Goal body

Post 'em

Attached: 1538957742625.png (572x516, 682K)

Attached: yt745.jpg (1183x887, 105K)

except white

Attached: tyron-woodley-darren-till-ufc-228-12.jpg (1000x600, 212K)

as a manlet this is as realistic as I can get

Attached: tyson.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

Attached: ideal body.jpg (680x418, 38K)


Attached: Tom-Hardy-as-Bronson-bronson-11888599-500-750.jpg (500x750, 26K)

Paulo Costa. MMA guy, juicy slut, etc.

God i wish I was kidding.

Attached: All_Might_Hero_Form_Full_Body.png (407x653, 125K)

I want to be a cauliflower ear


Attached: 1fbf99aa89f41c49ca8bc03f49a8d638.jpg (236x436, 18K)

or even..

Attached: Killer Bod.jpg (1920x1080, 88K)

Neck yourself, faggot

Attached: 1529376764017.jpg (960x870, 116K)

what muscle does that work?

based and redpilled


From this board a long fucking time ago.

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Costa hits hard

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Those juicy "fuck you" punches

God dammit

He's just the most aesthetic human being to ever exist

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Attached: prettyenough.png (582x846, 138K)

unironically that is my goal """partner"""

you're not even trying...

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (800x800, 49K)

OP posted my goal body but I’ll add this one just cause

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Attached: it's_alright_for_I_am_here.jpg (960x540, 83K)

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Phwoar. 'Mirin.

Attached: 23469839056.png (452x750, 256K)