OP's stats:
5 9 Prince, 82kg, S=190kg, B=172.5, D=240kg

Attached: transformation- anonied.png (1167x928, 996K)


lmao, strengthshop oly shoes

God damn do you have tiny midget arms?

Um, think they are like 1 inch shorter then height

Goddamn powerful looking body

Danke Schoen

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how long have you been wrking out? when did you started roiding? whats your stack?

Yo, how did you get rid of that fucking belly? And long did it take you?

No gear, 4 yrs powerlifting predominantly. Thinking of hopping on though


Could of lost it in like 2 weeks. Took about a year to look decent

4 yrs: Programs were: SL+ Madcows, Canditos 6 weeker, Ed Coans deadlift program +Sheiko 30,32,37. In that sequence. Diet was flexible

Mirin that back bro

Cheers, probs my strongest bodypart(s)

BUMP, OP at 1 yr lifting

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ye because even my mom has bigger calves than you.
calves memeing aside, you look strong as fuck

What did you do?
Eat 0 fat food? Core exercise?

lol, that angle makes them look tiny I swear ;). They are about 16inch. ty mane

I did an ab wheel once in a blue moon

I feel like I dont even have abdominal muscles...

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Fasting my fellow redditor xD

Good shit man

Intermittent fasting?

the right picture is about two months old.
ATM im about 74 kilos and 1.80 cm long.

( and swoller awwyeaah )

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Did your stretch marks go away for the most part? I got side stretch marks and was wondering how it is for you.

Too be completely honest, they did not dissappear. sorry bro

HOWEVER, the ones at my belly button got white instead of dark red
The ones on my side can be super red one day, and white another day, i dont know why.

Dang. Well at least it's the truth. Thanks for the info bud.

Good job, for a second I thought you said this was 2 months progress and I almost shit my pants

Mirin'. Fucking well done guys.


Attached: 10-07-18 - Progress.jpg (6048x4032, 3.1M)

What's your plans now? You look much better

Really good work user, keep it up

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Thanks dude.

Doing a PPL 6X per week, cardio on rest day. 22:2 intermittent fasting, 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs.
I can post my routine if you want, it's just a little lengthy. Basically a slightly tweaked version of coolcicada's PPL.