Females you attract

Underage roasties 15-17 especially underage ethnic ones


>African UK
>Looks 6
>Social skills? better than they were
>Virgin? Yes

Tell us anons

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Unironically go back to your own country and die aids riddled and starved like your race is maximally capable of.

>Underage roasties 15-17

Age of consent is 16 in the UK.

Get yourself some young pussy user.

wow rude

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To be fair, he said African not black.

White South Africans are some of the most racist people I know.

If you're a nigger you can go fuck yourself though.

based and redpilled

op kill yourself

>underage ethnic ones

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>25, m, white, 5'8"
>Attract older women, 35-45, and women around my age
>The women I attract are either cheaters, just plain lonely, abusive, or nuts
>I attract men of all types, all across the board
>Femboys, underage, my age, old as fuark, fat, skinny, you name it, even trannies and cheaters
>The men are always sweet to me
I'd find it a curse, but I'm a degenerate bisexual.

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never attracted a single female
every girl i ever got close to was just leading me on

none or i‘m too autistic to notice

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I like sugar and I like tea, but I don't like....

>crackheads and emo/goth girls
>45-50 year old women
>gay drunk natives
>a few 7/10 but-her-face's

I don't know what the fuck is happening. I'm fairly aesthetic, 6'0/175lb/13% bf with good facial aesthetics, except for some crooked teeth cuz ama Muay Thai fighter.
I think it's the teeth. Any girls over 7/10 are hyper aware of teeth aesthetics, and although I have gone on dates with a couple 8's and 9's it falls through.
The older women are good tho, they like to get dicked down but that's it, they don't wanna date someone half their age.

Crazy single moms and fat girls.

That's it.

Chancin' fat chicks trying their luck
Unwholesome hot girls expecting me to be okay with them fucking other dudes
s'about it

Hahaha if you're confused about women not wanting someone with jacked up teeth i highly doubt you're otherwise aesthetic.

>T.triggered virgins who will never attract pussy lmao

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Ugly, desperate old women and fags. Guess being tall doesn't override an average/ugly face.

Any women, from 15-endless number

If you attract one group of thots, you not good-looking bruh
but for some reason older thots that think im hot won't let me fuck, they think i look too young wtf
but on other hands young girls think im young so its okay

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nice cope you 70 IQ nigger

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And that's the last time dad was ever seen

France 1945 how does this make you feel?

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It's not like I don't brush or have bad breath. Just some chipped teeth, one missing tooth.
Got clipped while I was breathing out, lost the mouthguard and simultaneously took a heavy uppercut slamming my teeth together. Currently in the process of getting an implant and crowns for the chipped teeth.
On the upside, even if I'm not aesthetic I'd still be able to mog the fuck out of you and most other people, and if you got uppity about it I would easily beat the life out of you.

Mirin her forearm gains. What's her routine?

your grandmother in the 1900 and your daughter in 2050
how does it make you feel?

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>Winning at the game of life by passing on his genetic make up.
>Genetic failure virgin fails to do that becomes cuck to raise another man's offspring

Lmao! This ugly nigga can get a 6+ Aryan female white you cant...;)

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>his biggest dream is that his kid wont look like him at all