts.

I know there's more to life than lifting, did you know I'm a consultat software engineer now in Oxford and I make pretty decent money? And I also kept lifting and fixed my bench.

Man I want to despise you again but honestly, I'm just glad you're back and unhinged as ever

What started the Isley and mong beef?
Isley I thought you were an Aussie/NZ

whos this blogposting faggot

I didn't lift (duh). Slowly lost mass because lack of training = lack of apetite. It was a long process.

It never bothered me because when I want to eat I REALLY can eat. And I know as soon as I decide to put on the weight, I'l be able to do it quickly and easily.

I don't think you truly appreciate the difficulty of the career path I have chosen and just how much effort and time it took up and how I made that a priority over other things. They say it takes 10,000 hours to truly gain mastery over something.

Reguardless it doesen't matter. I know the rate I am able to make progress and I have an unmatched work ethic to make it happen, and a high pain threshold.

Trust me, getting Jow Forums is cakewalk compared to the other things I have been doing. Especially so since I've already done it before. This time it will be even better.

Plus I'm probably going to start troll posting here every night. I need something to do while I eat my second dinner before bed.


Oh wow I just restarted lifting again too after just finding work and settling in, in Hong Kong.
>Otago farm boy reporting

Gtfo my board clown

Great you're back mong. Jow Forums has been real shit without you

Wasted and shitpilled

>Man I want to despise you

cringe and bluepilled twink
supermong will make Jow Forums great again, then he will realize he's a faggot and marry isley

jesus you sound like a 70 IQ roastie blabbering about how anyone that doesn't condone your moronic decisions isn't "woke™" and just "doesn't understand XD" go spout some more memes about "finding™ yourself™" and "experiencing™ life™"
i don't remember you being this much of a pathetic loser faggot

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A schizophrenic with extreme narcissism and another diagnosis I forgot about (might have been a learning disorder).

Periodically comes here to show off his distorted face in incoherent rambling posts about himself.

Has been gone for a while, the only reason we knew he hadn't killed himself is because he would have posted the suicide note here before doing so.

he lost brain cells along with the muscle mass and he didn't had a lot of them to begin with

This guy isn’t even particularly ripped and he is apparently a faggot.

how new r u

nice blogpost. here, have a bump


missed u bb

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the only folks who deserve a trip are guys like dinotendies who actually make good content so folks can know it's them

tripfags who do it for some faggoty e-celebrity are just narcissists and the zoomers who follow them are the most bluepilled, omega cucks produced by this worthless streamer-worshipping generation of faggots

>travelling asia
Ayy how many ladybois you get fucked by haha

Fuck off supermong. We never missed you.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Super Mong The Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the fatlifters would tell you. It's an aesthetic legend. Super Mong was a Dark Lord of the Lifts, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create powerful lifts… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from DYELness. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice outtotalled him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from DYELness, but not himself.

oh come on, you know this week will be hilarious
i'm kinda hyped

The return of the MEME god.

Are you gonna do it natty or are you gonna keep posting about how frauds are
>obviously just putting in extraordinary effort


The Mong chose Isley as his nemesis for reasons only he knows. Probably because Isley was good, but not the best, in the cesspit that is /plg/. Supermang thought he would make a fitting foe, that he could best him. So he started shitposting against him. Then he made a vocaroo clip telling him that he would soon get outturtled by him. Only for Izlee to end up repping his max in a meet, even though the Mong was probably on a cycle of something.

>Jow Forums has been real shit without you

I know right. LOL.

Hahhahha. Why so mad?

Is it because I am better at life than you?

Its okay. Actually its not, suck my dick.

Extreme narcissism, overconfidence (perceived as negative?), delusions of grandeur, extreme risk taking aversion, possible psychosis

Trust me my psychologist already told me this


Take the chance you have to take shots while you can, I'l have you know I trained twice today and I'm ready for my 6am appointment with the iron in the morning

You cannot match someone who has 40 more hours of free time than you do (actually only 20 more since I grind poker ~20hours a week I guess)

Once I'm massive you'll be the one asking for advice, just like everyone else.

Proof is in the pudding darling

>Are you gonna do it natty or are you gonna keep posting about how frauds are

Absolutely 100% going to do it naturally. I'm that confident in my abilities as I am in every other facet of my life.

I'm even going to get bloods done at the doctors if I get enough requests. Which in due time, I will.


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5 9’s

are you back for good? masT has been a menace

Glad to have you back Mang, and glad to see you still look like a freak experimental human/horse hybrid

I told him his goals were delusional and he was never going to do them because he couldn't even beat me.

And thus it was. I was right too :)

>did you know I'm a consultat software engineer now in Oxford and I make pretty decent money?

Ahahahahahahahaha shut the fuck up you absolute loser. It's so painfully obvious you have always been assblasted by Patrick.

Inb4 same fag

gotta admit i lol'd irl


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What a waste of quints.

since you are targeting not only me but also my children i need to do something

Glad the mangs back

missed you

I'm a better programmer than you and I'm willing to prove it.

Prove it then dickboy


The King Returns!!
All these new fag replies who don't remember the isley/supermang epic battles of old, learn you will


Are you the real supermang?


roids giveth...



Faggot, youre like a child trying to prove himself to his shitty father. You absolutely YEARN for his approval.

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welcome back /mang/

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I know how to do c in and c out

Plus i don't base my self worth on my ability to perform any task, because my self worth would decline in the case that I am one day unable to perform said task

You should try acid Islee. You would benefit from some introspection. You're on the top of the world, why would you need to prove your self worth or ego over me?

Oh right, I harassed you indirectly for the last 4 years via people spamming you with my pasta.


Fuck how funny is that. Getting owned for 3 more years after I didn't type a single word. Talk about getting fucking destroyed lol.

No apologies though. Supermang effect and such.

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fit truly turned to shit when this retard showed up
jesus christ you fucking newfags thinking your nu fit was actually the good fit and calling the nu nu fit shit

What the fuck is going on? I come back to Jow Forums after two years yesterday and the mong comes back.

What next? Roidshorts?

>reddit spacing
back to r*ddit you dyel shit




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That gyno is honestly next level, do you need a bra? I'd put you at a C cup

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Isley always did his own thing while you shitpost and self bump. You're a failed gambler and justify your existence on an ANONYMOUS image board because you have no friends. You're just a living meme at this point, like a trained idiot we just keep around for laughs

We're not laughing with you and such..

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Hello supermong

the tripcode is wrong you dumb faggots it's a LARPer

>wrong trip
>reddit spacing
some reddit shitposter with down syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome found a picture of supermang in a Jow Forums screencap and decided to pretend to be him

Yes, we're the dumb faggots for not having memorized a trip that's almost a decade old (alternatively he may just not remember the shit he used for it).

yes, you're the dumb faggot for falling for it
>forgetting the only thing that gives you a unique identifier on an anonymous imageboard
nah get fucked

I mean, that's my first post in the thread, but, I don't fault them for remembering the name and not the trip.

Post timestamp supermong, do it FASter.

I missed u bbgrl

Coming back proves you haven't overcome your problems. This is a relapse.

supermong aint here desu
trip is !!OXhqv9naplZ
he does still post though

Damn mongrel you really let yourself go


Fuck off newfag

You sound like a faggot. This isn't a joke either. Kill yourself.


He posted his trip in a screen cap by accident.