What are you reading, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Starting Strength
The Way of Zen by Alan Watts
And The Republic by Plato. Plato seems like a commie so far.
A history of medical philosophy, in my native language. Also a schoolbook on liturgy and sacraments.
He totally was a commie. But communism is actually pretty based when you think about it so it's cool
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
Reading it for the 3rd time, it feels like every sentence has a deeper meaning every time I read the book
I’m learning about the holocaust haha
I'd tell you to go kill yourself but there's no need to, the day of the rope is coming soon enough.
Disgusting filth.
>Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
>What’s Wrong With the World by Chesterton
I don’t have time to read anymore so these are all audiobooks.
Moderation with everything. Pure capitalism is shit, pure communism is shit.
Recently finished brave new world and of mice and men. I'm going to start the superior way of man, as recommended by a Jow Forumsizen
Imagine being this brainwashed to love your Jewish overlords and their rule of the capitalist world. Please educate yourself, read some books. Break these shackles of toil, break free and slay the scurrying jackals who have enslaved you! FREE YOURSELF user, AND JOIN WITH YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO TAKE DOWN THE BOURGEOISIE
The Fountainhead.
it's October after all let's go
/lit/ is the best waifu
I'm not an American, for me the alternative to communism isn't only capitalism.
Smash the left, smash the right. Fuck capitalism just as much as communism, or as one great falangist said, communism is the blood leaking from the wounds made by globalist capitalism.
book about the crusades
Plato's ideology, in The Republic at least, would be more closely aligned with some sort of ethnocentric fascism.
Finish Revival and now I'm starting Dolores Claiborne
he is a fashy
aristoteles was the commie
Space Wolf, I'm trying to get into the Warhammer 40k lore, so far it's great
it's spook month, so stephen king & hp lovecraft are perfect. i'm reading one of king's collections of short stories
At the mountains of madness was pretty good, how do the others compare?
Shadow Over Innsmouth made me really spooked.
all of his stories are great, especially the cthulhu mythos ones. highly recommend dunwich horror and shadow over innsmouth
my granddad's autobio
got to the end and im just reading my grandmas letters to and from her mother
Just finished 11/22/63 (King), reading Cannery Row now.
The Stand is next on my list.
>play video games most of the time
>want to get into reading
>never finished a book in my life
help me out bros, someone recommend me a book that will keep my small brain attention
I'm super into fantasy shit
The hungry hungry caterpillar should be good for you
A history of latin literature by Hadas. Makes me want to read Livys volumes on the history of Rome. I have a hard on for SPQR and its why I lift.
I am working my way through every short story PKD wrote.
The Path of the Eldar omnibus, so I can learn what it’s like to be an elite xenos autist, instead of just a human one
Crime and Punishment, I was 1/3rd of the way through before I realised they were honorifics and stopped wondering why every fucker had the same name.
>tfw brainlet
How about video game books?
Reading Homer right now, almost done with the Iliad then will move on to Odyssey
Also reading Blindsight by Peter Watts and will be getting into various philosophy / politics readings soon since i'm a third year uni PPE fag. Looking forward to digging into Hindu / Buddhist works.
kek, you get used to it eventually. One of my favorite books btw
I don't know what I was expecting but I've been shocked at how gripping it is, it's been a long time since a novel sucked me in this much.
mah nigger
just finished path of the warrior
Read lord of the rings and the hobbit
1001 nights and Iliad
>falling for the capitalism vs communism meme
lol @ the amerimutt
capitalism doesn't even really bring a philosophical system with it.
This is what happens when you read the greeks without any historical context.
I've restarted reading after years without it, so it's mostly brainlet entry-level stuff so far
>fight club
>reading lord of the flies now
Will probably go for something more complex up next now that I've recovered the habit of reading, will probably go for the selfish gene or the silmarillion which are in my shelf for years
Strange Death of Europe and Siddhartha
>Not reading two books at once so you can switch out every time you're bored
read the Halo books
Read books related to vydia you enjoy if you want to start, I recommend the Metro series
Narcissus and Goldmund
I also occasionally pick up some Edgar Allan Poe from time to time
Game of Thrones is pretty enticing.
What a gay image
elric of melnibone
moorcock (the author) doesn't waste time with filler so each of the 7 books are like 100 pages long. Very good and also fairly influential to the fantasy genre
books are for retarded pretentious faggots
inb4 brainlet, I have a masters degree in pure mathematics from ucb
Capitalists will hang too
recommend me powerful non-fiction books
Notes from Underground
Count of Monte Cristo is mainly what I'm reading right now. Also reading The Castle but mostly just between sets.
Asked this in the last thread, what are some must read strength training, weightlifting, and nutrition books? Currently reading through "The Case Against Sugar", and I just want more.
Aldous Huxley-Brave New World
Liz Egger-The Complete Guide to Nudism, Naturism and Nudists
HP Lovecraft-The Complete Fiction
David Lodge- The british museum is falling down
John Kennedy Toole- A confederacy of dunces
the only one i read was "squat everyday" and it was fun
After the banquet by mishima
Westside Barbell book of methods
Currently finishing up Justine from Sade (roasting btfo - the book)
but i recently copped:
-The Fall (Camus)
-Sound of the Waves (mishima)
-Meditations (Aurelius) already read this one but it was a nicer edition
-Hadji Murat (Tolstoy)
No Longer at Ease (Achibe)
Stoner by john Williams
Symbolic Exchange and Death by Baudrillard
The Plague of Fantasies by Zizek
Planet of Slums by Mike Davis
Just finished American Psycho and currently reading pic related.
I really need to get around to reading non-fiction/challenging myself instead of reading for pleasure.
Simulacra and Simulation
The Fu-Manchu books
Any book of Michael Ende for example?A.K.A visual novels
last thing i read was la peste by camus, really great character study of how people cope when put in a desperate situation for a long period of time
currently about to finish the crying of lot 49 by pynchon, it's fucking great. has an amazing sad, almost dreamlike quality to it while also staying really funny. i'm also slowly making my way through ksr's mars trilogy but maaaaaan it's long
entry level but p good
irredeemable, worthless slurry
>holy fuck Schipenhauer would retract eveeything he said about aestethics if he heard this shit music
My sides
Not memeing
Recently read this. Great book, make sure you guys learn about money management.
Structure And Interpretation of Computer Programs
who /gfit/ here
Currently making my first attempt at learning SQL and I feel like an absolute brainlet.
Alan Watts was an alcoholic. Hypocritical often. Read him with a grain of salt user.
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
Either/or, myth of Sisyphus, City of God and Roadside picnic.
just finished A House for Mr. Biswas, was 9/10 very good
Now i'm reading Storm of Steel
Next is Temple of the Golden Pavilion
these are great books, wish i'd have read them at like 15
active learning over all, it isn't complicated my man. a skill every deskjob professional should have and be good at.
Temple of the golden pavilion sucked imo, just felt like a chore to read.
Burn that shit-tier of a book please.
Storm of Steel
Anybody here read the Stranger by Camus? It was freaky reading my bro's copy in 6th grade
I got this a few years back
storm of steel is wonderful. i really hope you enjoy it.
i'd recommend Sailor who fell from grace with the sea if you like mishima. patriotism too
what other resources can you recommend in terms on coding languages? I'd like to get into it but don't know where to begin (tho i did C and matlab in college)
All the pretty horses by cormac mccarthy
I like it,the first 50 pages as comfy af
Lots of 40k books
Quit "For whom the bells tolls" half-way. I just couldn't be bothered to keep reading it after 200 boring pages. Really had to swallow my pride to put it down. "The old man and the sea" had better narration while at the same time being shorter.
Started with "The Manchurian candidate". Wanted to read it before watching the movie, I enjoy it so far.
Next up are probably "Neuromancer" and "Data vs Goliath", maybe a book on virology (I study chem and fell in love with microbio). Recently finished "Fahrenheit 451", good read overall.
I also started learning Korean, just kinda started getting a feeling for Hangul and pronunciation. Probably gonna watch some Korean TV shows to get some exposure because no one I know speaks Korean and K-Pop is not my thing.
Not guy you responded to, but Python is so easy to learn that a retarded gay chimp could learn it.
Most powerful book i’ve ever read
>The Forgotten Soldier
There's that k show about the cartoonist that came out on Netflix "The sound of your heart." I recommend it.
>I will never have a qt and traditional Spanish gf
>tfw no /lit/ waifu
Jews fucking ruled in communism even more. Karl Marx, Lenin, Communist revolt of 1918 in Germany, Romanian Communist, pscyhologists, the media, the bank, the MIC etc.
different programmer bro here
learn python through code academy. python is great because you can do literally with it, games, web sites, data science, etc
something you realize later is most programming languages are very similar, so picking up another language (like javascript or whatever) isn't that hard after learning one really well
after code academy or if too easy, next book should be 'automate the boring stuff'. it's online for free