Why aren't fit men encouraged to wear skimpy, revealing clothes like attractive women are?

Why aren't fit men encouraged to wear skimpy, revealing clothes like attractive women are?

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cause it's cold


because we don't want to

that's a pretty deep question. there's probably lots too it

Men don't need encouragement, most with nice bodies likely wear compression tops, tanks and shorts of their accord to show off.

women aren't as turned on by visuals as men are. But gay men love things like that and do encourage it (like metrosexual style)


Because women don't find us attractive in the same way as we find them. Parading around in skimpy clothes is innately degrades our attractiveness to women because for men it is a feminine characteristic, by parading around like that you only attract other men which is why the gays wear booty shorts, tight tank tops etc

Men have not been sexually liberated the same way women have.

There's not enough gay men in the world to encourage it. Nobody else but gay men encourage it.

It's because only .5% of men are genetically attractive to women

i see enough nipple at the gym already thank you

The only real answer


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yes my pure maidens are only attracted to the volumes of the mind :) *tips fedora*

Because men are attracted to the visual qualities of women, and women are attracted to money + power + physique and not just one dimension. Men want to fuck and women want providers.


Jesus,I hate faggots so much.Makes me want to quit lifting

Fine by me, stay a dyel while the gay men around you get bigger and stronger and overpower you and your boipussi

>literal 9gag tier pic
>doesn't like based copeposters
checks out. also, COPE

this I can't stand the forced faggotry of this board. it's probably a vocal minority who started it and now every newfag is making "we're all faggots here xDD L-lewd, d-daddy? " posts to fit in

Nigga look like spurdo

nothings stopping you faggot, why aren't you doing it now?

oh right, you're a brainless NPC idiot whos afraid to go against social norms forced into us by social media and the government.

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This. Basically if you wear something revealing as a man. You’re a faggot.

They are though. It's only acceptable to wear tank tops and speedos if you are fit.

becase men don't signal power and strenght to other men, they do it for women (or gays)

also, ironically, modesty is a male virtue and we desire an efficient society where there's a cooperative effort against a foreign opponent rather than an internal disruptive entity.
We've understood that internal competiton fractures societies.

>not recognizing that Jow Forums is and always has been the gayest board
only Jow Forums comes in at a distant 2nd place

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because peak physical aesthetics for women is easily obtainable

You don't know anything

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Because we're not all fags

Tank tops

Homo mind operates the same way as a drugfiend or gambler or alcoholic. They all know they're unnatural and degenerate. They try to corrupt normals around them so they'd feel normal themselves. Every druggie is always offering that first free taste, every gambler tries to get a game going, every alcoholic is trying to get people to stay and have one more that turns into a binge. Same way homos always see homosexual signs in normals and push and broadcast their perversion, as if a hint of gayness would make normals into full blown homo.
Be careful kids. It's not just a fun meme.

you'd be suprised how many "straight" men i've had reconsider

idc about being encouraged, as soon as I hit my goal body I'm buying about ten loincloths and that gonna my go to outfit

Like whores always encourage nice virgin girl to take the dick
Niggers laugh at young brothers who don’t do crime
All decaying degenerates

Straight guys wear stringers and tight shirts on their own. Country boys in tight jeans. They like to show off.

as what?

Women need large amounts of constant attention, and their bodies are all they can offer. Look at Instathots and HAES. Are you a woman, OP?

>Women want providers

Modern women? Don't get me started. I'm both attractive and make close to six figures and have been with three multi-year relationships with women who've i've put myself out there for and subtly shown them who i can be for them in the longer run, and all three of them eventually left me for deadbeats who spend all their money from their shit job on partying and alcohol. One of them crawled back to me half a year later and i told her to take a hike.

Maybe i'm just unlucky and keep attracting sluts/thots, but shit keeps repeating itself. I'm starting to believe women care more about entertainment and endless sex these days.

As this poster so aptly demonstrates, the corruption is part of the thrill for these sick individuals. This is a theme so well known for so long that since time immemorial people have been saying "misery loves company"