Sup Jow Forums, remember me?
Probably so, because I made so many people mad with my posts that I have a entire following of meme's and insults made towards me. Also known for being Isley's 'nemesis', LUL, whatever that means. Oh and I used to lift. And I'm coming to lift. Again.
And this time I'm starting at the bottom rung of the ladder, just because I can, just because I want to see how fast I can go from the ultimate DYEL to completely made it. Not really a question, just whether I can beat my last timeframe and improve on my peak form. Which, since i've already done and know what it requires of me, is just a rehearsal for me. Its already done in my mind, so it is done.
>Where did I go for ~3 years? Why did you stop lifting? DYEL?
I've been busy travelling (went to the States etc, along with some other exotic places, think asia/ the pacific) to play poker as well as holiday, back in NZ now, and have been very busy in other ventures (poker, programming apps) and basically finding myself in the world. I keep my life quite private but I have learned alot about myself and realize I have a very addictive personality, which makes me prone to unbalanced activities (excessive training/eating, excessive drugs/psychodelics, excessive whatever, adverse to extreme risk taking actions), but also is the basis to where my intense drive to pursue whatever I decide to be the most important facets in my life.
See, the problem in my life was having to sell X hours of my week, every week, doing shit I am not interested in doing, to afford to live. I spent 2 years 'fixing' that problem (read:gambling) , and I'm now at a stage where I no longer have to make that my primary focus anymore, because I'm a huge favorite in every format of game I play.
So now I effectively "own" all of my time again. Time is and always will be the only true currency. I basically went full nerd-mode (read:dyel) to achieve my ambitious personal goals.