Introducing the American Gigachads

Introducing the American Gigachads.

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No idea

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So uncanny valley, men need to have a bit of feminity like all male models have.

blocks your path

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>People find this attractive

^^ This, they just loook gross to me.
Inb4 cope

Reminds me I have to hit obliques more.

Shit tier faces

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imagine how much that water must smell now

Not saying they're in bad shape, but this pic is shopped as fuck

>lost his virginity to an 18 year old stacey when he was 12
>not losing it to prime 14 year old pussy.
not a gigachad

>not being a wholesome cornfed american nice dude farmers boy tractor driver friendly and hot

not gonna make it

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These guys i thought were from like france

fucking lame, the chaddest most alpha thing you could possible do at 12 is to get an older, ideally married stacy to choke on your cock and then fuck her in the ass while she screams how much better you are than her husband/bf, then you get her to buy you video games and shit. This has happened before, and I will be eternally enraged that it wasn't me.

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disgusting ab inserts


how can a chad be this ugly lmao

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post your abs user
>oh wait

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It must be uncomfortable to have pants that low


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Nah, I used to go to the gym with these dudes.

Post this mommy

>Losing your virginity to a girl older then you
>Not losing it to a fresh 8 year old pussy

>Shitskins can be attractive

Just search for Demi Dean anal and you'll find the scene.

Does anyone remember that milf soccer mom from like 2010 who had the mid-life crisis and was banging the two kids from her sons high-school? She would film them gangbanging her and text them all the time and would give them cash and xboxes, slowly draining her silicone-valley cuck husbands bank account? And he stayed with her after it all blew up? I can't find the article anywhere

The dream... those lucky fucking kids

They literally both look like Biff from Back to the Future.

*deep bass anime bad guy voice* Hello.... where are the jirls?

a thot would choose that guy over any white guy u fucking incel

stay cucked

He's bigger, but he's no Chad


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>Thinking thots have good taste in men
>Implying thots have valid opinions
I am gay so I know what I am talking about.

Also kys

in hungry we have saying of young dick is honed on old pussy, haha i fuck my mother

disregard whatever you write lmao

bump for more chads. (no homo of course)

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Jason Muhammedmoa

the only true chad

the one

We get it, we all hate shitskins. but saying hes ugly just shows us your jealous

Hate this reddit faggot

Coors Light usually

Dang fucking destroyed

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>Those hips



fucking idiot. Every race has hot guys


pick one


Your right user, they will never be anything because of those hips. You single handedly made sure they will never feel vagina in their life, how dare they go around thinking they are attractive with hips like those.

Banged more girls and white girls than you for sure lmao

Cucked and bluepilled

they might be gay, in studies, the more masculine features a face has, the more likely they are gay

Post face

this guy just looks like a freak

Actual mongoloids

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